Are Majesty Palms Toxic to Cats? - Absolute Gardener

Are Majesty Palms Toxic to Cats?

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are majesty palms toxic to cats

This plant is a beauty, but are majesty palms toxic to cats? They are ornamental tree that many people are drawn to in their search for an exotic-looking plant. These trees are often used as hedges or privacy screens because they are so dense and tall. They can grow up to 30 feet high and are well-known for their deep green color. But what is the truth about majesty palm toxicity? Are these plants toxic to cats? How do you care for them? Read on to find out more.

What is Majesty Palms Plant?

Majesty palms are a type of plant that is related to coconut palm. They are native to southern Africa and can grow up to 20 feet tall, with leaves measuring about four feet across at their widest point. The majesty palm might be your favorite tree in your garden because it is beautiful during winter when most other plants are dormant or are starting to show signs of being poorly.

You might have a Majesty Palm plant in your garden without even knowing it because the leaves are tough and are difficult to tell apart from other palms. This resilient plant has become popular with gardeners in more moderate climates as an attractive alternative to other palms that require a lot of care. They are also known to be toxic to cats, although this doesn’t seem like a major concern for most people!

are majesty palms toxic to cats

Are Majesty Palms Toxic to Cats?

You are probably wondering, are majesty palms poisonous to cats? This is a question that has been asked many times by cat owners.

Majesty palm trees are not poisonous to felines, but they do have an effect on their health and behavior in the following ways.

  • Cats will ingest these plants when grooming themselves after playing or eating under the plant and are exposed to pollen.
  • Cats are also at risk of getting an upset stomach from eating these plants, as they are not digested very well

When cats eat Majesty palms, their behavior can change in one or two ways: either with a sedative effect causing them to be more lethargic or with a stimulant effect causing them to be more hyperactive.

The truth is, Majesty palms are not deadly to cats but they are toxic in the sense that they can cause undesirable side effects for a cat’s health and behavior.

Luckily there are ways you can help your kitty avoid these plants: placing furniture or other barriers around any areas where these are planted, using cat-friendly plants instead and removing the Majesty’s palm if you are able to do so.

You should also be aware that while cats are less likely to eat them when they are indoors since it is not as accessible, there may still be a risk of exposure in some cases. For example, outdoor areas are more likely to have these trees planted in them, and your cat may find a way to get outside and be exposed. Knowing what are Majesty Palms, how they affect felines’ health and behavior, and some preventative measures are key to ensuring your kitty stays healthy.

Majesty Palms Care Guide

Majesty palms are often used as a standalone decoration in the yard because of their exotic look. This palm is one that is perfect for coastal living, or any area with warm weather year-round. It can be grown indoors anywhere you would like to place it inside and out! Here are some majesty palm care guides!


The soil in which majesty palms are planted should be amended with organic material, such as a mixture of sand and compost or aged manure mixed into the top inch or so (just enough to work well with the watering). If you are planting on clay that will not drain properly, provide an area for extra drainage by adding sand to the soil before you plant.


Majesty palms are not as demanding in their light needs and can thrive indoors with a few hours of sun per day. Morning or late afternoon are best for the tree to get some light. If you are unable to provide direct sunlight during these times due to lack of window space or an indoor grow-light source is preferred, consider supplementing with artificial light.

If you are growing the palm indoors, place it in a south-facing window where it will receive sunlight from sunrise to sunset or use an artificial grow-light source for 18 hours per day.


Majesty palms are tropical plants. This means that they need plenty of water to stay healthy! If you are in a place where there are more mild winters, the best time to water your majesty palm tree will be during our fall and winter seasons. The leaves are starting to die off at this point so it’s important for the tree to have plenty of water.

In places where the winters are cold and there are more wet days, it is best to water your majesty palm trees regularly throughout the year or in dry periods. Misting them with a spray bottle will help maintain moisture levels as well! If you are feeling brave enough, use this time to check the soil for moisture levels.

If you are looking to water your majesty palm tree, it is best to use a gentle watering can or hose with filtered water. This will help avoid over-watering the plant and spreading disease, as well as keeping any fertilizer from getting into their drinking supply!

are majesty palms toxic to cats


Majesty palms are native to the tropics. In their natural climate, they grow best in full sun and temperatures of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer. They are not suited for colder climates where nights can drop well below freezing which may cause them to die back as a result.

If you are able to provide majesty palm trees with a protected location and are willing to monitor the temperature, you may be able to keep them alive in colder climates.

If not, they are best suited for warmer areas of the country such as Florida or southern California where temperatures are constantly warm enough. They can survive in a container if necessary but will need lots of water during cooler months.


Humidity is key to a palm tree’s health. Place the plant in an area with high humidity, like by a sunny window or hot shower.

You should mist your majesty palms every day for about five minutes from morning until night. If you are using tap water, let it sit and cool first so that no chlorine evaporates from the water.

If you are growing your palm in a container, use potting soil with drainage holes and make sure there is always enough moisture in the soil. A humidifier can help keep air moist even when it’s cold outside or if humidity levels are low inside.


Majesty palms are very sensitive to fertilisers. This is because they are evergreen and are constantly absorbing nutrients from the soil around them, so any excess can be toxic for your tree over time. If you want to fertilise you should use a low-phosphorus product that will not harm your majesty palm in the long term.


Pruning is necessary for the health of your plant as a way to decrease overcrowding in the canopy and remove dead branches from the tree. This will also control the height and width of your palm.

Prune the branches with pruning shears to avoid damaging them by pulling on them or having to use a saw, which can severely cut into the trunk of the tree. When doing this you want to remove any healthy-looking branch that are touching each other in order to let air flow through for better growth. You can also remove any branches that are touching the ground and are too close to other plants or structures in your yard, as they will be more likely to spread disease and rot into these things.

Propagation and Growth

Majesty palms are generally grown as house plants, but they can be propagated by seed. Majesty palm seeds are very small and there are limited resources for planting the seeds. It is best to start with a larger plant. Majesty palms are usually grown in containers, but they still require plenty of water and fertilizer. If you have an established majesty palm, it’s important to maintain adequate spacing as these plants grow quickly and are very large.


Repotting will help maintain healthy roots and soil for your tree. It also helps reduce stress on branches that are touching the ground – which could lead to root rot or crown rots. Keep in mind that a tree with roots touching the ground can be knocked over easily, so it’s important to repot your majesty palm before the rainy season starts.

To get started, remove any excess soil from around your pot and check for roots growing out of drainage holes on the bottom of your container. Check where are majesty palms touching the ground and gently pull them out.

Next, use a sharp knife to cut off any roots that are coming from the bottom of your pot. Add fresh soil mix around your tree’s root ball (not too close to its trunk) until it reaches about two inches below the new topsoil line on the pot.

Finish by watering generously, but not too much – majesty palms will be able to tell if you’re overwatering it!

Plant Disease

The majesty palms disease ranges from browning leaves, stunted growth or wilting as well as discoloration such as yellowing or purple spots.

Tips for Keeping Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Happy

To care for majesty palms, water it during the summer months. In colder climates or areas with long winters, make sure to provide a safe space indoors so that your plants are not killed by winter’s chill. Aside from watering and providing shelter when needed, you need only keep an eye on its leaves for signs of damage which should be trimmed a few inches at most.

are majesty palms toxic to cats

Majesty Palms Frequently Asked Questions

Are Majesty palms toxic?

Majesty palms are known to secrete a sweet sap that is highly toxic to animals. In some cases this causes severe skin irritation and can even cause blisters on the paws if your cat decides to give it a taste! If you’re worried about exposing your pet, these trees are best kept outside where they are away from curious paws. Cats are still welcome in your home, but you may want to avoid keeping majesty palms indoors where they are more likely to be touched and licked by our furry friends.

What palms are safe for cats?

There are many trees that are safe for cats, including: palms like the coconut palm and kentia palm, flowering plants such as hibiscus and bougainvillea, fruit-bearing bushes or trees such as avocado and mango.

Are any palms toxic to cats?

Palms are not poisonous because they are from different families and have no characteristics of being toxic to cats

Are Majesty palms good house plants?

Yes. Majesty palms are a sneaky plant that many people may not be aware they have in their garden. If you are homesick for the tropics, this is your tropical paradise right outside your door. Add these plants to any room of your home and let them do all the work.


Majesty palms are a strange-looking, but beautiful palm tree. So if you’re looking for a plant that is generally low-maintenance, look no further than the Majesty Palm! You might even already have one of these sneaky beauties in your garden or on your porch!

The only downside? They are not an ideal choice if you have a cat or other small animal who likes to eat the leaves of your plant-based home décor! Fortunately, there are many other plants that are safe to have in your home and are just as easy to care for!

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