How to Care for Monstera Epipremnoides - Absolute Gardener

How to Care for Monstera Epipremnoides

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Monstera Epipremnoides

The monstera epipremnoides is a beautiful and hardy houseplant that can be grown in the living room, office, or bedroom. It’s also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant because of its unique leaves. This plant has light green stripes on each leaf that resemble cheese slices! Monstera are very hearty plants and they don’t need much care to stay healthy and grow well. In this article we will discuss monstera epipremnoides care guide: what it is, common problems with monsteras, tips on keeping monsteras happy.

What are Monstera Epipremnoides?

Monstera epipremnoides are monster-looking houseplants with large leaves that can grow up to three feet in diameter. Monsteras thrive best as a high light, humid environment and should be watered frequently–about once a week when the surface of soil is dry or twice a week for those living in more arid regions.

Fun fact: monstera epipremnoides are not actually monsters. 🙂

Monstera Epipremnoides
Image: Valeriia Miller via Pexels

Origins of Monstera Epipremnoides

The monstera epipremnoides plant is a common houseplant that originates from the jungles of Central and Northern South America. The monstera has been cultivated for centuries in humid, tropical climates because it can survive on little water and sunlight: perfect conditions for high-humidity households!

As with most plants that are native to humid jungles, monstera epipremnoides prefers to grow in moist soil and not dry air. In the wild, monsteras are often found clinging to rock walls or dangling from tree branches with their roots exposed below ground level.

Monstera Epipremnoides Plant Guide


Monstera epipremnoides, also called the monstera deliciosa or split-leaf philodendron, is a common houseplant. It’s not hard to keep monsteras happy and thriving in your home. The trickiest part of its care may come from watering – monsteras can’t handle soggy soil! soil should be moist, not soggy and monsteras should never sit in water.

Soil should be moist, not soggy. potting mix should never be allowed to dry out completely, but monstera epipremnoides should not sit in water or soggy soil.


Monstera epipremnoides plants prefer bright light but do well living indoors with natural or artificial lighting throughout the day. Avoid direct sunlight as it can cause leaf burn. The brighter your monstera plant is, the less likely you’ll have to worry about it shedding its leaves.


Water monsteras thoroughly and then let the soil dry out before watering again to ensure that they’re getting enough moisture but also can’t get too much from their potting mix or container’s drainage holes. If you have a monstera that’s droopy or wilting, it might need more water.


Monstera epipremnoides is a tropical plant. As such, monstera epipremnoides should have the same temperature as other plants in your home that are native to warm climates (between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit). If you’re having trouble maintaining this temperature range, do not place monstera epipremnoides too close to a radiator, heating vent or in direct sunlight.

Temperature is the primary factor monstera epipremnoides caretakers need to pay attention to since monstera epipremnoides does not tolerate cold temperatures well at all. In their natural environment monstera epipremnoids are found next to waterfalls and other streams where they are exposed to warmer temperatures.


This monstera needs high humidity to thrive. It prefers temperatures in the 70-90 degree Fahrenheit range, and should be misted daily or every other day with tepid water for at least 30 seconds. Keep soil moist but not soaking wet, and don’t let it dry out completely between watering sessions. Be sure that you are giving it the proper amount of light, and that it is in a location with plenty of air circulation but not drafts. Misting every day or two can help to achieve this goal.


The monstera epipremnoides is a fairly hardy plant and is usually pretty healthy. If you are noticing the monstera epipremnoides plant looking droopy, discoloured leaves or a general change in health then it may be time to take action. This typically means that the monstera epipremnoides needs water, but if this continues for more than a day after watering then it may also require some fertilizer.


Many people are attracted to monstera epipremnoides because of its poisonous qualities. The monstera leaves and roots contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause pain if the plant is chewed or eaten. These plants typically have an unpleasant taste when they’re in contact with skin; some say that it feels like being burned by a hot nail.

Monstera epipremnoides should not be kept in a place where children or pets can easily access it. If ingested, the victim needs to drink plenty of fluids and seek medical attention immediately.


The monstera epipremnoides is a very sensitive plant. The monstera can be easily damaged by even the slightest touch to its leaves, so when you’re pruning it make sure that you use clean hands and sharp scissors or clippers with pointed blades on them. Remove any dead or dying parts of the monstera.

Prune by trimming off the wilted, dead leaves and branches at their base with clean sharp scissors.

Propagation and Growth

Monsteras can be propagated by taking off the top of an older monstera plant, cutting it into pieces, dipping in rooting hormone powder such as Rootech Cloning Gel (this is available on Amazon) shaking gently until the gel has coated all surfaces then ensuring that one or two slits are made in the bottom of the monstera epipremnoides.

Plant it near a window with plenty of light and keep it moist but not wet until you see new growth sprouting from your monstera plant, usually after about three weeks. Transplant to an appropriate pot once there is enough soil above the roots.

Steps to propagate monstera epipremnoides:

  • remove leaves from the monstera to expose its trunk, then cut off a section of stem with at least two or three sets of leaf nodes below it. Make sure not to damage any roots when doing this
  • gently scrape away some bark on both ends so that new cells can form and nutrients can flow into the cutting
  • make sure to keep a healthy balance of sun and shade, monstera epipremnoides enjoy being in both.


Monsteras are tolerant of neglect and can be repotted in the same pot for years without signs of distress. If they start to outgrow their container, monsteras should be put into a larger pot with fresh soil or it will stunt its growth and may die from root rot. It is best to use an organic potting mix, such as one made from peat moss and coarse sand.

Monsteras should be repotted every three to five years in order for the roots room to grow without being crowded. In general monstera epipremnoides do not like a lot of water or fertilizer so it is best to just provide enough light, warmth, and humidity to maintain a monstera epipremnoides.

Plant Diseases

If monstera epipremnoides is not getting enough light, it will start to show signs of stress. Leaves may turn yellow or get brown spots on them and the foliage may become droopy. It might also have a hard time growing new leaves as well which can lead to leaf drop from old ones that are already there. To fix this, try to move monstera epipremnoides into a more brightly lit area.

Plant diseases are when one or two branches start to wilt and die while the rest of the plant is still healthy. This can be caused by any number of things from insects to fungus. To treat monstera epipremnoides for this, take a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol (or soap if monstera epipremnoides is sensitive) to get the plant clean. Once it’s been cleaned up, keep an eye on monstera epipremnoides for any new symptoms of disease that might have popped up from cleaning off only one area.

If monstera epipremnoides has a fungus overgrowth, it can be treated with the following steps:

  • Mix together one teaspoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl.
  • Take monstera epipremnoides outside to give it some light but not direct sun. Cut off any dead leaves from the monstera epipremnoides.
  • Pour the mixture onto monstera epipremnoides and use a brush to get down in all the crevices of monstera epipremnoides’s leaves as well as its stem. Leave on for about an hour, then rinse off with water from a hose or bowl of water.
  • Place monstera epipremnoides in the sun for 20 minutes or until dry. If monstera epipremnoides is very infected, repeat this process every day for two days. After that, continue with a once daily treatment if needed.
Monstera Epipremnoides
Image: Julia Volk via Pexels

Common Issues with Monstera Epipremnoides

Common Problems with monstera epipremnoides:

Monsteras are susceptible to scale insects, which cause leaves of the plant to become sticky and covered in a powdery white substance. It is possible that there will be no other visible signs on the monstera or it may show brown spots on its leaves. If you see this happening, you’ll need to clean monstera epipremnoides off with a mixture of soap and water.

Monsteras can also be bothered by mealybugs, which will cause small spots on monstera leaves that look like they’ve been smeared with honey or something sticky. You should remove monstera epipremnoides from the environment that is making it sick (or the mealybugs will just come back) and clean monstera epipremnoides with a mixture of soap and water.

If monstera leaves are looking unusually small, they may be experiencing sunburn which can happen to any plant from too much direct sunlight. To fix this, move monstera epipremnoides to a shadier area.

Tips for Keeping Monstera Epipremnoides Happy

This monstera epipremnoides plant is a vine that can be dangerous in some households. It has big leaves and long vines which may pose as an eye-hazard or fall onto something they shouldn’t if not tended to correctly.

The monstera epipremnoides should not grow past the ceiling, but it will need pruning every so often to keep this from happening. It’s not a bad idea to have it in an enclosure, or with some height that will allow the monstera epipremnoides vine and leaves to hang down without reaching too high for risk of damage.

Monsteras like humidity so it’s important to mist monstera leaves often and keep the air moist for monstera plants. Be careful not to overwater monstera epipremnoides though or they will most likely rot from too much moisture.

Monsteras also will need a lot of water, so be sure to give monstera plants about once per week or else they’ll start showing signs of dryness in their leaves and roots.

If you want monstera epipremnoides to grow faster, fertilize it on a regular basis with an all-purpose plant food.

Monstera epipremnoides is not getting enough light, it will start to show signs of stress. Leaves may turn yellow or get brown spots on them and the foliage may become droopy. It might also have a hard time growing new leaves as well which can lead to leaf drop from old ones that are already there. To fix monstera epipremnoides’s light problem, you’ll need to make monstera epipremnoides more exposed to the sun or move monstera plants near a window that gets sunlight.

If monsteras are too hot (or cold), they will start showing signs of stress with their leaves and general appearance. If monsteras are too cold, monstera epipremnoides leaves will start to turn yellow and fall off. If monsteras are too hot, monstera plants may show signs of dehydration in their roots and stems as well as droopy-looking foliage. To fix this problem, provide monstera plants with more shade or move them into a cooler location respectively.

Monstera Epipremnoides

Monstera Epipremnoides Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Monstera Epipremnoides?

Care for monstera epipremnoides is not particularly difficult. These plants need bright, indirect light and moderate humidity around 50%. Make sure that the plant does not receive too much direct sunlight as this will cause leaf burn. To increase humidity levels place a tray of wet pebbles or stones near the monstera epipressmnoides. To decrease humidity levels, place the monstera epipremnoides in a location that has good air movement such as near an open window or use a small fan to gently circulate room air around the plant.

Water monstera epipressmnoides when soil feels dry and make sure not to water from above so you don’t cause root rot. Feed monstera epipressmnoides monthly during the growing season with a well-balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer like MiracleGro® Indoor Plant Food and Flowers in Water at label rates.

How do you identify Monstera Epipremnoides?

Monstera epipremnoides are often mistaken for a monstera delicioso. Monstera delicoisso leaves have more of an oval shape and the leaf veins will be light green while monstera epipressmoides has rounder, thicker leaves with darkish-green veins that feels like leather when touched.


The monstera epipremnoides is a popular houseplant that can be difficult to care for. The monstera epipremnoides needs weekly watering, but make sure not to over water the monstera. If it’s feeling too dry, mist and wait until both surfaces are damp before giving more water. Be careful of drafts, direct sunlight, or monstera epipremnoides becoming overheated.

In conclusion, monstera epipremoides are popular houseplants that can be difficult to care for. With weekly watering and some extra TLC monsteras make a great addition to any room!

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