The Curious Monstera Standleyana: Caring for Monstrosities in Your Garden - Absolute Gardener

The Curious Monstera Standleyana: Caring for Monstrosities in Your Garden

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monstera standleyana

In the monstera standleyana’s natural habitat, it is a monster. This monster needs constant care and attention, which can be difficult to provide for in your average suburban garden. The plant is very sensitive to its environment and will not do well unless you take the time to understand its needs.

Monetarily monsteras are a less expensive option for homeowners looking to create an unusual outdoor space in their garden or home, while also earning it points with neighbors and friends who don’t want the same old thing as everyone else. Monsteras can be used in a variety of ways including as specimen plants, topiaries and even used in floral arrangements. In this article we’ll explore some of these needs so that you can create an oasis for this monster in your own home!

What is Monstera Standleyana?

Monstera Standleyana is a monster plant that has been grown in the home garden for centuries. It was originally discovered on an expedition to Mexico by William Russell Standley, hence its common name Monstera standleyana. The leaves of monsteras are large and leathery with spiky edges. They can grow up to six feet in diameter and are often used as a living room fixture. Monstera standleyana is easy to grow, but it does have some problems that others plants don’t usually share.

Monstera standleyana is a monster that loves to be in the limelight. And for good reason, too: with it’s large leaves and monster-like shape, this plant has no problem standing out among your garden plants. But we’ve all seen how monstrous these things can get – so what makes monsteras such great additions to your garden?

When monsteras are young, the leaves can be a dark green color – but as they grow they become lighter and more of an olive green color. The monstera standleyana takes on a monstrous shape because it has three larger petioles that come from one central trunk (which is called “the monster”). These petioles are what give monsteras their “standleyana” name.

This monstera plant does well in containers indoors or out. It is not a fast grower and can take up to two years before producing leaves. This monstera produces the largest leaf on earth with some reaching sizes of six feet tall!

The plant does not produce any flowers or fruit so there is no insect population that will visit monstera standleyana as it would other plants. This means monsteras do not need to be sprayed with insecticides, which is always a plus for the environmentally conscious gardener.

Origins of Monstera Standleyana Plant

monstera standleyanaWhen monstera standleyana was first discovered, it belonged to a group of plants known as Araceae. It is believed that monstera standleyana originated in Central America and the Caribbean region, where it has been cultivated for centuries by indigenous peoples.

The plant was originally named after John Standley who collected one from Guatemala around 1859.

The monstera standleyana has been a favorite among nurseries and gardeners for generations, but only recently have the monstera’s unique features become appreciated by the general public.

It is considered to be one of the most exotic plants in existence today because it was not widely grown outside its native habitat until relatively recently in history.

Today, monstera standleyana is seen as a symbol for the plant kingdom’s diversity and exuberance because of its uniqueness in both form and function.

Monstera Standleyana Care Guide

Monsteras can be grown outdoors throughout most American states with minimal care or they may also grow well indoors if given sufficient light. Monstera plants have become extremely popular among people who love to garden because monstera standleyana offers an unusual array of colors and textures that are not found in many other plants. Follow these Monstera standleyana care guides!


One of the most important considerations for monstera standleyana care is soil. Now, monsteras are hardy plants that can grow in a variety of soils but they do need well-draining potting mix and plenty of room to spread their roots comfortably. If you use a standard garden center potting mix such as Pro Mix® Basics, it will work just fine as long as you don’t fill the pot to more than a third of its capacity.

Monstera Standleyana is an extremely large monster of a plant. As such, it has the capacity to climb over other plants in your garden and take away from their light that they need for growth. This makes monstera standleyana difficult to grow with other plants in proximity because monstera will reach out its long vines and wrap them around other plants to climb them.

When digging a hole for monstera standleyana, the soil needs to be loose and well-drained. If there is clay in your soil, it will need to be amended with sand or gravel. The hole should also have holes that are deep enough so water can drain from the roots of monstera standleyana. When planting monstera standleyana the hole should sit at least six inches deep and leveled off neatly. Monstera standleyana should be planted with the crown of monstera standleyana at ground level. The roots will grow to fill in around monstera standleyana, but they are fragile and it is important not to let them get crushed or disturbed during plant installation.


One of the most important things monstera standleyana need is light. They can’t take a lot, so they should be placed in an area with filtered sun or indirect sunlight to avoid burning too much energy. The monstera standleyana needs at least six hours of direct morning sunlight and two hours after noon daily for best growth. The monstera standleyana can be placed in an east, west or south facing window to achieve this goal of six hours daily direct morning sunlight and two hours afternoon for best absorption.


Monstera standleyanas are tropical plants that need to be watered regularly. This article will teach you everything you need to know about monsteras and proper watering techniques for them.

Watering monstera standleyana is a bit different than other houseplants because it needs something called “deep waterings” to stay healthy. Monstera standleyana needs water that has been sitting in the saucer for a few hours before it is applied to the plant as well, because monsteras are thirsty plants and they need extra moisture from deep watering to maintain their health


Monstera plants like it warmer than what many people might be used to. They are not a plant that appreciates being in cold drafts or cool breezes, which can cause leaf damage and browning of monstera leaves.

The average room temperature for monsteras should hover around 65 degrees Fahrenheit with no drafts from windows or doors. They do prefer humidity.

If monstera leaves are turning brown, it may be due to cold drafts or cool breezes. Try moving the plant closer into a room with more light and warmer temperature for best results.


The monstera standleyana is a very humid plant. However, it does not like to be kept in an overly moist environment. If the air around the monstera standleyana becomes too wet or stagnant plants will lose their leaves and wither away quickly. So what should you do? The best thing that you can do is place the monstera standleyana near a window with plenty of light.

This will help the monstera standleyana to get enough oxygen inside its leaves and keep it from drying out. However, the monstera will start dropping leaves and eventually die if you do not give them enough water or too dry air in your home because this disrupts their growth.


Most monstera standleyana do well with weekly fertilising, but this can differ depending on the type of monstera and soil quality. Try to have more nitrogen than potassium in your fertiliser mix as monsteras are quite sensitive to high levels of potassium. It is also advised not to use blood and bone or manure-based fertiliser, as monsteras are sensitive to phosphorus. Avoid fertilisers with high levels of potassium and phosphorous!


Toxicity is not an issue with monstera standleyana because it does not produce sap. The only parts of monstera standleyana that are toxic are the seeds, and they’re encased in a hard shell which protects them from human contact.

The most common way people come into contact with monstera standleyana toxins is when they are trying to remove the seeds from monstera standleyana. Carefully cut monstera standleyana’s fruit from the vine and after thoroughly washing your hands, crush a few seeds in order to release any toxin.


Pruning monsteras is necessary to maintain their shape and size. Monsteras can be pruned during the winter or when they are dormant, namely between November and February. The best time for monstera care would be in late January so that you have plenty of time before the heat waves come back again.

Once cut monstera standleyana need to be supported with stakes or wire. Pruning monsteras should cut off at least one third of the foliage, but no less than a quarter inch from each stem and leaf node if you want them to grow back again quickly

Propagation and Growth

monstera standleyanaMonstera standleyana propagation are easy, and there’s a variety of methods for propagating monster. The monstera genus is typically propagated by stem cuttings. Cut a branch from the plant, and allow callus to form on the end of the cutting’s wound for about three days before dipping it into rooting hormone and planting it in moist sand or perlite. Another method used involves using another monstera plant’s stem cutting and sticking it into the ground. This is more of a gamble, but can produce monstera plants with unique colors or shapes.

Another way is by using the crown cutting method where you can take off a branch from below the leaf axil or anywhere along its length with at least one monstera node (where leaves emerge) on it. You can also propagate monstera standleyana by taking the top of a branch and placing it in soil, water, or rooting hormone.

The best time for propagating monstera is during their dormancy, which is typically during the winter months. You’ll want to take monstera standleyana out of their pot and remove any dead roots before placing them into a hole with fresh soil or other rooting material.


Monstera standleyana require repotting every year or two in order to maintain their health, which is not difficult but does take some time. When you have monstera plants that are overgrown into two pots, it’s time to purchase a new pot and plant them in there.

To repot monstera plants, first separate the monsteras from their current pot by removing all of the soil with your hands. It is important not to break off any roots when doing this! Then choose an appropriately-sized pot – monsteras like to be in pots that are two or three inches larger than the pot they currently live in. Fill up the bottom of this new pot with soil, then place your monstera plant inside and fill-in around it with more soil until there are no gaps left.

Use a trowel to make sure all roots are covered in soil and that the monstera plant is as close to the center of the pot so that it does not fall over. Gently press down on all parts of the monstera plant, but do not cover its leaves with dirt or they will suffocate! Now you must wait for a few weeks until your monsteras start sprouting new leaves.

Plant Disease

The monstera standleyana plant is not immune to disease. The monstera standleyana houseplant will be affected by fluctuations in air humidity, water quality, and temperature levels as well as contact with other plants carrying a high level of pathogens. Some common monstera standleyana plant diseases include:

  • Leaf Spot – Brown or black spots on leaves that cause them to turn yellow and fall off the monstera standsleyana houseplant,
  • Anthracnose – Dark spores will cover areas of monstera standleyanas leaves causing a brown spot on the monstera standleyana houseplant,
  • Algae – Black and green patches that are slimy on leaves of monstera standleyanas houseplants.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help your monstera standleyana tree stay healthy and strong!

– Rotate the position of your monstera in its pot weekly so they get plenty of sun

– Keep monstera standleyana in a well-lit area

– Change the soil every few years for monstera standleys

– Provide plenty of water, especially in dry environments or during periods of drought

The more you can do to help your monstera standleyan tree stay healthy and strong, the longer it will live!

Monstera Standleyana Variegated

The monstera standleyana variegated differs from its common counterpart by having leaves that are mostly green but spattered with white streaks. The monstera standleyana variegata is often sought out by those who are looking for a more decorative plant. You can easily find them in any nursery, and they are rather inexpensive to purchase as well. The monstera standleyana variegated is quite resistant against the cold weather changes that happen in your garden.

Common Issues with Monstera Standleyana

monstera standleyanaThe monstera standleyana is a tropical plant that needs warm temperatures and high humidity in order to thrive. If you provide your monstera standleyana with these conditions, the chances of it experiencing problems will be greatly minimized.

There are also some common issues related to monstera standleys, which include:

  • Browning leaves
  • Leaves with brown edges
  • Spots on leaves and stems
  • Overwatering monstera standleyana, which can cause the roots to rot or get slimy. This can also lead to root mealy bugs infestations and leaf spot infections. These pests are hard to eradicate once they’ve established themselves in a monstera standleyana plant.
  • Rotting roots, which is a result of lack of watering and too much water. The leaves will turn brown then curl up before wilting. This can be caused by overwatering monstera standleys or letting pot sit in overly wet soil for long periods of time.
  • Stunted growth in monstera standleys, which is often caused by too much sun exposure. If this happens, the plant will lose its color. The best solution for this is to place monstera standleys in a shadier spot.
  • Pests such as mealy bugs and spiders can take up residence on monstera standleys if they are not watered frequently enough. This will cause the plant’s foliage to brown quickly.
  • Yellow monstera standley leaves that don’t wilt or turn brown can be caused by a lack of iron in the soil. A sign you may need to fertilize your monstera standleys is if they are turning yellow and experiencing stunted growth as well.

Tips for Keeping Monstera Standleyana Happy

There are a few tips that can be followed when keeping monsteras happy and healthy in your garden! One of the most important is providing monstera standleyana with an adequate amount of water, which it needs about once or twice per week.

Another important tip to follow is making sure monstera standleyana has plenty of air circulation – they need the temperature and humidity levels monitored closely when growing indoors, as well as a lot of direct sunlight. Without these two things monsteras won’t be happy in your garden!

Monstera Standleyana Frequently Asked Questions

Are all Monstera Standleyana variegated?

No. The monstera standleyana is not always variegated, but the monstera deliciosa is usually variegated in some way. Varieties of monsteras are grouped into two categories: monstera delicias and variegated monstera standleyana.

Monsteras that belong to Monsterae Deliciosae all have some type of variegation. Monsteras that belong to Monsterae Standleyanas have a monstera deliciosa in their lineage but typically lack the variegated coloring pattern, instead having more solid colors or green leaves with occasional speckles.

Is Monstera Standleyana a fast grower?

Monstera standleyana is a fast grower, but it can be unpredictable. Some monsteras have doubled in size since I’ve had them even though they were given the same care as other monsteras who didn’t grow at all this year.

Does Monstera Standleyana like humidity?

The monstera standleyana likes humidity. It prefers to be in a humid environment and does not like dry weather conditions. If the monstera standleyana feels that it is too cold or has been subjected to high amounts of water without enough time for it to dry, then its leaves will start drooping downwards as if they had given up.

Can Monstera Standleyana revert?

Monstera standleyana can revert. Monsteras are unpredictable creatures and they need time to grow if you want them in your garden for the long term! If monstera standleyana is left alone, it will eventually start climbing up on a trellis or structure of some kind. This process should be encouraged because monstera standsleyana will not revert back to monstera standleyanas that are in the ground.

How many types of Monstera are there?

There are three monstera standleyana types:

  • monstera standleyana (the one in this post)
  • monstera giganteum, which is the largest type of monstera and grows to over 30 feet tall. The leaves on a monstera giganteum can grow up to four meters long!
  • monstera deliciosa, which has a monstera giganteum growing in the center of its leaves.

How much is a variegated Monstera?

A variegated standleyana is a little more expensive than monstera standleys that are not. However, it does have a beautiful appearance and is very striking! It will typically cost more than $100.

Does Monstera Standleyana Fenestrations?

No, monstera standleyana does not have fenestrations.

How do you propagate Monstera Standleyana Albo Variegata?

Monstera standleyana albo variegata can be propagated by dividing monsteras that have a clump of monstera plants. The monsteras should be left for their roots and leaves to grow together before you divide them. Monstera standleyana albo variegata care follows as above.

Albo monstera standleyana is one of the monstera species that are commonly found in Mexico. Monstera standleyana albo grows well in sun, so it is recommended for people who live in warmer climates, such as the south of Mexico.


Monstera standleyana, monster plants are either loved or hated. Some love the way they look and appreciate their beauty while others find them ugly and gross in appearance. They’re not too difficult to care for once you know how! So go on, grab your gardening gloves or check out some books about it online – monsteras are just waiting to be taken home by someone who will love them!

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