Pilea Glauca: The Flower-Loving Friend - Absolute Gardener

Pilea Glauca: The Flower-Loving Friend

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Pilea Glauca

Pilea Glauca, or Pilea for short, is a plant that loves to be in the sun. Pilea does not need much light and can grow with any type of soil. Pileas are small plants with large leaves that are often used as attractive decorations for homes and offices. Pileas can be found at most nurseries or garden stores when they’re not out of season. Piles are easy to care for as long as you keep them happy!

What is a Pilea Glauca?

A Pilea Glauca, or Pilea for short, is a plant that loves to be in the sun. The Pileas flowers come in a variety of colours: purple, pink, red-orange, white and yellow. Pilea Glauca’s flowers grow on a spike that can reach up to three feet high. Pileas are easy to propagate, so most Pilea plants in the wild will be Pilea Glauca!

A Pilea is an interesting plant: it has no leaves or vascular system and its roots cannot absorb nutrients from the soil. Pileas also produce oxygen at night while all other plants are inactive, making Piles great for improving air quality in your home!

Pilea Glauca has a natural defence – it’s thorns! They produce these thorns on the underside of their leaves as a defence mechanism. Pilea Glauca is also unique in that they do not have tendrils like other plants to help them climb, so Pileas must grow on top of something – and oftentimes this is the pot itself. Pilea glauca common name also include baby tears.

Origins of Pilea Glauca Plant

Pilea glauca baby tears originate in South America and is a member of the Pilea family. They can be found in a variety of habitats, from dense forests to coastal dunes. It was given its name Pilea because it has round leaves that resemble coins which were also referred to as Piles or Pilers.

The plant is found all over tropical Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Southern India, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It’s an adorable, low-growing houseplant that has thick dark green leaves and small white flowers shaped like roses. Pilea plants are in the family Urticaceae which also includes nettles.

Pilea has been a popular house plant for many years and is also considered to be one of the best plants for removing toxins from the air. Pilea Plant leaves are often used as an ingredient in herbal medicine.

Pilea Glauca

Pilea Glauca Plant Care Guide

In order to keep Pilea Glauca happy for years, Piles need little care and lots of light to stay happy. Pilea Plant is also low maintenance, meaning that Pileas require only minimal watering and prefer bright sunlight but are still able to grow well in partial sun conditions such as an east or west window. Pileas is also low maintenance and doesn’t need much attention, making it a great plant for people with busy schedules.


Pileas like soil that is rich with nutrients and organic matter, but not high in nitrogen as this will make the leaves fall off. Pileas grow well in either topsoil or potting mix. Pilea Glauca prefers moist, well-drained soil with high organic content. If it is planted in a pot, mix 50% peat moss and 50% perlite or vermiculite so the roots have air spaces to breathe properly.

They also need good drainage so their roots are not sitting in water. They prefer well-draining soil, so be sure to choose one that is loose and isn’t too heavy. Pilea can grow in both acidic or alkaline soils as long as they are not either extreme on the pH scale.


Pilea Glauca does best in indirect light. Piles could be grown as an indoor plant or outdoors during the summer and moved inside for winter. Pileas need bright, filtered sun from a southern window to thrive but will do well with morning or afternoon sunlight on their leaves if they are not getting enough of it outside. Pileas are sensitive to light and can burn especially in high temperatures.

Piles are happy when they have about 14-16 hours of sunlight a day, which means Pilea Glauca needs to be grown outdoors during the summer months or indoors for all year round if you want your Pilea Glauca alive.


Pileas like to be watered. The soil should dry out before you water your Pilea plant or the roots will rot and it may die. Piles need watering about once a week, depending on how much sun they get, humidity levels in the house, and whether you are using potting mix or soil-less media.

Pilea plants should never sit in water. They will start to rot if they do and this can lead them dying quickly. You’ll also want to avoid over-watering Pileas because this can cause the soil to stay wet, which will encourage mold growth.

Pileas should be watered at ground level, never on their leaves. Watering Pileas from the top of them can cause their leaves to grow mold and rot. This is because watering Pileas at ground level encourages better drainage.


Pileas are tropical plants so they do better when it is warm. Pilea need a temperature of at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit to survive, but as long as the temperatures average above 50-degrees and don’t drop below 40 Pileas should be fine.

Piles prefer daytime temperatures in the range from 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and nighttime temperatures in the 50-degree range. Pilea will tolerate a wider temperature variation if it’s not too extreme.


Pilea Glauca is a tropical plant. Pileas prefer humid environments for their leaves and soil to thrive, but they will also survive in drier settings if given proper care. Pileas can be placed near small pools of water or built-in fountain systems that hold at least an inch of water at all times without harm.

Pileas will also enjoy a humid atmosphere created by placing them near air-conditioning units or other appliances that produce humidity, like dishwashers and washing machines.

Pileas that live in dry environments need to be misted and sprayed every day for best results. Piling water from your faucet on top of them will also help increase moisture levels around the plant.


Pilea Glauca does not require fertiliser as it is a plant that naturally consumes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the day. However, Pilea Glauca can often use help from its owner with ample sunlight exposure to produce more colourful flowers. The addition of nitrogen-rich fertilisers or compost will result in a higher production of Pilea Glauca flowers.

Be sure to use a balanced fertilizer as Pilea Glauca cannot process large quantities of fertiliser at one time and will burn the plant if given too much.

They thrive on a steady supply of nitrogen so using an organic, slow release fertilizer is recommended rather than traditional urea based products which can burn the roots and leave Pileas limp. Fertilizing Pileas with house hold kitchen scraps will provide sufficient nitrogen but Pilea Glauca should be fertilised with slow release organic fertilizer once a month.


Pilea Glauca is not toxic, but it does have a few natural toxins which can irritate sensitive skin. They have little toxicity when compared to other toxic plants such as oleander or nightshade but may cause allergic reactions in some people with allergies.

Pilea Glauca has about the same toxicity as an onion or garlic so cooking should be fine for those who are unsure. Pilea Glauca is not a part of the onion family and so cooking it will make little difference in its toxicity level, but may break down some natural toxins that could be irritating to your skin or throat

Pilea Glauca should never be eaten raw because these toxins can irritate sensitive membranes like the mouth, throat, and stomach. Pilea Glauca is not a food plant so it should never be eaten like something that could serve as a dietary staple

Piles of Pilea Glauca are harmful to small children, who may munch on it as a tasty snack. Pilea Glauca will not cause harm to pets unless they eat a lot of it and then vomit. Piles of Pilea Glauca should never be eaten by animals because this may lead to vomiting, stomach pains, or other problems.


Potted Pilea plants should be pruned every year in the springtime when they are too large for their pot or container. Pilea plants are succulents, so they will not grow back if you cut them too short. You can tell when it’s time to prune Pilea Glauca because its leaves will start getting thinner and smaller as growing season ends.

When Pileas have grown into a large clump, it’s time to divide the Pilea Glauca Potted Plant. The plant should be watered and allowed to dry out some before division is attempted.

When you are ready to prune Pileas, use a clean cut at an angle just above each node on the stem with sharp scissors or clippers. If necessary, Pilea Glauca can be trimmed back to within an inch of the soil line.

Pileas should never have their leaves removed because they are what Pilea Glauca uses for photosynthesis and need them for energy production, so only trim off stems with dead, diseased or damaged foliage.

Propagation and Growth

Pilea glauca propagation can be done by taking a cutting from the mother Pilea plant and sticking it in potting soil. Ideally, you want to take cuttings from Pilea plants with multiple leaves on them for quick growth, but any Pileas will do (this is an easy way to get both male and female Pilea plants).

Pileas can also be propagated by taking leaves from Pilea Glauca and planting them in potting soil. You will need to use a rooting powder or some type of hormone for this method, which is sometimes easier than trying to maintain the Pilea’s water level while waiting for cuttings to root.

Pileas are a very resilient plant and can be propagated by simply taking the Pilea Glauca apart after it dies, breaking up the roots with your fingers for best results. You could also try rooting Pileas from stem or leaf cuttings in water (or wet soil) without any hormone or rooting agent. Pileas are also a great plant to try and root from leaf, leaves left on the Pilea Glauca for too long will often rot below soil level.

Pileas can be propagated by chipping away at their woody trunks with your hands until you have enough chunks of Pilea Glauca to plant in new Pileas.

Pileas can also be propagated by taking their seeds and planting them in potting soil, but the Pilea will have a different appearance than its mother plant if this is done.


Glauca Pileas are best when they’re potted in a clay pot. Clay pots keep Pilea’s roots cool and moist, which is what Pileas need to grow properly. Piles like an evenly moist soil that has the perfect balance of peat moss or pine bark mulch mixed with some perlite. Pilea’s don’t like to be potted in pots that have drainage holes, because the Pilea will dry out too quickly.

It is best if you water Pileas by misting them with a spray bottle rather than pouring water on their leaves and letting it drain through soil. Piles need bright indirect light for at least six hours a day. Pileas also don’t like being potted in pots that are too deep because it makes them feel insecure and they grow poorly as a result.

Plant Diseases

Different Pilea Glauca may handle disease in different ways. Generally speaking they are a fairly hearty plant and do not tend to fall prey to many common diseases, but there are some that can be found on the Pilea Glauca that you might want to know about.

  • Powdery Mildew: Piles of white powder covering the Pilea Glauca leaves.
  • Leaf Scorch: Piles of brown spots on Pilea Glauca plants that turn a black colour.
  • Root Rot: Piles of dirt around the base of Pilea Glauca with wilting foliage or leaf yellowing.

Pilea Glauca Variegated

The Pilea Glauca Variegated, also known as Variegated Pilea Pothos or Chinese Painted Fern is a popular houseplant that can grow up to six feet tall in the right conditions. It has heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers (ideal for low light spaces). When it’s happy Pilea Pothos likes to be watered every two days. Pilea Pothos also loves being misted with water!

To keep your Pilea Pothos healthy, you should make sure it has bright indirect light and a well-draining soil mix. And avoid getting the leaves wet when watering or spraying them for too long.

Pilea Pothos is a great plant for beginners and those who don’t have the time or money to spend on gardening outside their homes! It’s also perfect for anyone looking for houseplants that can help with allergies, asthma, depression and anxiety.

Pilea Glauca

Common Issues with Pilea Glauca

Here are some of the common issues you might experience with your Pilea Glauca:

Wilting or Drooping – Piles need water often so if they look like this make sure you give them more light as well. Piles that are wilting need to be watered. Piles that look droopy may just need more light, but they also can have too much water.

Yellow Leaves – If the leaves on your Pilea start turning yellow then take a closer look at it! This could mean there is not enough sunlight or water for your Pilea. Piles might also be getting too much water, or not enough fertilizer.

Soft Leaves – Pileas leaves should have some firmness to them so if the leaves are feeling really soft, this could mean they need more sunlight and/or less watering. Piles with droopy leaves may just need a little bit of water.

Pests – Piles may be infested with bugs or have fungus growing on them. This means you need to take steps to help your Pilea recover!

Tips for Keeping Pilea Glauca Happy

Pileas are happiest if they’re not wilting or drooping, so make sure to water them enough and give enough light! Pileas do best with a variety of indirect sunlight each day, they also need some shade. Pileas don’t like drafts or being around heat sources like space heaters, so make sure it’s not too close to any of these things.

Pilea Glauca Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for pilea glauca?

Pilea Glauca is easy to care for. Pilea Glaucas are not picky about soil type, they will grow in any potting mix with a well draining bottom and thrive on bright indirect light indoors. They can also be grown outdoors as long as they get plenty of water (once every two weeks) and are sheltered from the harshest rays of direct sunlight.

Pilea Glauca needs to be watered once every two weeks and given a dose of fertilizer or compost tea in spring, summer, and fall when it’s actively growing

Should I mist my pilea glauca?

There are many different Pileas with differing needs for watering; you can find out more below:

Pilea Glauca: Mist once a week or so. Pileas like an occasional light spritz every other day, and don’t want to be over watered!

Pilea Albomarginata: This Pilea plant likes the humidity of misting occasionally and prefers soil that is moist but not wet. Pilea Albomarginata should be watered only once a week in the spring and summer, but it needs more water than Pilea Glauca during fall and winter months when plants go dormant.

Pilea capensis: Mist this plant every other day or so to increase humidity levels for optimal health. Pilea capensis likes moist soil but not wet. Pileas should be watered every other day in the spring and summer, less often than Pilea Glauca during fall and winter months when plants go dormant.

Pilea minima: This plant does well with daily misting to increase humidity levels for optimal health; Pilea minima do well in moist soil but not wet. Pileas should be watered every day during the spring and summer, less often than Pilea Glauca or Pilea capensis during fall and winter months when plants go dormant.

Please note: Pileas are sensitive to fluoride-filled tap water and can be damaged by tap water kept in a pot for more than two days. Piles like to drink filtered or distilled water that has been left out overnight (so the chlorine evaporates).

Is pilea glauca a succulent?

No, Pilea Glauca is not a succulent. Pilea glauca has similar needs to cacti and other succulents. Pileas are tolerant of the occasional dry spell but need lots of moisture to thrive. Mist them often or put water in their dish every day for best results during hot weather. Pileas are not tolerant of freezing temperatures.

If you live in an area that gets cold winters, it is best to bring the pilea indoors as soon as a frost has been forecasted or if there are signs of winter weather such as ice on the ground and snowbanks outside.

How often do you water pilea glauca?

Pilea glauca is not a drought-resistant plant. Pilea Glauca needs to be watered every day, even in the winter months and during dry spells. So make sure you water it daily!

Is pilea glauca rare?

Pilea glauca is not rare. Pilea glauca can be found at most garden centres and nurseries, it is just uncommon to find them as a window plant because they are so tall.

Are pilea easy to care for?

Pilea glauca is surprisingly easy to care for. Pileas are native to tropical and subtropical areas, so they need a lot of light (at least 12 hours). They like non-acidic soil with lots of water but can handle brief periods of drought. Piles also appreciate regular fertilizing

They will grow slowly in cooler temperatures, so Pileas are a good choice for houses with less than average light.

How to propagate pilea glauca?

Pilea glauca are propagated by dividing the rhizomes or planting new shoots from a mother plant. Pileas can also be grown from seed, but it’s not always easy to get them to grow into plants.


Pilea Glauca is a beautiful plant that has many benefits to offer: they produce oxygen at night when most other plants cannot; they are one of the few plants that can remove toxic substances from the air, and they help to prevent mould growth.

Pilea Glauca is also resistant to bugs, so you won’t need any pesticides! Pilea Glauca will thrive when given the right amount of care and attention as well as plenty of light. If you’re interested in getting yours, get it via Amazon for $5.99.

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