Taming the Wild: Asian Jasmine - Absolute Gardener

Taming the Wild: Asian Jasmine

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asian jasmine

Asian Jasmine is a beautiful plant, but as any gardener knows – they are as tough as nails and can be downright stubborn. That’s why we’ve created this article to help you “tame” your Asian jasmine so it will grow beautifully in your garden for years to come. And while we’re at it, lets take a closer look at the history of this amazing flower too!

What is Asian Jasmine?

Asian jasmine is a type of plant that can be found as an indoor or outdoor. It has the ability to reach up to 25 feet tall, and it comes in many different colors styles as well as shapes. The leaves are usually pointed shaped on the tip end with white flowers that will bloom during the summer months. They produce seeds as well as roots that can be used to start new plants. The Asian jasmine flowers are fragrant and can be found in whites, pinks, reds and purples. The Asian jasmine has an attractive flower bud that blooms into white or pink flowers.

Origins of Asian Jasmine

The Summer Sunset Asiatic jasmine (Jasminum sambac) is native to India and Sri Lanka but now grows across much of Asia as well as in the Mediterranean region. It was introduced into North America as an ornamental plant around 1884 and has since spread through gardens all over our country.” In the United States, Asian jasmine grows in many climates from Arkansas to North Carolina. It can be grown as a ground cover as well.

Asian jasmine first appeared as a hybrid between Asian varieties and Jasminum officinale. It has since been propagated by horticulturalists to create many variations of the same plant, including: ‘Bridal Bouquet’ (most popular), ‘Double Fragrance’, ‘Forest Frost’, Honeymoon Asian jasmine’, ‘Lemon Drop Asian Jasmine’ and many more.

Asian jasmine is often used to make tea, as the Asian jasmine flower are large and give off a strong smell when they bloom in early summer. Jasmine plants need plenty of water in order for them to grow and survive.”

Asian Jasmine Care Guide

Asian jasmine is a gorgeous flowering plant that does well as an indoor houseplant or as part of the garden. They love to be outdoors in the summer, but if you are unable to provide them with this environment they will do just fine as long as they have enough natural light and moisture levels. Keep reading for tips on how to care for Asian jasmine plants.


Caring for Asian jasmine plants is as easy as taking a few steps. The soil should be loose, light, and rich in organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. You can add an inch of mulch to the surface if you like. It will keep weeds from coming up through the ground and conserve water as well as keeping the soil cool.


Traditional Asian jasmine plants need a lot of sunlight to thrive, which is why they are often planted in the ground. If this isn’t an option for you, then make sure that your Asian jasmine plant has at least four hours per day of full sun exposure and bright indirect light when not sunny. Bright windowsills and greenhouses can work as well.

Bright windowsills and greenhouses are great alternatives for Asian jasmine plants that don’t do as well in direct sunlight. If you have space, prune the plant’s branches to expose more of its leaves to light while keeping it away from any harsh heat sources or drafty areas.

Place Asian jasmine plants near a window that gets less light in the wintertime. If both of these options are not available, try an east-facing window for Asian jasmine plants that prefer cooler temperatures or a south-facing window for Asian jasmine plants that prefer warmer weather.


Water Asian jasmine sparingly. Jasmines are drought resistant and will not need to be watered as often as other plants in the garden, such as herbs or flowers.

If you’re going on vacation for a few days, water your Asian jasmine before leaving so that it doesn’t dry out. Water Asian jasmine as needed and make sure that it has plenty of drainages so that the roots stay moist, but not wet. When in doubt about how often to water your Asian jasmine, check its soil moisture by sticking a finger into the dirt near an exterior root or branch; if the earth feels wet, Asian jasmine needs water.


Asian Jasmine prefers a warm temperature, as it does not like cool weather or extreme temperatures. It is best to keep Asian jasmine in an area with the air around 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter months and at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit during summertime. In order to avoid fluctuations in the Asian jasmine’s environment, you should keep Asian jasmine in a room that does not fluctuate more than 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

To help protect Asian jasmine from fluctuations in temperature, it is best to purchase plants during the cooler months as they will be less likely to move around as much and thus won’t demand as many changes from you.

asian jasmine
Image: Plants for Houston


Asian Jasmine is a fragile plant that does not thrive well in humid environments. The best way to create an environment Asian jasmine can tolerate is by using a cool-mist humidifier and keeping the humidity level at 50%. By doing this you will be able to reduce any chance of Asian jasmine leaves curling up or wilting as a result.

If Asian jasmine does not have enough humidity, it will be more prone to diseases that thrive in dry areas like spider mites or scale insects. To avoid this make sure you are keeping the moisture level high with regular misting and use neem oil as an organic insecticide to control any pests.


A common Asian Jasmine problem is Asian jasmine not being able to take care of itself. This can be due to insufficient fertiliser, and as a result, the plant will have stunted growth with an unhealthy appearance. As well as looking unappealing, Asian jasmine without enough fertilizer may not smell as sweet when in bloom as those that are in better condition.

To remedy the situation, you need to fertilize Asian jasmine on a monthly basis with any type of commercially available plant food. The size and age of Asian jasmine will determine how much fertilizer it needs each month; this information should be found on the packaging label.

There are many different Asian jasmine fertilizers available on the market, all with their own benefits. For example, some Asian jasmines require more nutrients than others because they’re grandiflora cultivars or have had previous training as a topiary in a garden. These types of Asian jasmine will need much more fertilizer than Asian jasmine that are both climbers and ground plants.

If the Asian jasmine you’re caring for is a climber or topiary, then it will need as much as ten times more nitrogen per month because they don’t have access to any nutrients in their soil.

A monthly fertilization schedule for Asian jasmine will help to maintain a healthy plant, which in turn will produce better-smelling flowers. You should also take into account that if your Asian jasmine has been neglected and is in poor condition, then it will take Asian jasmine much more time to recover and become as healthy as before.


The Asian jasmine has been used for so many purposes and yet it contains toxic substances such as alkaloids, saponins, tannin (which will change the color of your skin), and anthraquinones. This last substance is one of the reasons Asian jasmine is poisonous.

When Asian jasmine has been ingested, it can cause problems with your throat and stomach as well as vomiting or diarrhea. If inhaled, it can irritate the eyes and nose while ingestion may lead to dizziness followed by a coma state that could last for hours.


Pruning Asian jasmine is recommended to be done in early spring and late autumn so that buds are not destroyed by winter cold or summer heat, but also because it stimulates new growth all through the year. It should start with removing any dead wood as well as damaged Asian jasmine bushes.

The next step is to remove suckers, stems, or branches that are growing in the wrong direction as well as crossing branches and pruning back long shoots by one-third of their length at a 45-degree angle. It’s also important to keep an eye out for any unhealthy growths on the Asian jasmine as this could be a sign of a fungal disease.

Pruning Asian jasmine can also be done by removing about one-third of its old, spent flowers which will encourage new buds to grow and therefore produce more Asian jasmine blooms for you to enjoy. When Asian jasmine is as healthy as possible, it will produce its flowers more prolifically and for a much longer period of time.

Propagation and Growth

Asian Jasmine can be propagated in a variety of ways including cuttings, offsets and seeds. Cuttings are the most common method as it is inexpensive and effective. Most plants prefer new growth to set roots so you should take a stem cuttings with at least two nodes that include some leaves on them. The bottom node should be as close to the soil as possible.

If you want Asian jasmine to grow year-round, sow seeds in pots of rich potting mix and cover them with about ¼ inch of fine gravel or sand so they don’t dry out too quickly. Seeds should be kept moist until germination occurs which is usually within three weeks.

Asian Jasmine can also be propagated as offsets. In this method, the lower stem/trunk of an Asian jasmine is cut and planted in a pot with a rich soil mix. It will take about six months for it to grow roots before being transplanted into its own container outdoors or indoors.

When Asian jasmine is grown from seeds, the plant will take about one year before it flowers.


The Asian jasmine is a fragile plant that needs to be cared for. It requires repotting every year as it grows and matures. The following are some tips on the process of repotting an Asian jasmine:

  • Carefully remove as much potting soil from around the Asian jasmine as possible.
  • Once the Asian jasmine is out of its pot, remove any old roots from the bottom and cut off about three-quarters of an inch from new root growth to make room for fresh soil.
  • Put a thin layer of good quality potting mix on top, then carefully plant Asian jasmine and water with a bucket of water.
  • The Asian jasmine should be repotted in the fall or winter to avoid foliage damage from too much outdoor sunlight.

Plant Disease

Asian beetle larvae can be an issue for Asian jasmine because it is significantly more susceptible than other plants to the larva’s toxins, which come from its poop and saliva. Spider mites are a problem as well because they suck the sap out of leaves and this will weaken your plant over time. To protect Asian jasmine from spider mites, you’ll want to be sure that the leaves are dry before applying any sort of insecticide (spider mite eggs can survive on a leaf and hatch when it gets moist again).

Asian Jasmine Variegated

A beautiful Asian jasmine variegated is a plant that can bring some life to any dull and boring room. It has an elegant structure that consists of green leaves with different colors: pink, purple, red, white. As variegated Asiatic jasmine matures, it will grow as high as three meters tall and two meters wide. This Asian variety thrives well in direct sunlight as in shaded areas. Care for this plant does not require any specialized knowledge as the Asian variety is resistant to pests and fungus which makes care for it very easy.

Common Issues with Asian Jasmine

One of the common issues with Asian jasmine comes from over-watering Asian jasmine. It’s important for Asian gardeners to remember that Asian jasmine can be sensitive and the more water they get, the faster their leaves will fall off or wilt away from dehydration.

Another common problem with the Asiatic jasmine plant is keeping pests out of your Asian gardens. The Asian jasmine is as delicate as it is beautiful, and because of that, you may find pests such as aphids or mealy bugs. These little creatures will quickly get the best of your Asian plants if you don’t take steps to control them right away.

asian jasmine
Image: Plants for Houston

Tips for Keeping Asian Jasmine Happy

One way to keep Asian jasmine happy is to cut Asian jasmine back anytime it becomes as tall as 8 feet. This will help Asian jasmine to rebloom and have a more compact growth. The Asian jasmine plant should also be fertilized about every 2-3 months with a balanced fertilizer. Adjust the amount of water given Asian jasmine plants based on how much sun or shade they are receiving as well as the temperature that they are experiencing.

Asian Jasmine Frequently Asked Questions

How fast does Asian jasmine grow?

Asian jasmine grows as fast as any other plant. One gallon of potting soil with a good mixture of sand, peat, and compost or worm castings should be enough to grow your Asian jasmine for at least three years in an average indoor environment.

Will Asian jasmine grow in shade?

Asian jasmine is a flowering plant, as such it will need sunlight in order to grow. It does prefer shade but asian jasmine needs 12 hours of sun or more per day for long-term growth and bloom potential.

What will kill Asian jasmine?

Asian jasmine is a sensitive plant as they are not tolerant of extreme temperatures and prefer warmer climates. One thing that will kill Asian jasmine is frost or cold weather, so if you live in an area with harsh winters then it’s best to keep asian jasmine indoors during the colder months.

Another thing that will kill Asian jasmine is too much water, so it’s important to let Asian jasmine dry out between watering sessions.

Will Asian jasmine kill a tree?

If you plant your Asian jasmine near a tree that is in the way, there’s no need to worry as it won’t hurt the tree. It’s not that Asian jasmine has a negative effect on trees, but it does have an invasive root system. If you plant asian jasmine next to your neighbor’s property, for example, they could find their garden invaded by this fast-growing and very vigorous plant.

Does jasmine die back in winter?

Asian Jasmine thrives in many climates and can withstand harsh winter temperatures as long as they are watered properly.

Is jasmine winter hardy?

Asian jasmines are winter hardy as long as they have the proper care. In colder climates, it is advisable to plant them in a sheltered location with plenty of sun and water for success during the cold months.


The Asian jasmine has many uses in traditional medicine and the fragrance it produces makes for a calming, serene environment. Taking care of your Asian jasmine will create not only beauty but also health in your home. Planting Asiatic jasmine in container gardens is a good way for them to thrive in the summertime while keeping them indoors during winter months.

There are many Asian jasmine care tips that will make your Asian jasmine happy, but the most important is consistency and attention. Once you have a good routine in place for caring for Asian jasmine then it should be easy to keep them healthy and happy forever!

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