The Begonia Boliviensis: A Plant with a Story to Tell - Absolute Gardener

The Begonia Boliviensis: A Plant with a Story to Tell

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Begonia Boliviensis

The begonia boliviensis is a begonia that can be found in many climates. It’s also one of the most common begonias for people to plant in their gardens. But what does this begonia have to offer? The answer: A story worth telling! There are many interesting facts about the begonia boliviensis, so let’s take a look at them today!

What is Begonia Boliviensis?

The Begonia Boliviensis Santa Cruz Sunset is an annual plant that blooms with a beguiling mix of colours, from bright pink to paler shades. The begonia boliviensis common name is Bolibego or Begonia dumetorum. This begonia species has been cultivated for quite some time and can be found growing in humid forests of Central America, the West Indies and Southern Mexico.

This begonia species is most often grown as a house plant or greenhouse specimen because it thrives with plenty of water and humidity. Even though begonias are fairly temperature tolerant they prefer warm environments that never get too cold during the winter months. When they’re fully mature begonias will produce flowers with colours that range from pink and white to red, orange or even yellow. Begonia boliviensis pink are pretty common.

The begonia boliviensis has a beguiling beauty that makes it stand out among other begonias. These plants are grown for their ornamental purposes and can be found in homes, gardens, offices and hospitals all around the world. Begonia boliviensis is an amazingly resilient plant! This begonia species was able to survive drought, windstorms, and even wars.

Origins of Begonia Boliviensis Plant

Begonia boliviensis santa cruz is a begonia species, also referred to as Bolivian begonia. It was first discovered in Bolivia by the Smithsonian Institution’s botanist and explorer-botanist David Fairchild (1869-1954). He noticed that these begonias grew wild at an altitude of about six thousand feet near the city of Cochabamba.

The begonia boliviensis was first classified in 1945 and it is a begonia species that grows at high altitudes, approximately between five to seven thousand meters above sea level, on rocky slopes or hillsides with soil containing limestone fragments. It can be found growing as far south as the Venezuelan Andes and as far north as Mexico.

The begonia boliviensis is a perennial flowering plant, with wide leaves that grow from rhizomes or rootstocks underground (thus giving it its name), which then produce numerous sprouts of flowers in an upright habit. The begonia boliviensis has pink, red, or white flowers with a begonia-like shape.

The begonia boliviensis is classified as endangered in Bolivia and Ecuador due to overcollection of plants for trade purposes. The Bolivian government has placed restrictions on the importation of this flower into its country from other countries where it’s not indigenous.

Begonia Boliviensis

Begonia Boliviensis Care Guide

The begonia santa cruz sunset is one of those begonias that thrives with neglect – if you forget about it for a week, it will be just fine. But begonia boliviensis plants do require some care to stay healthy and attractive. Here are some begonia boliviensis care guides.


Begonia boliviensis needs to be planted in a pot with good soil. The begonia can’t take the soil that is too acidic or alkaline, and cannot tolerate drought well either.

The begonia should only have one plant per pot that has enough space for roots to grow freely without overwhelming the begonia’s capacity to take in water. The begonia needs a light soil that retains moisture without being too wet and doesn’t get compacted.

A mix of begonia potting soil, peat moss, and perlite is recommended for the begonia’s first few weeks with additional fertilisers then gradually decreased over time as it grows stronger. Begonia boliviensis needs to be watered as soon as the soil starts feeling dry or when it rains.


The begonia boliviensis is not a plant that loves to bask in the sun. They are shade plants and should be placed away from direct light sources like windows, doors or other strong artificial lights. The begonia boliviensis will grow best if it has at least some filtered sunlight coming into the room.

Begonia santa cruz are sensitive to direct sunlight, so it is important that they do not receive more than a few hours of direct light or artificial lighting each day. If begonias get too much exposure, the leaves will wilt and turn brown. The best time for begonia boliviensis to grow and thrive is the morning, before noon.


Begonias need a lot of water, so make sure to keep begonia plants well watered. A light spray every day should be enough for begonias that are in the ground and get plenty of sun. If begonias are receiving six hours or more with artificial lighting per day they may only require watering once per week.

If begonias are grown in pots they will need more water than begonia plants that are planted in the ground. This is because a pot doesn’t have any soil to help retain moisture and hold nutrients for the plant. A begonia’s leaves should be fully moist, not just wet from condensation or morning dew on the begonia.

When begonias are watered, make sure to water thoroughly and let the water drain out of the pot’s drainage hole before watering again. This will prevent begonia plants from getting root rot or other problems that can be caused by too much moisture in a begonia plant’s soil.


Begonias are very sensitive to temperature changes. It’s important that begonia plants receive a consistent and comforting level of warmth or coolness so the begonia plant can grow healthily.

One way you can control light exposure for begonias is by placing them in pots with clear glass sides, which will act as a greenhouse and help begonias stay warm.

If begonia plants are exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit for prolonged periods they can die from freezing, although this is rare in the United States since most homes maintain a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the winter.

The best way to care for begonias during cold weather months is by storing begonias in a cool, dark spot at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Begonia boliviensis can be a difficult begonia to care for if you don’t know what it needs. One of the most important things is maintaining high humidity, as begonias need moist air in order to thrive. This means that begonias should never be placed on surfaces that get very dry or near heating vents.

The begonia boliviensis is also very sensitive to draft-sensitive and can easily become stressed or starve for air if placed in draught from a door opening, window, cold frame or vents.

Too much humidity can cause the leaf edges to roll or curl and may lead to a bacterial infection in your begonia boliviensis soil. You should try and keep the relative humidity around 50% if possible, although begonias will tolerate more humid conditions than other plants. Begonia is one of many plants that absorbs humidity.


Fertilisers come in many different forms, and begonia boliviensis plants will need a balanced one. A plant specialist can advise you on which fertiliser is best for the type of begonia boliviensis that you have. The most common types are liquid and granular fertilisers.

Liquid fertilisers should be applied in smaller amounts than granular fertilisers, and will need to be diluted in water before being used. Granular fertiliser can simply be sprinkled on the begonia boliviensis plant’s surface (keeping a safe distance from its leaves) or mixed with potting soil when repotting plants.

Fertilise begonia boliviensis plants once every two weeks in spring and summer, or three to four times per year during the other seasons.

Fertilisation Tips:

  • Avoid using fertilisers that contain chlorine as a preservative since begonia boliviensis is sensitive to it; instead choose organic fertilisers like manure tea, composts, or seaweed extracts.
  • If begonia boliviensis plants dry out in summer, it is important to water them more frequently and use a diluted fertiliser.
  • When the begonia boliviensis plant starts wilting even when watered thoroughly, this can be due to lack of nitrogen; apply an all purpose granular fertiliser.
  • To improve begonia boliviensis plant growth, use a balanced granular or liquid fertiliser with higher levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in spring and summer.


The begonia boliviensis is not as toxic as other begonias, but it can still cause some irritation on skin and contact with eyes if you are sensitive to begonia secretions.

If you are going to touch the plant with your hands, make sure that they are clean! The best way to do this is to wash them with soap and water before touching the begonia boliviensis.

Another way that begonias can be toxic is by ingesting them, so make sure you don’t eat begonias! It’s best not to keep begonias near foods like lettuce since this could lead to accidental ingestion.


Pruning begonia boliviensis is a simple process. If you are growing your begonias in containers, remove excess growth or trim off the tips of stems that are touching each other to promote new bushy growth at the bottom of the plant. Keep begonias well-watered but not soggy and fertilise begonias monthly with a general all-purpose fertiliser, following the directions on the package.

To prune begonia boliviensis that have not been grown in containers, simply remove any dead or dying leaves and stems at ground level (below where it touches other plants). Trim off as much of what is touching other plants as possible.


Begonia boliviensis propagation can be done by taking a cutting from the plant or simply dividing it up with your hands. Begonias are slow growers, so you may have to wait six months for new growth and flowers if using this method of propagation.

If not growing begonias in containers or hanging baskets, begonias can be propagated by digging up pieces of rhizome, or roots. You will need to remove the top layer of soil and expose each begonia’s root ball before moving them to a new location.


Begonia boliviensis begonias are a very popular ornamental plant. If you have begonias that need to be repotted, there is no need for panic – it’s an easy process! This article will help outline the steps on how to properly re-pot your begonia boliviensis begonias.

The first thing to do when repotting begonia boliviensis begonias is remove any dried stems or old roots that have died and are no longer doing the plant any good. The next step is to break up the soil in the pot thoroughly, so it’s less compacted and has more air pockets.

The begonia boliviensis begonias should be planted in a pot with fresh soil, and then the new pot needs to have more soil added on top of it when you’re finished planting begonia boliviensis begonias.

It’s best if these steps are taken in the fall or wintertime, when begonia boliviensis begonias are less actively growing.

Plant Disease

In the begonia plant world, there is trouble brewing. There are fungus gnats and aphids in begonias that will cause them to wilt or die if not dealt with quickly. It can be difficult to identify exactly what type of bug problem you have until a few days after it’s been spread. Aphids are not difficult to identify because they will be visible on the begonia plant, but fungus gnats can easily go undetected until it is too late.

The begonia boliviensis may also have stem end rot or foliage discolouration caused by calcium deficiency that will need to be corrected with a healthy dose of calcium.

The begonia boliviensis can be prone to insect infestation, so it is important for a begonia plant owner to know what they are dealing with and how to solve the problem before continuing on.

Begonia Boliviensis

Begonia Boliviensis Variegated

Begonia boliviensis variegated are begonias that have a few patches of colour. The begonia boliviensis is one plant with many colours to choose from and it’s easy to see why this begonia has become so popular in recent years!

Begonias can grow into bushes or small trees, depending on the cultivar. They can be grown indoors or outdoors, but begonia boliviensis variegated do need a bit more care than other varieties in order to stay beautiful and healthy.

Begonia boliviensis variegated begonias are often grown in pots and containers as they need a lot of light, but if you keep them indoors then they need to have a bright window sill or they will become weak and yellow. In order to keep begonias boliviensis variegated looking their best, you should divide them every year in the springtime as well as trim off any dead foliage.

Other Varieties:

Begonia Boliviensis Bossa Nova

The begonia boliviensis bossa nova is a new variety. It grows well in both partial sun and bright, indirect light indoors or outdoors. They should be fertilized monthly to promote healthy growth. They have long, glossy green leaves and dark pink begonias.

Begonia Boliviensis Calypso

This plant is an elegant plant with light green foliage covered in soft purple flowers that appear year-round. It’s the perfect begonia for a shaded window or shady porch where it

Begonia Boliviensis Gracilis

This begonia is a striking addition to any home or garden. It has dark green leaves with bright pink stems and flowers in spring through summer, making it an easy houseplant to maintain.

The begonia boliviensis gracilis is one of the easiest begonias to grow indoors or outdoors that thrives on neglect!

Begonia Solenia

This begonia has a compact, upright growth habit. It’s leaves are notched and grow in clusters of bright green with pink veins that make it look like each leaf is made up of separate leaflets. Its flowers are cream-coloured with red markings. It grows best in partial sun to full shade indoors or outdoors and can be planted directly in the ground or in pots.

Common Issues with Begonia Boliviensis

Begonia boliviensis plants suffer from common problems like droopy leaves, browning leaves, and dropping leaves. These plants are also susceptible to pests like aphids or whiteflies that can cause damage to the begonia boliviensis.

It’s important for begonia owners to be vigilant and always check their begonias for any signs of these common issues because they can grow quickly and become detrimental to begonia boliviensis health.

If begonia owners notice droopy leaves, browning leaves or begonias dropping their leaves they should first do a quick google search for the problem because it may be an easy fix like watering more often or changing the soil. If that doesn’t work begonia owners should consult a begonia expert.

Aphids and whiteflies can be difficult to get rid of because they are often hidden from begonias and their eggs, unlike other pests like slugs or snails that begonias show on the surface. What begonia boliviensis owners need to do is take a proactive approach to begonia boliviensis care by checking begonias often for infestations and treating them before the begonia boliviensis gets too damaged.

Tips for Keeping Begonia Boliviensis Happy

Below, you will find our list of tips for keeping your begonia happy and healthy:

  • Begonias need a well-drained potting mix that is moist but not wet. Begonias also benefit from the addition of a slow release fertilizer every couple months to keep them looking their best.
  • Begonia boliviensis should be watered with tepid water, never cold or hot tap water
  • Begonias need to be fertilized regularly, but more importantly they should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Begonias have a tendency of becoming pot bound and will rot if their soil stays wet for too long.
  • They like high humidity levels; try misting them every day or two.
  • Tare prone to spider mites and thrips, so be sure to check for these pests regularly
  • Begonia boliviensis are sensitive to fluoride, so make sure the water you use for your begonia is filtered and doesn’t contain any fluoride.

Begonia Boliviensis Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Begonia boliviensis?

Begonia boliviensis is not an especially hard begonia to care for, but it does require a little more than just throwing some dirt in a pot and calling the job complete. In order to keep your begonias happy and healthy, you need to be prepared with the right kind of soil mix, regular fertilization and irrigation, a location with lots of sun or bright light, and the right kind of pot.

How do you overwinter Begonia boliviensis?

Begonia boliviensis are a low-maintenance begonia species. They can be grown outdoors in pots and baskets, or indoors as tabletop plants. When it comes to how you overwinter begonias boliviensis outside, there are two options: hardening off the plant by bringing them into your home for one week, then moving them outside, or protecting begonia boliviensis with a cold frame.

Hardening begonias boliviensis off is the best option for those who live in an area that has a long gardening season and can’t bring begonias indoors for more than one week at time. Protecting begonia boliviensis with a cold frame is the best option for those living in regions where begonias boliviensis can’t be grown outside during winter.

Cold frames are made of wood, glass or plastic and protect begonia boliviensis from frosty winds that may damage them outdoors. They also help begonia boliviensis retain moisture. When begonias boliviensis are protected with a cold frame, there is no need to water them at all during winter months.

Is Begonia boliviensis a tuberous Begonia?

Begonia boliviensis (syn. begonia bürgeri) is a tuberous begonia that has been in cultivation for over 150 years! However, these begonias are not technically begonias as they don’t belong to the genus Begonia but rather Acrosperma  (in which it’s called the begonia boliviensis).

How do you care for a Begonia bonfire?

Take the time and effort to water begonia bonfire every day. Begonias like humidity and will thrive in moist soil, but be careful not to over or underwater begonias because they can quickly rot if left too wet.

The begonia bonfire is a very sensitive plant that needs plenty of sunlight for it’s health! If you’re growing your begonia bonfire in a pot, be careful not to place it near too many windows because begonias can burn from the sunlight.

Begonia bonfire also need plenty of water when their leaves are drooping and wilting! Begonias don’t like air-tight environments but they do require less watering than other plants.

How long does it take begonias to bloom from seed?

It all depends on variety, but begonia boliviensis can take anywhere from a few months to a year. Some begonias will grow flowers in the first season, while others may not bloom until their second or third season. Regardless of how long it takes for begonia boliviensis to bloom, they are perfect plants for beginners and experienced begonia growers alike.

How do you propagate Begonia Boliviensis?

Begonia boliviensis can be propagated by cuttings and will often produce new plants with the same characteristics of the original one. A begonia cutting should have a healthy root system and plenty of leaves or else it won’t survive on its own. Cut off a piece of begonia boliviensis in the spring and place it into a glass of water. Make sure that there is room for root growth so keep trimming the cutting as needed.


Begonias are great houseplants that can help give your home a bit more life if you’re looking for something bright with flowers or green leaves. They come in many forms–from tiny mini begonias to large begonia boliviensis–and range in colour from white and pink to a deep green.

The begonia boliviensis is a great plant to have around your house–it’s beautiful and very low-maintenance. You just need to know what type of begonias you’re dealing with before deciding which care routine will work best for it. You may find begonia boliviensis for sale at your local nursery!

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