Jade Pothos: Care Tips and Strategies for Growing - Absolute Gardener

Jade Pothos: Care Tips and Strategies for Growing

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jade pothos

When people think of jade pothos, they often think about its striking green leaves and how it can add a pop of color to any room. Yet jade pothos is more than just an attractive houseplant– it also has some very interesting care tips that need to be followed in order for the plant to grow and thrive. In this article, we will talk about what jade pothos are, their care instructions, and common problems that occur with jade pothos so that you can have a happy healthy jade pot!

Jade pothos is a type of houseplant that can be found in both lowland tropical forests and on hillsides. Jade pothos are also sometimes referred to as money plant or good luck plants because they have been associated with wealth in Asian cultures for centuries. The jade pothos plant is known for its distinctive jade green leaves and how it can add a pop of colour to any room.

What is a Jade Pothos?

Jade Pothos is a member of the Araceae family and originates from Southeast Asia. It is also known as jade vine, jade plant, or money tree. In Singapore it is considered to be one of their national symbols because its leaves are used on ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals. The jade pothos is very popular because it is easy to grow, has low water requirements and grows well in different light conditions.

The jade pothos gets its name from the appearance of its leaves, which are a dark green colour with white streaks that resemble jades when held up to light.

Origins of Jade Pothos Plant

Jade pothos is a plant with origins in the Western Ghats mountain range near Cochin, India. The jade pothos plant may have been introduced to Europe by Dutch traders.

The name jade pothos originates from its ersatz resemblance of jadestone or “jade” and the Portia tree that may have been indigenous to coastal India.

jade pothos
Image: via Planterina

Jade Pothos Plant Care Guide


The jade pothos plant is a slow grower and does not require much light. The jade pothos grows best in soil that has good drainage but retains moisture, so it can continue to produce leafy new growths without wilting or drying out. Jade Pothos plants do well when top-dressed with high quality potting soil and fertilized with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to half the label strength.


The jade pothos plant does not do well when placed in direct sunlight, so avoid placing jade pothos plants near any window or other bright light source that could cause leaf burn. If jade pothos plants are being grown outside, they need to be planted in a shaded area with plenty of room for the roots.


Keep jade pothos plants moist but not too wet by watering them when they dry out. Watering jade pothos plants consistently will avoid any leaves from turning brown in between waterings, which can happen if left too dry for too long.


Jade pothos plants prefer warm conditions. Be sure to keep jade pothos plants away from drafts and vents, as this can cause browning of leaf tips if the plant is too cold or drying out at night if it’s too close to a vent or open window with dry air. If jades are not getting enough warmth, they can turn yellow.

If jade pothos plants are in a room that doesn’t get warm enough, Â then consider using one of the many jade plant heat mats on the market to help provide warmth for your jades. However, too much heat is bad as well! If you use an electric mat or heating pad, jade pothos plants should be at least six inches away from the heating source to avoid scorching.

If jades are getting too much heat, they will turn brown or yellow and may drop leaves.


Jade Pothos plants love humid environments. The jade pothos is not too fussy about its soil, but it does need to be watered often and kept in a moist environment or the leaves will dry out quickly. A humidity tray can also help jade pothos maintain their moisture levels during winter months when they’re not getting enough water from the soil.

A humidity tray is a simple way to increase jade pothos’ moisture levels during winter months when they’re not getting enough. It consists of an upturned container filled with pebbles and then table salt, which draws moisture out through evaporation and raises the level


Fertiliser is not necessary for jade pothos, but it can be used as a method of supplementing nutrient deficiencies. A fertiliser with high potassium content such as seaweed extract should be avoided due to its saltiness and potential toxicity when ingested by houseplants. Other fertilisers good for jade pothos are things like fertilisers made from seaweed extract, which are rich in potassium and other nutrients.

To use a jade pothos fertiliser, simply mix it with water to dilute the concentration of minerals or salts. A ratio of two tablespoons per gallon (roughly one teaspoon per quart) is ideal for jade pothos. Apply the jade pothos fertiliser to soil, not foliage, and water thoroughly thereafter so that it can be absorbed by the roots of your jade pothos plant.

The jade pothos care tips for fertilising is also an important part of caring for jade plants because a lack of nutrients will lead to jade pothos getting sick or dying.


Jade Pothos can be toxic for people who have forced allergies to plant allergens. If you are allergic to cats, dogs or any of the plants that jade pothos is related too, beware before bringing this houseplant into your home. These particular plant parasites release an allergenic protein called “ant jade pothos” that is a cross-reacting allergen with the potential to trigger allergic symptoms in people who are sensitive to other plants.

Pets and children should be supervised when around jade pothos or any plant for that matter. Jade Pothos can release poisonous substances, which could affect them.

If jade pothos gets too hot, it will release a toxic liquid in its leaves which could cause skin irritation to anyone who touches the plant or any surface that has come into contact with the jade pothos. So be careful and don’t place jade pothos near heat sources like fireplaces or heat vents.


Pruning jade pothos is a good idea for two reasons — it helps maintain the shape of the plant and keeps the leaves free from pests. Pruning jade plants can be done at any time, but best during its active growth period in spring or summer.

Cut back stems that are growing too close to the ground and remove any branches that are touching the soil. It is also a good idea to trim jade plants every few years as they can grow very large over time.

Propagation and Growth

Jade Pothos is best propagated by dividing the jade plant from its parent stem. To divide jade pothos, use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut through the stem where it meets the soil. The new jade plants will sprout within one or two weeks and grow into healthy mature jades.

Jade Pothos is a low maintenance jade plant. It does not need frequent watering, but will appreciate being watered every two weeks or so if the soil has dried out.


The jade pothos should be repotted once a year in early spring and fertilized monthly with an all purpose fertilizer like Miracle Grow.

As it matures, jades will produce roots along their stems and they’ll need more space for the extra growth. If this happens, you can repot jades by placing them in a pot that is one size larger than before.

Jade Pothos Variegated

Jade Pothos Variegated has a more vertical leaf pattern. It is also jade in colour but instead of the uniform green, it has yellow and light-green stripes throughout its leaves. They are perfect for planting on your porch or deck to make a great show!

Common Issues with Jade Pothos

Leaves turn yellow and fall off: This is a sign that the jade pothos needs more light. The jade plant does not need to be in direct sunlight, but should get some natural or artificial lighting for at least six hours per day.

Leaves are turning brown from being too cold: Move your jade pothos to a warmer spot.

The jade pothos is wilting: This usually means there is not enough water in the pot, or that it’s been over watered and roots are beginning to rot, so give your jade plant more room to breathe by watering less often (or investing in a bigger planter) and prune off any leaves that are over a foot long to increase air circulation.

Leaves are turning yellow or brown with jagged edges: This is usually the result of water droplets collecting on the leaves and allowing fungus to grow. To prevent this from happening, make sure you don’t water your jade plant when there’s no sunlight out (early morning or evening) and encourage strong air circulation by turning the pot every few days.

Leaves are curling up: This is a sign that jade pothos needs more humidity, so mist your jades leaves at least once per day to help them stay healthy. Alternatively, you can also buy a humidifier for use in your jades space.

Leaves are curling up and turning brown: This is usually a sign that jade pothos needs more water, so make sure you’re watering your jade plant properly to keep it healthy!

Tips for Keeping Jade Pothos Happy

Jade Pothos likes a lot of light. It should be in an east facing window or near natural sunlight. Keep jade pothos away from the hot afternoon sun to avoid scorching leaves and flowers.

A jade pothos can grow without soil if it’s been trained on something like string, netting, or a wire.

Water jade pothos at the roots, not from above. This will help avoid stem rot and leaf spotting.

Jade Pothos is an epiphyte so it likes being in humid environments – like bathrooms and kitchens with cooking steam to give plants more humidity than dryer rooms without too much humidity.

Jade Pothos can be grown outside in containers if they are on a covered porch or deck that gets full sun and has good air circulation.

In the winter jade pothos likes being misted with room temperature water to prevent it from drying out too much.

The jade pothos plant is a climbing vine that can be grown on an exposed trellis, pillar or wall and will need to be watered about once a week. The jade pothos has a very high water tolerance level so it doesn’t require much watering at all in order to thrive.

Pearls and Jade Pothos

Jade and Pearl pothos are often grown together as they are in the same family. These plants can be found at your local garden center or home improvement store year-round and will thrive indoors with just a little care.

Pearls and jade pothos care are similar. Jade and Pearl pothos need to be watered thoroughly, but not too much. Fertilizing jade or pearl pothos every couple of weeks with a liquid fertilizer is recommended for healthy growth

Jade Pothos Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Jade pothos?

Repot jade pothos in the spring once it has outgrown its pot. Use a larger container and add fresh soil so that there is plenty of room for jade pothos to grow. Follow care instructions below.~~

Place jade pothos where they will be able get enough sunlight, but avoid direct sun in hot weather.

Keep jade pothos away from drafty areas like doors or windows and heating vents.

Jade Pothos can be kept outside during the summer; however, it is important to keep them watered properly due to heat exposure since jade pothos are sensitive to dry air conditions.

Jade pothos can be grown inside in a sunny window during the winter months.

Prune jade pothos plants once every year to keep them healthy and looking their best. Cut back any leaves or stems that are browning, yellowing, or dying; this will make jade pothos grow stronger.

Jade pothos plants are sensitive to salt; jade pothos should not be grown near the ocean or in a pot that is filled with salty water.

Water jade pothos regularly, but avoid leaving them sitting in wet soil because this causes root rot and can lead to death.

What is the rarest pothos?

The jade pothos is the rarest of all. This plant can only be found in a handful of places worldwide–and each place has its own variety. The jade pothos is more expensive than other types because it takes longer to mature and it’s harder to propagate, but if you want something exotic for your home, jade pothos is the plant for you.

Do Jade pothos grow fast?

No, jade pothos take longer to grow than other types of plants. This is because jade pothos are propagated by cuttings rather than from seedlings.

To propagate a jade plant, you need two jades and need to know which variety it is–green or variegated (mottled).

Green jades can be propagated by taking a cutting from the side of a leaf, and then attaching it to water. Cuttings from variegated jade require rooting hormone gel.

The cuttings should take root in about one month, but you’ll know sooner if they’re not growing well–you may need to change the water.

You should repot jades when they grow too big for their pot or if you notice that a leaf is dying and dropping off periodically–every year or every few months, depending on how fast they’re growing.

How big does Jade pothos get?

Jade pothos can grow up to 30 feet long when they’re planted in the ground, but jade pothos can be pruned or trained so that it grows as a smaller plant.

Whenever jade pothos is moved from one place to another, cut off any flowers for best results.


It’s important to keep jade pothos healthy by giving them proper care, otherwise, they may die.

Jade pothos can be planted in the ground or indoors and should be given enough light from a window or artificial lighting. They need at most two hours of direct sunlight per day when grown outside but indoor jade pothos do not need any sunlight. Jade pothos can be watered when the soil is dry or every other day to keep jade pothos hydrated, but jade pothos should never be overwatered because they are very sensitive plants that often succumb to root rot.

Where to purchase a Jade Pothos?

You can get yours through Amazon.

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