The Essential Guide to Monstera Adansonii - Care, Problems & Tips - Absolute Gardener

The Essential Guide to Monstera Adansonii – Care, Problems & Tips

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Monstera Adansonii

Monstera adansonii is a monster of a plant. It’s got monster-sized leaves, monster-like roots, and monster-like flowers. Oh yeah… did I mention that it’s also sometimes referred to as the Swiss Cheese Plant? Yeah, this thing is pretty amazing! But in order to keep your monster happy and healthy, you need to know how to care for it properly. Luckily, we’ve compiled all of our best tips on how to do just that below! This is is not just for you newbie Monstera Adansonii carers, but also for those of you who are thinking of buying this beauty for your home.

There are many different species with the common name Swiss cheese plant, but all of them belong to the genus Monstera.

What is a Monstera Adansonii?

Monstera adansonii, also known as swiss cheese monstera or swiss cheese vine has leaves are round and have many lobes in the leaf margins. The lobe segments can be either smooth or serrated, depending on the variety. The monstera adansonii has greenish-white petals that form a funnel-shape flower.

This monstera adansonii typically flowers in summer (July-September) and is found in Central America, mainly Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras.

The monstera adansonii requires medium light conditions for optimal growth as well as humidity levels around 70%. The monster makes a great houseplant because it can grow just fine at room temperature conditions in sunny, bright rooms.

Maintaining monstera adansonii is rather easy because it has few problems with pests or disease and requires little to no spraying for normal care. The monstera does however require more water than most plants around once a week during the summer months when they are actively growing but less frequently in other seasons.

Monstera Adansonii

Origins of Monstera Adansonii Plant

The monstera adansonii is a type of monstera plant. It originates from the island nation of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean off northeastern Madagascar. The monstera adansonia was first discovered by French explorer and botanist Aime Jacques Adanson on his expedition to the area in 1742.

The monstera adansonii, monstera deliciosa, monstera gigantea is a member of the monsteraceae family and it originates from South America. It can be propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Monstera Adansonii and Its Benefits

Monsteras are prized for their lush leaves. They often grow to be thick and can cover a large surface area. The monsteras will grow up to three feet wide when grown in optimal conditions. They make ideal plants for people who have limited space but want a leafy plant that provides ample shade and an attractive look. They are also great plants because they’re not toxic to animals.

A monstera adansonii is a great choice for people who like plants that are easy care and require minimal work in order to maintain them, but still provide friendly interest with their lush leaves. They also grow at slower speeds than other monsteras making it less time consuming when growth begins to slow down due to the monsteras becoming crowded in the pot or garden bed.

Monstera Adansonii Plant Care Guide

The monstera adansonii is a large houseplant that can grow to be four feet tall. Monstera’s are very low maintenance plants that require little care or attention. Monstera adansonii care is much like other tropical houseplants, with a few exceptions. Read on to see the full guide.


Monstera adansonii prefer a soil that is rich in organic material and doesn’t drain too well. The monstera adansonii likes to have moist or wet potting mix, but not so much water that it will sit in the saucer after watering – this can lead to root rot. To prevent drainage issues, you should place a pot with full drainage on the monstera adansonii’s tray.

Monstera adansonii is a tropical species of monstera that prefers moist soil conditions. It likes to grow on the floor and should also be grown in a place where it is protected from wind. Potting mix or soil with a lot of organic material is ideal.

Suggested soil mix includes 50% peat moss or organic soil, 25% perlite and 25% orchid bark chips.


The monstera adansonii needs bright, indirect sunlight. The plant will not thrive in direct sun or light shade. It is best to place the monstera adansonii near a window that has ample natural light coming through it and does not get any harsh rays from the afternoon sun. If you have artificial lighting in your home like fluorescent lights, try to have the monstera adansonii near one of those.

Monstera adansonii is a monster that is native to the rainforests of Central America, yet it can thrive in many different environments. They are known for their monsterous leaves and easy care as long as they receive enough light.

In cloudy conditions or winter months, monstera adansonii will need supplemental lighting. It needs 12-14 hours of bright light per day to grow well and must have ample ventilation.

Monstera Adansonii Watering

Monstera adansonii does not need to be watered too much, but they should never experience dryness. When the soil is dry, lightly water monstera and let it drain before adding more water. They should only receive one inch of water every week if grown outdoors in a pot or container; when monsteras are grown indoors, make sure to water the soil twice a week.

It’s important to water monstera adansonii sparingly, as over watering monstera adansonii can kill monstera adansonii. Monstera adansonii cannot survive with more than 50% of its root system submerged in water for extended periods of time. The best approach to watering monstera adansonii is to wait until the top inch or two of soil feels dry before watering monstera again.

And, monstera adansonii should be watered from the base of the plant and not the top. A wet monstera adansonii leaf can cause insect problems so monstera plants should not be sprayed with a hose.


Monstera adansonii is happiest when it’s temperature range falls between 60 and 90 degrees. It can handle temperatures as low as 40 or 50 degrees, but will not tolerate temperatures over 95 degrees very well. You should place monstera adansonii in a warm location so that it can photosynthesize properly.


Humidity should be between 50 and 60 per cent (monstera adansonii can handle lower temperatures as well). If the humidity is too low, monstera adansonii will not grow properly or produce its signature heart-shaped leaves. Conversely, if it’s too high, monstera adansonii may develop mould problems. You can easily tell whether the humidity in your home is within this range – just take a look at monstera adansonii’s leaves.

If they’re pliable and healthy-looking, then the humidity is probably right. If you notice that your monstera adansonii leaves are starting to crisp up or curl inward in a dehydrated way, then it may be time to think about investing in a humidifier for your home.

If monstera adansonii leaves are starting to turn yellow or brown, the humidity is too high and you should reduce it immediately.


Monstera adansonii needs very little in the way of fertilisers. Normally all monsteras are fed with a few drops of liquid fertilizer every two months, or if you notice stunted growth when compared to other monstera plants as a result of too much nitrogen (which is what most commercial fertilizers offer).

Some monstera adansonii plants can be very sensitive to fertilizers. Often times, these plants require dilution of the fertilizer before its applied to the monstera adansonii. It’s also a good idea to avoid using any kind of chemical fertilizer as monstera adansonii do not respond well or at all to such fertilizers.


A monstera adansonii is not toxic to humans. It can be poisonous if ingested by a pet, so keep it out of reach! Mature plants may have sap that will irritate skin and cause pain and swelling. Wear gloves when handling the plant or use tongs to move it around in pots.

When and if ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, mouth irritation, and abdominal pain. If eaten in large quantities it can also lead to death.


Pruning monstera adansonii is relatively easy. The plant will easily grow back new branches with the effort of a sharp pair of shears or scissors, and can be done in either hanging baskets or on an outdoor tree branch. When monstera has grown to its desired height you should cut off any shoots that grow out from the main trunk.

These can be trimmed or cut off entirely, but keep in mind that monstera adansonii will usually grow back quickly and you may need to trim it more often than other plants.

Propagation and Growth

Monstera adansonii is a monster with an easy to grow monster. Monsteras are grown as either house plants or outside in the subtropical region they originate from, primarily throughout Central America and parts of South America. As long as you make sure to provide it regular waterings, sunlight for at least half the day, and appropriate temperatures, monstera adansonii will grow happily.

Monsteras can be propagated via aerial roots, which grow naturally from ripe monsteras, or from monstera leaf cuttings. In the case of monstera leaf cuttings, monstera leaves are cut into small pieces and allowed to dry for a few hours before they’re planted into a potting soil that has been moistened beforehand.

Enthusiastic gardeners have been propagating monstera adansonii. They do this by breaking an aerial shoot from a mother monstera and then sticking it into moist potting soil.


Repot monsteras every two to three years. The easiest time to repot monstera is in the springtime, when they have just finished blooming. Plant monstera outside during the summer or move it into brighter indoor light for a few weeks before moving them back outdoors again if you live where there are seasons that are cold.

When monstera is ready to be repotted, cut it down with a sharp knife about one inch from the potting soil and then pull on monsteras roots to loosen them so that you can easily remove monstera from the potter without damaging its root ball. Make sure that there are no dry leaves or other debris caught in monstera’s roots before you plant monstera back into a new pot.

Monsteras should be planted in pots that are at least six inches deep with drainage holes and have good draining soil such as cactus, succulent or bromeliad mix.

When planting monstera adansonii it is important to keep the top of monstera’s root ball at the same height it was in its previous pot. This can be done by placing monstera into a larger container or adding rocks to monstera’s new home so that they act as supports for monsteras roots.

Carefully pack soil around monstera and water well after planting, making sure not to pour any excess water onto monstera’s leaves.

Plant Diseases

A monstera adansonii is a tropical plant that has some common diseases. One of the most prevalent problems for monstera plants in general is root rot due to overwatering and poorly draining soil or potting mix. This can lead to stunted growth, yellow leaves and wilting foliage as well as black spots on roots. To prevent root rot, monstera plants should be watered only when the soil is dry to a depth of two inches. It’s also important that monstera adansonii plant pots have good drainage so water can flow freely out of the pot and avoid pooling at the bottom.

There are some insects, such as scale or spider mite eggs, that monstera adansonii plants can be susceptible to. If you notice small yellow patches on the leaves of monstera plant, these may be spider mite eggs. To prevent insect infestation and control existing pests, keep monstera plants away from windowsills or other areas where they’re exposed to direct sunlight or inhospitable conditions; make sure monstera plants are in well-ventilated rooms; and, as always, inspect monstera plant leaves regularly for indications of insect infestation.

If you notice black spots on the roots or wilting foliage, this could be due to rot from too much fertilizer. For best results with fertilizing monstera adansonii plants use a diluted solution of water and fertilizer. Follow the instructions on the container for best results.

When monstera adansonii plants are exposed to light, they will produce a milky sap that’s harmless but may cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with human skin. If you notice your monstera plant oozing this sap, try moving it to a darker area.

The monstera adansonii plant is not toxic to humans or animals but may cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with human skin and could be poisonous for pets, especially dogs. To avoid this toxicity monstera plants should not come in close proximity to food preparation areas such as kitchens or dining rooms where small children might be present.

Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Adansonii Variegated

The monstera adansonii variegata is a monstera that has been bred to have more green and white strips. It does not grow as tall or wide compared with the monstera deliciosa but it can grow up to 15 feet high in time, which is much taller than most plants would reach.

The monstera deliciosa has a high tolerance for neglect, so monstera adansonii variegata is not as picky about the amount of light it gets and will thrive in normal room levels. This monstera loves humidity but does not like to be over watered or have its leaves wet all day because they are subject to mildew. The monstera deliciosa monstera adansonii variegata is also not as picky about soil pH and will grow great in a normal potting mix.

Monstera adansonii varieties have a different leaf shape and monstera adansonii variegata will have an oval-shaped leaf that is thicker than the monstera deliciosa. It also has more of a heart shape in terms of its foliage pattern as opposed to the monstera deliciosas’ distinctive monster shaped leaves.

Monstera AdansoniiCommon Issues with Monstera Adansonii

Monsteras are a monster plant that is easy to care for and propagate, but there are some things gardeners should watch out for in order to keep monstera healthy and happy.

One thing that can cause problems with monstera adansonii during its growing season is overwatering or underwatering due to inconsistent watering. Monstera likes to be watered evenly and with a large amount at one time but not every day.

Another common monstera adansonii issue is its leaves turning brown or yellow after damage from insects such as thrips or scale, which are attracted to the plant due to its sap. To keep monsteras healthy without using toxic insecticides, gardeners should cover monstera with a row cover to stop insects from getting access.

The last common monstera adansonii issue is that it can get sunburned due to overwatering or not enough water and the plant will die within days of being in direct sunlight without any protection.

Tips for Keeping Monstera Adansonii Happy

  • Monstera adansonii like indirect sunlight. Southern and western windows are a good option in the winter or where it is cloudy all day, but make sure to expose monstera adansonii to direct light for at least four hours each day. In summer when days are longer, monsteras should be positioned in eastern or northern windows.
  • They are sensitive to temperature and humidity, so be sure the room is not too cold or dry.
  • They like their soil on the wet side but not soaked. They can grow in a variety of potting mixes including bark based ones with higher organic material content as long as they are well draining.
  • The swiss cheese monstera should be fed every two weeks in the summer and once a month during winter with an organic fertilizer. They are sensitive to salt buildup, so do not use fertilizers that contain salt or keep your monsteras out of drafts where there may be higher levels of moisture such as near air conditioning vents.
  • They prefer humid conditions. One way to keep them moist all the time is by using a humidity tray, which is an enclosed container filled with small pebbles and water that sits on top of potting soil.
  • They will grow new leaves when it’s happy but will also drop leaves if it isn’t happy.
  • Monstera adansonii accept pruning well, so you can trim them anytime to keep their size in check or remove dead leaves and suckers that are coming from the base of the stem.
  • Monsteras will often produce offshoots at ground level – these should be removed as they steal nutrition from the main monstera adansonii.
  • This swiss cheese vine plant will produce blooms during the summer months that are often white but can sometimes be pink or green in colour. Flowers should not be removed from monstera trees as they attract pollinators and help with fruit set, even if you don’t want to eat them!

Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Adansonii Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for a Monstera Adansonii plant?

The monstera adansonii is a monstera plant that thrives in warm climates. The monstera adansonii needs to be placed in an upright position during the day and it should be watered regularly. It also needs to be fertilized once every month during its growing season. The monstera adansonii has thick, leathery leaves which are susceptible to rot.

They should not be soaked in water or left in humid conditions for too long. The monstera adansonii requires continuous air movement to prevent rot from occurring on the leaves and it is susceptible to damage from snails and other insects.

Is Monstera Adansonii rare?

The monstera adansonii is not a rare plant. It can be found in the tropical climates and it needs to be taken care of properly or its leaves will rot.

Does Monstera Adansonii grow fast?

The monstera adansonii grows slowly and it will take a long time to reach full maturity.

Are Monstera Adansonii easy to care for?

Monstera Adansonii will not thrive if it is poorly cared for and the monstera adansonii can be ruined with improper care.

The monstera plant that thrives in warm climates needs to be watered regularly, fertilized once every month during its growing season, exposed to continuous air movement, and protected from snails or other insects. The monstera plant grows slowly and it will take a long time to reach full maturity, but when the monstera adansonii is taken care of properly it can be one of the most beautiful plants around.

Why are Monstera Adansonii so expensive?

The monstera adansonii is not an expensive plant, but it does need to be cared for properly in order to thrive.

Common problems with monstera plants include leaf rot and damage from insects such as snails. The monstera plant can be ruined if taken care of improperly so the price may seem high because of this risk involved with monstera plant care.

Is Monstera Adansonii expensive?

It can be, monstera adansonii are generally on the expensive side of things. You should always check out what the price is before buying it if you’re not sure how much they cost. Generally monstera adansonii will range in price from $30-$120 depending on size and variety, which is still fairly reasonable considering a monstera adansonii can grow up to three feet tall!

Get a monstera adansonii for sale on Amazon for $15.60. 


Monstera adansonii is an interesting plant to have around the house. They’re fairly easy to care for, and a monstera adansonii can provide some nice shade in any sunny area of your home or office. You should always check before purchasing monstera adansonii if you’re not sure what size they come in because it can range anywhere from two inches to three feet.

Overall monstera adansonii is a great option for adding some greenery around the house and come with few problems, so you should consider getting one today!

The monstera needs its old leaves to stay on at all times so that new ones grow underneath them. If you are growing monsteras in pots or containers always keep them moist by misting them from time to time or soaking their soil well before watering.

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