Best North Facing Window Plants: The Bright Side - Absolute Gardener

Best North Facing Window Plants: The Bright Side

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North Facing Window Plants

It’s a myth that north facing window plants are a bad thing. In reality, north facing windows can be the perfect spot for plants because they get so little light. But you have to know what north-facing window plants will thrive in low-light conditions and still look good! In this article we share our favorite plants for a north facing window that can survive in low light conditions and thrive on neglect—so you’ll never again have to think about them!

Why North Facing Windows Are Great For Plants

Plants with north-facing windows can get more sun than any other type of plant. This means they are the most likely to thrive and bloom, as well as need less light in order for this happen. If you want your home or office space filled with fresh green leaves and bright flowers, north facing windows are perfect.

There is one main problem with north-facing window plants: the harsh cold wind that blows in from outside when it’s time for them to be watered or fertilized. This can cause leaves to dry out and die prematurely, especially those on more delicate varieties of plant life (roses). You might not notice the wind as much on a north-facing window, but it’s still there and can do just as much damage.

The best way to combat this is by placing plants closer together or in staggered formation so they’re not all lined up facing north. This will block more of that breeze than if each plant was standing alone side-by-side. And if you have a north-facing window that is particularly cold, try positioning plants towards the center of it so they’ll get reflected heat from being surrounded by other greenery.

You can also make sure to water and fertilize your north facing plant every day or two during winter months when light levels are low. This will help them grow.

A north facing window is perfect for plants with a bright side! You can grow all of your favorite varieties in the home or office, as long as you’re willing to put in some work and creativity to make sure they stay healthy.

The north-facing window is an excellent place for any plant that needs lots of sun: succulents, ferns, orchids. Others that people know and love are the Ficus, African violet, bonsai tree, spider plant, peace lily or prayer plant in addition to other houseplants like cacti types.

15 Best Plants for North Facing Window for Your Home

Nerve Plant aka Fittonia

North Facing Window PlantsPolygonum cuspidatum is a very popular north facing window plant. It does best in indoor light and can be reproduced by taking cuttings or dividing rooted plants during their dormant period. Nerve Plant grows well on the north side of houses, fences, greenhouses, and other structures to help prevent soil erosion from wind and rain.

Nerve Plant is an herbaceous perennial that grows in moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. It will do best north of the drip line of trees or other tall plants where it can receive some morning sun before being shaded by late afternoon shadowing foliage from these taller structures. The plant needs a winter dormancy period of about three months at temperatures between 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit.

This north facing window plant can be propagated by seed, cuttings or division during the dormant period. When propagating this way it is best to root more plants than needed in case some fail before they become established. Division should occur when new shoots are visible near the top of the plant.

Nerve Plant has a variety of uses including as an attractive groundcover for slopes, erosion control in dry areas and drainage assistance on wet sites. When used indoors it is considered to be a good air purifier with few known pests or diseases that affect it so long as soil conditions are favorable.

Monstera Deliciosa aka Swiss Cheese Plant

The Monstera Deliciosa or Swiss Cheese Plant is one of the north facing window plants that does well indoors. The plant loves light and will thrive in a room with high ceilings. This plant has an ivy like appearance, which makes it a good candidate for any space you may need to fill.

They do not like to have its soil wet, but it will appreciate a little bit of water every now and then. The Monstera Deliciosa also requires humid air so you may want to use a small vaporizer or humidifier in the room where this north facing window plant is located.

Golden Pothos aka Epipremnum Aureum

North Facing Window PlantsGolden Pothos, a north facing window plant, is not as common in homes. However, it’s fairly manageable and low-maintenance which is why many people are drawn to this beautiful houseplant. This type of plant needs moderate light for at least six hours per day with no direct sun exposure. Golden pothos can be found in all sorts of colors, including green, white and yellow.

Golden Pothos needs a moist soil that’s high in organic material, such as compost or bark chips. This houseplant also likes to have its roots shaded from the sun and prefers slightly cooler temperatures than other types of north-facing window plants.

Golden Pothos require very little fertilizer, but they do need a monthly dose of liquid feed for optimal growth. Golden pothos grow well in medium to tall pots and are tolerant of neglectful watering schedules. When planting golden pothos, be sure to include a layer of pebbles on the soil surface for good drainage.

Golden Pothos are perfect for indoor gardens and terrariums because they produce new leaves in clusters, which can be cut off as needed without harming the plant’s overall health. It also features flowers that come from white, tubular flowers that bloom in the winter.

They require very little light, so they’re great for north-facing windows or dark spaces. They are a slow grower and will eventually reach up to six feet high with time which makes them perfect for hanging baskets as well.

Snake Plant aka Sansevieria Trifasciata

The snake plant is an easy-to-care for plant with a long list of health benefits. This indoor potting hobbyist has many nicknames: mother in law’s tongue, devil’s backbone, princess palm, and ribbon grass. The snake plants thrive on neglect; they do not need to be watered often.

They will grow best in the dark, so it is recommended to keep this living thing away from direct sunlight or windows with bright light exposure. On average a snake plant can reach up to four feet tall and three feet wide if they are given enough space for their root system to expand when they are young.

Snake plants can be planted outdoors in USDA zones four through eight, but they need to be brought indoors for the winter months; it is recommended that snake plant owners bring their plants inside and protect them from frost with a sheet or blanket. When planting outside make sure to leave an extra six inches of soil on top of snake plant’s root system.

They thrive in the shade and do not need a lot of sunlight to grow healthy, but it will be important during their early years that they are given enough natural light as well. North facing window snake plants can also live indoors year-round, but owners will need to be diligent about watering this delicate living thing.

They don’t have many pests, so they are a good choice for an indoor potting hobbyist who has animals or little ones in the house. Keep snake plants away from pets and small children as there is a possibility of snake plants being poisonous.

Maidenhair Fern

The Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum) is often the north facing window plant of choice. The Maidenhair fern has a delicate, lacy appearance and requires little care to grow well in north windows. This low-maintenance houseplant will reward you with lush growth that needs watering only once or twice per month.

The Maidenhair Fern is a north window plant that thrives in the shade, making it perfect for north-facing windows. The Maidenhair fern requires little care and will reward you with lush growth even if you forget to water it occasionally or don’t provide enough light. The only problem may be its tendency to get over-watered, but north window plants do best with less frequent watering.

Philodendron Scandens aka Heart-Leaf Philodendron

North Facing Window PlantsScandens is a low-maintenance, north facing window plant. This philodendron can grow up to 18” tall and has heart shaped leaves that are green on the top surface and reddish brown underneath. These plants enjoy humid environments with plenty of indirect sunlight for all day growth. Make sure this plant is never in a drafty location or an area that receives too much light.

They are easy to grow indoors and does not require any special care other than watering every few days, fertilizing about once a month, and pruning the stems when they are getting too large for their space. This philodendron can withstand cold temperatures down to 45 degrees because it is a tropical plant.

Spider Plant aka Chlorophytum Comosum

The spider plant, or Chlorophytum Comosum is a perennial hardy to zone eight north. The leaves often have white stripes and the flowers are greenish-white. This window loving houseplant likes bright indirect light in summer and moderate shade in winter. Spider plants should not be subjected to direct sun as it will scorch the plant.

The spider plant is a great love because it can tolerate lower light levels and doesn’t need frequent watering. This houseplant has an attractive appearance that will cheer up any room of your home or office.

Spider plants are tolerant of low humidity, which makes them perfect for north facing windows with no access to a humidifier. Spider plants are also able to withstand low humidity levels that would kill other houseplants, such as African violets and peace lilies.

Spider plants need frequent watering in the summer months but can go longer without water during winter or dry seasons. Be careful not to overwater this plant as it will quickly rot.

Spider plants can grow up to two feet in height or more depending on how they are cared for. When you have a north-facing window without enough light, consider planting one of these hardy houseplants.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: The Fiddle Leaf fig tree is a north-facing window plant that needs lots of light, warmth and humidity to grow. It can also be grown in low-light conditions with frequent misting. This plant performs best when it has been recently repotted and the top layer of soil has been replaced with fresh soil.

The Fiddle Leaf fig tree can grow up to six feet tall and it’s leaves are triangular in shape, which is why they’re sometimes called the “Fiddle Leaf” plant. This north-facing window plant has a lot of air circulation that helps prevent spider mites from attacking its foliage. It also has spines, which help deter bug attacks.

It grows well in low light areas and requires only a few times watering per week. Understandably, it needs regular dusting or wiping down with water as needed. One thing you should do when cleaning your fiddle leaf fig is to always wipe down the leaves rather than spraying them with water. The best time for you to clean it is on a weekend, when nobody will be coming in contact with it over the next few days

Philodendron Pink Princess

North Facing Window PlantsThe Pink Princess philodendron is one of my favorite plants. It’s a small plant that can be used as a hanging basket or on your north facing windowsill. The leaves are long and leathery with bright pink coloring, making it an eye-catching addition to any room!

I will warn you in advance: this philodendron is not a low maintenance plant. It has high light requirements and needs to be misted with water every day (or watered once a week, if you don’t want to constantly pour water on it).

The Pink Princess philodendron will need more than one pot to thrive. You’ll need to provide plenty of space for root growth. But it doesn’t stop there. Philodendron Pink Princess also needs a north facing window in order to thrive, so if you’re not already on that train then now is the time! You’ll also want to fertilize once every other week (or more often).

Give your plants a little bit of love and care, and they’ll give you their bright pink leaves back tenfold.

Monstera Adansonii

The north facing window plants on this list are all low-light tolerant, meaning they don’t need much light to grow. One plant that meets these qualifications is the Monstera Adansonii (aka Mexican Philodendron). This vine has a beautiful leaf design and can be grown in hanging baskets as well as mounted on your north facing windows.

This is a tropical plant that needs to be grown in moist soil. It can tolerate both low and high-light environments, but prefers medium light levels. The Monstera Adansonii grows quickly and has large leaves which requires frequent pruning to keep it looking healthy.

Moth Orchids

Moth orchids are a north-facing window plant that prefers moist, semi-shady conditions. They can grow to be up to 23 inches tall and have the most delicate fragrance in all of its family. That’s why moth orchids make for an excellent companion plant – they will attract pollinators with their sweet scent while you enjoy its beautiful blooms.

Moth orchids are easy to care for, but they do require a north facing window in order to thrive and prosper as much as possible. They need less light than other plants that grow indoors so it’s important not to position them too close to a window; otherwise the leaves will burn easily. They also need a north facing window because they grow in the moist, semi-shady conditions that are so ideal for them.


North Facing Window PlantsThe north facing window plant with the coolest name is Calathea. This tropical houseplant needs lots of light and humidity to grow well, so it’s best on windows that get a lot of sun or near artificial indoor garden lights. It will need watering once every week (or more often if you live in an arid climate) and fertilizing once every two weeks.

This plant is known as a “quilted” houseplant due to the pattern of its leaves. Tiny, round indentations that look like they were made by finger-thimbles will develop on all four sides of each leaf. These may seem insignificant at first but when you look closely you’ll see that they create a delicate and patterned texture.

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen is a north facing window plant that requires minimal care. It does best when it’s watered and fertilized once every two weeks so you can rest assured your plants will be doing fine if you forget to water them for a day or two! Even better, this plant likes cool temperatures as well as lots of light- meaning it can survive in the north facing window.

If you live in a humid environment, this plant will do well with water every other day but if your climate is dry it might need watering once or twice a week. These plants are known for their glossy green leaves and small white flowers that bloom at night- making them not only aesthetically pleasing but also party-ready!

If you’re looking for north facing window plants, Chinese evergreen is a great option. But if you want something with more flair, keep scrolling on down the list to see more.

Peace Lily

North Facing Window PlantsOne north facing window plant that loves to live in a dark room is the peace lily, or Spathiphyllum. It’s also one of the easiest plants to care for and maintain as it doesn’t need much water and its bright white flowers do well during winter months when sunlight isn’t as strong.

The peace lily can thrive with north facing windows and low light conditions, so it’s a great choice for folks who work at night or have lights that go off in the evenings.

It thrives when planted in soil made of peat moss mixed with perlite, which helps to keep water from building up around the roots and causing root rot.

The peace lily needs to be watered about once a week, and don’t let the soil dry out!

Prayer Plant

The north facing window plant that thrives in all conditions is the Prayer Plant. This hardy, tropical houseplant grows and flowers best with its leaves turned northward (in a north-facing window). It can survive low light levels too! The small white blooms on this evergreen are reminiscent of baby’s breath – but they’re actually made up of tiny, delicate spider-web like flowers.

They are happy to spend the winter in a cool room. The Prayer Plant likes medium light and will thrive on little water, so it’s perfect for north windows! It also helps purify the air by releasing oxygen at night when less is available. You can keep a prayer plant outside during spring/summertime, but bring it in for the winter. Prayer plants like to be watered more than once per week, so they are the perfect candidate for watering with a self-watering planter.

North Facing Window Plants

How To Create The Perfect Environment For Your Plants With These Tips And Tricks

If you have a north-facing window plant, follow these tips on how to keep them happy:

  • Make sure your north facing window plant has plenty of light and receives at least eight hours of sun each day.
  • Watch for leaves that are drooping or curling downward and cut them off at the stem to ensure your north facing window plant stays healthy. These plants needs its stems trimmed back occasionally, otherwise it will start growing inward on itself rather than outwards away from the pot.
  • If you don’t have a north facing window, it’s possible to create the conditions moth orchids need by adding an additional hydroponic system. Fill up a container with dirt and water, then add your plant of choice for some self care TLC!
  • Rotate north facing plants in windows that are on opposite sides of your house every few weeks to give them a break from the north-facing windows.
  • If you have north facing window plants and they are looking droopy, try watering them less often during winter months when light is more scarce.

North Facing Window Plants Frequently Asked Questions

Are north facing windows good for plants?

North facing windows can be challenging for plants because they don’t get as much light. However north facing window space is often appreciated by homeowners who want to create a more serene atmosphere in their home through the reduction of natural lighting.

What plants can survive in a north facing window?

Some plants that can survive north facing windows:

  • Cacti (golden barrel, prickly pear)
  • Ferns (bird’s nest, Boston fern)
  • Pilea peperomioides ‘Variegata’ or the “variegated Chinese money plant” is one of many plants that can survive north faced windows.
  • Orchids (dendrobiums, oncidium)
  • Dracaena fragrans or the “corn plant” is one of many plants that can survive north facing windows.
  • Ficus benjamina ‘Lemon Glow’
  • Peace lilies: these are one of the few plants north facing windows.
  • Plectranthus coleoides (coleus) is one of many plants that can survive north faced windows.
  • Yucca: these are one of the few north facing window plants but they do need to be watered regularly and fertilized monthly or so, depending on what kind of yucca you choose.

Does a north facing window get sun?

North facing windows don’t get as much sun, but they still get some. In the morning north-facing window will receive a little sunlight before noon when the sun heads south in the sky; for this reason north-facing plants can do better than east or west-facing ones.

Do North facing windows get enough sunlight for plants?

It’s a common misconception that north facing windows get enough sunlight for plants–in fact, north-facing windows often receive less light than south or east window. They’re also more likely to be shaded either by other buildings in the cityscape or nearby trees and bushes outside your home…

Why north facing house is so popular?

According to the National Gardening Association, north facing windows are popular for a few reasons:

  • North facing houses have more hours of sunlight throughout the day
  • They tend to be less susceptible to insect damage than east or west window plants.
  • West and East sun angles can cause north side plants in hot climates to experience sunburn as the summer day progresses.
  • North facing windows are less likely than other directions to have a direct afternoon or morning sunlight that could cause north side plants to dry out, turn brown and become susceptible for insects.

Can I put my monstera in a north facing window?

Monstera vines and Monstera leaves can be placed in north-facing windows. The plant will grow towards the light so it should not need to be trimmed or rotated as long as you provide indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day.


North facing window plants have a lot to offer as they are hardy and can be found in many different locations. They also don’t need much care, making them perfect for people who really aren’t into gardening or just want something easy that’s going to look nice. It doesn’t matter what type of person you are– north-facing window plants are a great option for you!

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