How To Keep Your Peperomia Incana Thriving - Absolute Gardener

How To Keep Your Peperomia Incana Thriving

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peperomia incana

Peperomia incana is a popular plant for indoor growing. It is considered to be a “gentle giant” because of its slow growth and low maintenance needs.

This article will teach you about peperomia plant care guides, common problems with it, tips on keeping peperomia incana happy.

What is Peperomia Incana?

Peperomia incana is a tropical plant that was originally native to the rain forests of Central and South America. It grows in clumps, with leaves as long as six inches long but only one inch wide. The peperomia ingens are typically green or grayish-green, although some varieties may have red or purple leaves. Peperomia ingens grows in clumps of leaves, often with a rhizome or stem trailing down the middle.

Peperomia incana has several common names including Amazon Fuzz and Felted Peperomia.

The plant is typically grown as a houseplant in temperate climates and has been used for centuries to reduce tension and stress due to its sedative properties. The peperomia incana is also one of the most common plants used to make peperomia tea.

Peperoni incana is an attractive plant that can grow to be as tall as 18 inches and prefers moist soil, but will survive in dryer conditions when given enough light. Peperomia incana is often mistaken for a peperomia argyreioides or pepperoncini, so double check the leaves to confirm before purchasing.

Origins of Peperomia Incana Plant

Peperomia Incana are members of the peper family that come from Central and South America. They often have a thick green, waxy feel to them with their leaves being very compacted together. The peperomia incana plant is an exception: it has thin, papery-like leaves due to its growing in more humid areas.

It has been around since the 1800s and can still be seen in gardens today. It was originally found growing on rocks and other places where water could accumulate, including under trees or near streams. Peperomia plants are usually very easy to care for so they make great indoor plants, especially for people who don’t have a green thumb.

Peperomia incana plants can be found in many different colors and come from peper family members that grow in regions all over the world. The peperomia incana plant is often grown in hanging baskets or indoors as it can survive a lot of neglect.

peperomia incana
Image: via DIY

Peperomia Incana Care Guide

Keeping peperomia incana happy is not a difficult task. These plants are easy to care for and thrive in low-light conditions, so they’re ideal for those who don’t have the time or inclination to pamper their plant babies on a day-to-day basis. Here are some guides.


This plant is remarkably tolerant of many different types of soils, but peperomia incana does best in soil that drains well. To test the drainage qualities of your potting mix or garden bed you can try a water-holding capacity test: put some pebbles on top and then weigh them down with something heavy (such as a book). Then fill the pebbles with water. A good mix will absorb and hold all of the water, a poor mix will leak into other pots or drain away.

Peperomia incana are not picky about soil type. They should be planted in loose peat moss, bark, or compost with a little fertilizers added to the mix such as liquid seaweed and fish emulsion. Peperomia cannot tolerate wet soil so be sure to water them thoroughly before the top half-inch of peat becomes dry.


Peperomia incana has a few different lighting preferences. Some peperomias prefer to grow in bright, indirect sunlight while others do best with less light but require regular exposure to direct sun for at least a couple hours per day. A peperomia needs two types of light: one type should be brighter than the other.

Place peperomia in a location that will get bright, indirect light for at least six hours per day and peperomia peperomioides’s leaves should be green with no color changes or brown spots on them. In dimmer lighting conditions, peperomia requires more water.

Direct sunlight is also crucial for peperomias. Without it, the light needs to be increased with brighter indirect light or supplemental lighting.


The peperomia incana soil should be moist at all times, but peperomias hate wet feet. In the summertime peperomias may need more water than in wintertime because they are growing and new leaves are sprouting on their stem.

Watering is most effective if it happens every day or every other day.

A peperomia should never be watered from overhead, as this will lead to water sitting on the leaves and causing them not to dry quickly. Peperomias prefer a light watering that barely moistens the soil surface instead of soaking it or drenching it. Water in pebbles or pea gravel is also excellent for peperomia incana because they do not like soggy soil.

Peperomias need a good amount of water, but it can’t be too much or the leaves will start to turn yellow and wither. It is important that peperomia incana are watered often enough so they don’t dry out.


Just like peperomia caperata, peperomia incana has a temperature range that is wide. With peperomia caperata this can be from 68°F to 80°F while peperomia incana ranges from 64°F to 90° F with the ideal being 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

In peperomia incana, higher temperatures will promote faster growth with most peperomias preferring some shade in the summer and bright light during the winter. This is because peperomia caperata prefers cooler conditions while peperomia incana needs plenty of heat to thrive. Higher temperatures also bring out more color in peperomia incana.

Peperomias can also tolerate cold drafts; however they do not like to be in a draft for an extended period of time. If your peperomia is near a window that gets constant direct sunlight, you might want to consider moving it so that it is not in the direct draft of cold air.

If peperomia is feeling too warm, it will begin to droop its leaves and turn a brownish-black color. This means that peperomia needs more water or less direct sunlight. Peperomias also enjoy higher humidity levels; however peperomias do not do well in a constantly humid environment.


Peperomia incana’s roots are sensitive to humidity. The peperomias can thrive in a low-humidity environment, but the peperomia leaves will curl and eventually die if it becomes too dry for them. You should regularly mist your peperomia plant with water so that they stay hydrated. An easy way to do this is by setting the peperomia on a small tray of pebbles and water.

If the peperomia plant is in a location with low humidity, it will start shedding leaves and curl up its leaf edges as if they are wilting. This type of peperomia tends to fare better when brought indoors for the winter months than those that remain outdoors.

Peperomia plants that are outdoors need to be watered regularly. In the summer peperomia plants will thrive outside with daily watering, and in winter peperomia plant require less water.


peperomia incanaPeperomia incana needs a liquid fertiliser that is high in nitrogen, such as Tomato feed. Scratch peperomia leaves with your fingers for an instant supply of leaf-coating nutrient droppings. If peperomia has to be fed using a chemical fertilizer then it would need feeding every fortnight during the growing season and monthly during the winter months.

Be careful when feeding peperomia with chemical fertilisers as only half of peperomia’s needs will be fulfilled so it is important to feed peperomia more often than indicated on the packet instructions.

Peperomia incana are sensitive to salt in general and any excess fertilizer or softened water typically contains a high concentration of salt. They are sensitive to peat moss and other peat products as peats contain salts that can be harmful for peperomia. If the leaves on your peperomia have brown spotches then it is likely caused by too much fertilizer or softened water, peat moss or peat products.


Peperomia incana is considered toxic to other plants and animals. It contains peperomine, which can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled in fumes from boiling peperomia leaves. Minor symptoms include irritation of eyes, nose, throat and lungs; more serious exposure may lead to nausea, vomiting and burning sensation while urinating. It is not classified as a carcinogen, but peperomine may have long-term effects in the human body and should be used with caution.

Peperomia is rarely toxic to humans, and peperomia incana has not been shown to have any harmful effects on people. However, peperomia can be mildly irritating if ingested or touched. A rare complication of peperomia toxicity would be contact dermatitis from the sap in peperomia leaves that comes into contact with broken skin. Children are more susceptible to these effects than adults.


Peperomia incana are a type of succulent. They grow like bushes and have peeling, green leaves with red veins that will try to invade your garden if they’re given half the chance. You should know how to prune peperomia incana in order for it stay its preferred size.

  • Don’t cut peperomia incana below the lowest leaves to avoid cutting off its ability to photosynthesize.
  • Cut peperomia incana by holding them with your left hand and pulling their stems in a downward motion. Place peperomia on top of sharp object like an old spoon or the edge of a table, then cut peperomia with a downward motion.
  • Cut peperomia incana stems about an inch from the peeling leaves to avoid cutting into peeling leaves that contain nutrients and moisture.

The best time to do this is during its active growing season in spring and summer, when it has plenty of resources available for healing itself after you’ve trimmed. Pruning peperomias will promote new growth and help the plant become more bushy, creating a fuller appearance. In addition, pruned peperomias grow faster than unpruned peperomias.

Propagation and Growth

Peperomia incana is a species that can be propagated by seed, stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. The seeds are harvested when they turn brown and after the fruit has rotted away from them. Seeds should not be stored for more than six months as this will reduce their viability. Stem cutting peperomia incana are the best choice if you want to clone your plant.

Take a healthy, non-flowering sprig of peperomia incana and cut it off at about four inches from the ground. Place this in a pot with good drainage, moisten the soil slightly before adding to avoid drying out, and then cover the peperomia incana with a plastic bag. You can add pebbles to keep the humidity high inside and avoid air flow around it which could cause rot, then wait for roots to form in about one month before removing from its potting media.

For peperomia incana propagation by leaf cutting, simply take a healthy portion of peperomia incana leaves and cut them into sections with at least one node on each stem. Place in well-drained soil and keep moist.

Propagation peperomia incana by leaf cuttings begins by selecting a healthy cutting from your plant and adding it to the soil, or simply taking peperomia incana seed and planting them into well-drained soil with plenty of water.


Peperomias, in general, are considered to be low-maintenance plants. If peperomia incana is transplanted and given the right amount of light, it will grow rapidly with little effort from you.

However, peperomias also have a habit of becoming pot-bound if they are not repotted at the right time. Repot peperomia incana when it outgrows its pot and no longer has space to grow in all directions, or if roots are circling around inside the pot. Decrease watering frequency during this period of adjustment, but be sure enough water is being given so peperomia doesn’t wilt.

Peperomia will outgrow its peat pot in about four to six months, and it is time for repotting when peperomía loses any of the following attributes:

  • It refuses water
  • Leaves are wilted or drooping excessively
  • Growth appears stunted at the top
  • The peat pot is filled with roots
  • It has begun to develop root problems and peat moss begins to break down.

When repotting peperomia incana, it’s best to use a soil mix that has high drainage properties such as bark or coconut coir (a type of peat). This will keep peperomia from becoming too wet, which could be fatal.

Plant Disease

Peperomia plants are often attacked by plant diseases and peperomia incana is no exception. Most peperomia disease infections occur during the time when most peperomias are being transported from one home to another, either as a new house-warming gift or because they have been potted up too big for their original pot.

The peperomia incana plant disease most often seen is called peperomia wilt – a condition that usually occurs when the peperomia has been exposed to excessive amounts of water and then placed in conditions with low humidity levels for an extended period of time. Left untreated, peperomia plants will eventually die.

Peperomia wilt is usually diagnosed by peering at the peperomia’s leaf stalks – if they seem to be wilted and sagging, peperomia plants are showing signs of peperomia wilt infection. There are peperomia disease treatments, but they vary.

peperomia incana
Image: via DIY

Peperomia Incana Variegated

Peperomia incana ‘Variegata’ is a great houseplant and has small deep green leaves that are flushed with red or purple on the tips of its foliage, but these peperomias have lighter green stripes running down their center. These peperomias develop clusters of tiny white flowers in springtime – it prefers low to medium light. As the peperomia gets older, it will lose its tan-colored margins to reveal pure white or cream colored inner petals surrounding a dark brown center. This peperomia is native to a region of northeastern South America.

This peperomia is a great choice for people who can’t take care of their plants. It’s not too demanding- it will grow in low light, dry air and humid conditions. Unlike many other peperomias this one does not appreciate frequent waterings or being left to sit with wet roots (although they are still tolerant of both).

Common Issues with Peperomia Incana

Peperomia incana is an indoor houseplant that flourishes in the home. It has a few common issues, but with peperomia care guides and some time, peperomia plants will thrive! The following are just a couple of the most common problems people have reported:

  • Peperomia leaves turning brown and shedding – peperomia brown leaf spots
  • peperomia peeling leaves, peeling peperomia tips
  • peperomia plant has lost all its leaves

The first thing to look for is water. Peperomia plants are picky about their watering schedule. If they’re either drowning in too much water or not getting enough, peperomia leaves will either wilt and fall off the plant or start peeling.

  • Peperomia brown leaf spots: This is most likely a fungus that got into your peperomia plant’s soil. To treat it, use boiling water to sterilize a sharp knife (you can use a spoon if you don’t have peperomia plant knives) and then slice open the peperomia leaf to reveal any brown spots. Apply some hydrogen peroxide or powdered cinnamon directly onto these spots, then put them back into soil with peperomia plants.
  • Peeling peperomias: This is another common peperomia care problem. It’s peeling peperomia tips caused by peachy keenities (read: overwatering). To treat this, allow the peperomias to dry out a little before watering again or invest in an automatic peeper waterer attachment for your faucet.
  • Pepper leaves have lost all their leaves: This one is peeper plant wilting caused by peperomia overwatering. To peep this problem, cut back on the water you’re giving your peperomia plants and make sure they get at least eight hours of sunlight each day.

Tips for Keeping Peperomia Incana Happy

peperomia incana
Image: via DIY

Peperomia incana, or peperomia pebbles as they are often called, is a relative of the plant kingdom with many common names. They are easy to care for plants and can be found in most nurseries near you!

In order to keep your peperomia pebbles happy:

  • Soak peperomia pebbles in water overnight. Keep them well-watered and moist, but not wet
  • Give peperomia pebbles a monthly dose of fertilizer
  • Rotate your peperomias for better air circulation
  • Place peperomia pebbles in a bright spot with filtered light.
  • Keep peperomia pebbles away from drafts and heating vents that can dry them out too much
  • Don’t place peperomia pebbles next to plants or flowers as they may attract pests, like snails and slugs
  • Be sure peperomia pebbles are not drying out. If peperomia pebbles leaves appear yellow, this is a sign of dehydration
  • Nurture peperomia pebbles by giving them room to grow and providing the right amount of light

Peperomia Incana Frequently Asked Questions

How do you treat Peperomia incana?

Peperomia incana care guides are typically, as peperomias like to be in the shade and prefer cooler temperatures. If peperomia is showing signs of being too moist or dry, simply water at proper intervals with a misting bottle. Typically peperomia do not need fertilizer other than natural soil, which provides all the nutrients peperomia needs. If peperomia are in pots, make sure to fertilize every other month to replenish their natural soils and prevent any deficiencies or nutrient depletion.

How do you propagate Peperomia incana?

Peperomias incana are easy to propagate by peperomia cuttings. Usually peperomia are propagated from peperomia leaves, but peperomia stem sections can be used as well if you prefer.

  • Cut the leaf of a healthy peperomia plant using clean and sterile cutting instruments (scissors or clippers)
  • Cut peperomia stem sections about two to three inches in length and then dip the cut ends into peperomia rooting hormone
  • Place peperomia cutting on top of a peperomia potting mix containing peperomia that are ready for propagation. Make sure it has plenty of light to develop healthy roots.
  • Put peperomia cutting in peperomia potting mix. They should be watered regularly and kept warm for best root development
  • Once peperomia cuttings have developed healthy roots, they can then be transplanted into their own peperomia pots or other containers with peperomia soil.

Does Peperomia need sunlight?

Peperomia is a succulent so it needs little sunlight and can handle low light. It only needs about two hours of direct sunlight per day, but peperomia will be happiest if you give them an east or west exposure window with filtered sun for at least three to four hours.

How do you take care of a Peperomia plant indoors?

Peperomia plants do not need to be watered and fertilized as often as other houseplants, so peperomias are a great option for those who don’t have the time or patience. The best way is to mist it with water from a spray bottle every couple of weeks. If you want your peperomia to grow faster, you can fertilize it with peat moss once a month.

What type of Peperomia do I have?

Sometimes, peperomias are labeled with different names in the trade. For example, they may call some peperomias pellucida or erythrorhiza while others go by petraea and asiatica. You can tell what types of peperomia plant you have by the peeling off of its leaves. Peperomias are so diverse, and there may be many different types you have in your collection.

Is peperomia a perennial?

Peperomia is not a perennial, peperomia incana prefers to be treated as an annual and enjoyed for its life span. They are really easygoing plants with no complicated care requirements.


This peperomia has a good reputation. It can live in most climates with ease and is forgiving of common mistakes like overwatering or not watering often enough. They are also low-maintenance plants that thrive on neglect to an extent; peperomia incana will skip over the things it doesn’t need rather than reaching out and asking for them. It is a peperomia that does not need much attention, yet it will graciously accept the care you give to ensure its good health!

Follow this guide and you’ll see your peperomia incana flower in no time. You may find peperomia incana for sale at your local nursery.

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