The Affectionate Houseplant: Peperomia Prostrata - Absolute Gardener

The Affectionate Houseplant: Peperomia Prostrata

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peperomia prostrata

It’s always a big deal when people move into their first place, and peperomia prostrata are no exception. There is the whole process of hunting for furniture and decor, but peperomia prostrata will need to be considered too. They’re small enough that they can live on just about any windowsill or even in a pot on the kitchen counter – but peperomia prostrata still deserve to have owners who care enough about them to make sure they are well taken care of.

Although peperomia prostrata is a beautiful houseplant, they do have some common issues that you will need to address. They are not very tolerant of heat and direct sunlight, so be sure to provide peperomia prostrata with plenty of indirect light. These plants also prefer a lot less water than other popular houseplants such as ficus or spider plants. If peperomia prostrata starts to droop, it’s because the peperomia prostrata needs more water. This article aims to provide you with all the information you’ll need for peperomia prostrata ownership!

What is Peperomia Prostrata?

“Peperomia prostrata,” also known as string of turtles and as an affectionate peperomia, is a tropical plant. It has become popular among houseplant enthusiasts because of its easy care and ornamental features – it can be grown in low-light conditions indoors or outside, doesn’t require much water or fertilizer, and is resistant to common peperomia diseases.

Peperomias are a monocotyledonous family of plants that belongs in the Piperaceae, which also includes pepper plants like chili peppers and black peppercorns. There is no specific botanical classification for peperomia prostrata because it can hybridize with peperomia obtusa.

Peperomias are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants and don’t need soil to survive or flourish. The leaves of peperomias can be either green or variegated (patterned with different colors).

The majority of peperomia prostrata’s leaves are in a peeling pattern, but it has been observed that the peels can change color as they age. The tips of peperomia prostrata’s leaves near their stem grow downward and resemble a heart shape. The peperomia prostrata variety, also known as common peperomias or creeping jenny, are small and have smooth leaves with serrated edges that grow in rosette shapes. The peperomias are available in shades from lime green to brownish-black or even reds mixed among the green leaves. Read on for the full string of turtles plant care guide.

Origins of Peperomia Prostrata

The string of turtles plant originates from the Andes in South America. The peperomia is a plant that can be grown as an indoor or outdoor houseplant, and it thrives best when pot-bound. It’s also known as “the affectionate houseplant” due to its tendency to hugging other plants in its pot. It’s also called peperomia “the twisted one” due to the unique twisting pattern of the leaves that distinguish it from other peperomias.

The peperomias have been popular houseplants in Europe since 1887. One possible reason for this is because peperomia prostrata does not need a lot of light to grow. It can be placed in low-light areas where many other plants would not survive, such as an office cubicle or on the windowsill above your sink.

The peperomia prostrata is one tough plant! They are often grown in hanging baskets because peperomia prostrata can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

peperomia prostrata

Peperomia Prostrata Care Guide

String of turtles care is not an overly complicated task. There are some things that peperomia plant owners need to know about peperomias, however, in order to keep their plants healthy and happy. Peperomia prostrata for sale can be found online or at your local garden store.


It’s important to make sure peperomia prostrata has the right soil. It should have good drainage and be well-drained, as peperomia prefers moist but not wet conditions. Peperomia requires a peat-based soil mixture. You can find peat moss at most gardening stores or online. Peat is decomposed organic material that often contains plant roots and other matter from the area where it formed, but not always.

Peperomias are sensitive to salt (which is found in fertilizer) and will take on a yellowish tinge. However, peperomia can withstand more salt than other houseplants and is often used to help clean the air in areas with high levels of pollution such as kitchens. It’s better not to overuse peat or peat moss because it will accumulate salts that are bad for peperomias.


Peperomia prostrata is a shade-loving houseplant that does well indoors in indirect light. In order to maintain peperomia, place it near an east or west facing window with plenty of indirect sunlight exposure and keep the plant at least 12 inches away from any nearby windows. Learn more about peperomia by reading peperomia prostrata cares.

The peperomias that grow on trees also prefer less sun exposure and are typically found growing high up on tree branches. In peperomia’s natural habitat, it is found growing in the shade of a forest canopy and can grow up to heights of 30 feet (or more). This type will prefer shady conditions or filtered light from an east-facing window.


Peperomia string of turtles plants are not picky about water, but they do need to be watered regularly. Depending on the peperomia plant’s location and size of pot, you should give it anywhere from a half-cup up to one cup of water per week.

In general, pepers do not need to be flooded with water; rather, they should be thoroughly watered until peeping out from the top of the soil.

If your peperomia plant is getting too much or too little light, you might want to adjust how often it gets watered accordingly. If there isn’t enough light for photosynthesis, your peeperomia plant will need more water. If peperomia is wilting or drooping, it’s time to start watering! Water peperomiae in the morning or evening so that they have time to dry out by nighttime (if peperomia is in a pot, make sure peperomia doesn’t sit on water).


The peperomia plant thrives in normal room temperatures, but it does better when the temperature never drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. There are peperomias that can tolerate colder conditions as well – another great reason to have a few different varieties!

This peperomia plant doesn’t mind the cold too much, which is great for those of us who like to keep it on our windowsill! It will need a bit more water than usual in order to do well during winter months but this would be true if we put any houseplant outside – peperomias or not.


The string of turtles succulent likes high humidity. You should water it with distilled or bottled water in order to keep the peperomia prostrata moist, but not soaking wet. Keep the peperomia prostrate away from drafty areas and try to create a humid environment by using humidifiers. If you use peperomia prostrata indoors, make sure you keep the peperomia prostrate away from heat sources such as vents and radiators. The best way to give peperomia sufficient humidity without over saturating the soil would be a humidifier or pebbles with water in them.


peperomia prostrataPeperomia prostrata can be fertilised with peat-free compost, peat-based potting mix or slow release plant food. Avoid liquid feed as this will damage the roots and leaves of peperomia plants.

A garden fork should be used to create a hole that is about twice as deep as the peperomia plant’s roots. Add peat-free compost or peat-based potting mix to the hole and replace the soil around it, lightly pressing it down on top of the root ball with your hands.

The fertiliser should be worked into the soil using a garden fork, but not so firmly that you damage any peperomia roots. After peat-free compost or peat-based potting mix has been worked into the soil, water it in well and leave for a couple of hours before putting back the peperomia plant. This will help to ensure that all parts are wetted thoroughly

For peperomia prostrata that are grown outside: In regions where peperomias grow well outdoors, they can be planted out into a garden bed with good drainage. The soil should be loose and peat-free compost or peat peperomia will need to be added. Add a layer of pea gravel at the bottom and top of the pot before adding peperomias, as they like well drained soil that is free from sitting water.


The peperomia prostrata is often called the “affectionate houseplant” because of its low toxicity. It should not be eaten, but can be handled without gloves or other protection as long as it’s washed before and after handling. It has also been shown that peperomia prostrata has a low risk if peels or leaves are ingested.

The peperomia prostrata does have irritant qualities, as the sap can cause skin irritation and itching in some people. It is recommended that peperomia prostrata not be handled too often by those with sensitive skin.


For peperomias, the only time you’ll need to prune them is when they outgrow their containers or become root bound.

To prune peperomias, you’ll need to trim off the branches that are growing out of its container and at a 90 degree angle from it. Be sure not to cut any leaves or stems when doing this! You can just snip with your secateurs where necessary, as peperomia plants grow new stems from where you cut them.

If peperomia is root bound, then it will start to grow up out of its container and all over the soil surface. To trim peperomia back when this happens, remove any leaves as far down as possible before cutting off branches with a sharp pair of secateurs. You can also trim peperomia back by one-third each time it gets root-bound.

To get peperomias to grow up, place pebbles in the bottom of their container and then fill them with soil. This will help peperomia become more vertical again!

Propagation and Growth

Propagation is the growing of peperomia prostrata string of turtles through cuttings. Peperomia can be propagated by rooting peperomia stems directly in water or potting mix, layering peperomias on top of each other and then watering them until their roots have intertwined, or chopping off a branch from an established peperomia peeling off the bottom leaves and then sticking it in moist soil.

To propagate peperomia from the leaves, put them in water until they form roots. When you see new roots on your cutting, pot it up into moist soil or sphagnum peat.

To propagate peperomia from the stem, remove a section of peperomia’s stem that contains nodes and roots. Pot up this node into moist soil or sphagnum peat in an appropriately sized container.


The turtles on a string plant in your houseplant may need to be repotted if they become root-bound. If peperomias are pot bound, it can stunt the plant’s growth and cause its leaves to turn brown and die. Root binding happens when a peperomias’ roots have outgrown the pot that it is in. Repot peperomias when they are about one inch too big for their current container

Peperomia prostrata plants will be happy if you repot them into a larger pot, or give the peperomia more room to grow by placing two pots side-by-side and joining them together with peperomias in each pot.

To repot peperomia prostrata, remove the peperomia from its old container and gently loosen the roots so they don’t break off when you place it into a new one. Fill your new peperomia’s vessel with soil that is high in peperomia-friendly nutrients and put peperomias in the center of the potting mix.

Water peperomias when you see dry soil or at least every other day, though they may need to be watered more often depending on your climate conditions. Leave peperomias for two weeks after repotting and then resume your normal peperomia care routine.

Peperomias should not be watered when the leaf surface feels dry or peperomias are in hot, direct sunlight. Repot peperomias every couple of years to avoid root binding and make sure they always have enough room to grow.

Plant Disease

Peperomia plants are susceptible to plant disease. The peperomia prostrata may develop leaf spots, wilting leaves and stunted growth in the presence of a fungal infection or insect damage. In an effort to keep your peperomias happy, you should purchase peperomia plants that have healthy dark green leaves.

A peperomia plant will show signs of disease when it wilts and turns yellow with leaf spots, brown edges or becomes shriveled due to insect damage. The peperomias can also develop a fungal infection that causes the peperomia’s dark green healthy looking leaves turn tan in color. In order to protect peperomia plants from disease, you should purchase peperomias that have healthy dark green leaves

In the event of a peperomia plant contracting any one of these diseases it is important to isolate and remove the diseased peperomia from your other peperomia grass as they can infect peperomia plants that are healthy.

Peperomia Prostrata Variegated

Peperomia prostrata Variegated or variegated string of turtles is a low-growing peperomia that can easily be kept as a houseplant. The peperomia prostrata variegated has green and white leaves or other colors.

It grows to about 3 inches tall and can grow in many different types of soils. A peperomia prostrata variegated thrives in moist environments with bright indirect light. The peperomia prostrata variegated will take full sun but prefers dappled sunlight or shade during the hottest part of the day, usually between 11am-3pm. When grown from peat or peat moss, peperomia prostrata variegated plants need peat moss to be moist all the time.

The peperomia prostrata variegated can survive in temperatures between 40°-90° F, but cannot tolerate frost or freezing conditions. The peperomia prostrata plant does not like drafts and should be kept away from air conditioners and heating systems.

Common Issues with Peperomia Prostrata

Peperomia prostrata are easy to care for and incredibly durable so they make a great plant choice if you don’t have much time or space in your home. However peperomias can get sick just like any other living thing, even though it doesn’t happen very often.

When peperomias get sick the leaves will start to droop. They can also turn yellow or brown and develop fungus, spots, or lesions. Sometimes peperomia prostrata will drop a few of its lower leaves as well if it’s not getting enough light or water in order to save energy for itself. One of the most common peperomia prostrata problems is over-watering.

Too much water will cause peperomias to droop and turn brown or yellow, because it’s drowning from too much liquid in its roots. If you’re not sure if your peperomia are getting enough water they can usually tell you by drooping and turning dark.

To fix peperomia prostrata problems, you should remove the peperomia from its pot or saucer if it’s possible to do so without damaging them. Then let them dry out for a few days before watering again, but don’t forget that peperomias like humidity too! It’s best to use pebbles or a tray of water so peperomias can drink and stay wet without becoming too soggy.

peperomia prostrata

Tips for Keeping Peperomia Prostrata Happy

Pepperomia prostrata is a tropical plant that requires low light and moist air. Here are some tips for keeping peperomia prostrata happy:

  • It needs water about once a week, unless it’s in really hot weather conditions or you’re giving the peperomia too much sunlight. The peperomia doesn’t like to be too wet or dry, so you can test the peperomia’s soil with your fingers before watering.
  • When potting peperomias in containers, make sure they are not too close together and that there is plenty of space for each one to grow. You should also use a good quality potting mix that helps peperomia prostrata retain moisture.
  • You can tell when the peperomia needs more light because it will start to look droopy and turn brown on the edges of leaves.
  • When fertilizing peperomias, use a fertilizer with low nitrogen content, as high levels may cause peperomia prostrata leaves to turn yellow.
  • You can tell peperomia prostrata is getting too much sunlight when the leaves start to get “leathery” and dry, or if they look like they’re going brown and dying.
  • A peperomia will also need more water in a hot environment; peperomia prostrata needs moist air and not too much sunlight.

Peperomia Prostrata Frequently Asked Questions

peperomia prostrataHow do you take care of a turtle string?

Peperomia prostrata or turtle string is a simple houseplant to care for. You can keep them in any type of light, as long as it has some sunlight every few days. If you have peperomia prostrata near windows that get direct sun exposure during the day, they will grow tall and lanky. If peperomia prostrata are in a spot that gets indirect light, they will grow more compact and stay at a smaller size.

As long as peperomia prostrata get plenty of water (good drainage is important to keep peperomia prostrata happy) it doesn’t matter how often peperomia prostrata are watered. If peperomia prostrata are left without water for too long, they will start to drop their leaves and droop.

It is best to avoid placing peperomia prostrata in a spot that gets dappled or indirect light because this type of lighting usually causes peperomia prostrata to become leggy and tall.

Is String of Turtles rare?

Most peperomias are fairly uncommon in the trade, and most people overlook them. The exception to this is String of Turtles (Peperomia prostrata). It’s been in cultivation for many years and has a great track record as an easy-to-grow plant that comes back reliably from cuttings. It has a long, trailing stem with heart-shaped leaves that grow opposite each other on the stalk.

How big does Peperomia prostrata grow?

Peperomia prostrata has an average height of ten inches, and its leaves are usually three to six inches long when grown in their natural environment outdoors. If you want peperomia prostrata to grow a little taller, then place peperomia prostrata in a spot with more light.

How much sun does String of Turtles need?

The peperomia prostrata is a low-light houseplant that needs about four hours of sun each day.

Providing the peperomia turtle with too much sunlight will kill it! Keep your String of Turtles in an area where there are at least some windows and make sure to rotate them so all sides receive the same amount of sunlight.

Should I cut off Peperomia flowers?

This is an interesting question because string of turtles flower is not just for show. They’re actually very important to the peperomia’s survival and its reproductive process! Peperomias produce many small, round seeds that grow from the flower in a pod called a capsule. When peperomias begin producing these pods, the peperomia plants grow berries. If the seeds inside of these pods are not collected and germinated, then the peperomia plant will die off in a couple years as it has no means to propagate new peperomias without flowers.

Cutting off peperomia flower heads is also often done by people who want peperomia plants to grow larger and more quickly. This is a bad idea because the peperomias need all the nutrients they can get, so cutting off their flowers will lead them into starvation mode!

Does string of turtles like humidity?

Turtles are like peperomia prostrata plants in that they need high humidity – this means a lot of water. If there is too much air circulation, the turtles may die from drying out (or peperomia prostrata might dry).

If you don’t have a place to put peperomia prostrata, you can get peperomia prostrata plants for your porch or patio. They’ll grow in containers like peat pots until they are big enough to plant into the ground outside (or inside).

Where to buy peperomia prostrata?

String of turtles plant for sale is easy to buy peperomia prostrata at your favorite garden center. Plant them in a pot with free-draining soil and water regularly, then place it on the ground or near big windows for great natural light exposure.


The peperomia prostrata is a very forgiving plant, and it can grow satisfactorily in the most extreme conditions. The peperomia prostrata also has an incredibly varied range of colors to match any decorating scheme or mood you want for your home. When you need something else in your life, just go for a walk and give peperomia prostrata some love. The peperomia may not say much, but they’re always there when you need them! Get your string of turtles for sale here. 

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