Philodendron Melanochrysum: The Indoor-Oriented Plant You'll Love - Absolute Gardener

Philodendron Melanochrysum: The Indoor-Oriented Plant You’ll Love

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Philodendron melanochrysum

This philodendron plant is a beautiful, easy-to-care for philodendron that is perfect for people who don’t have a green thumb. If you’re looking to spruce up your home or office with an attractive plant but don’t want the hassle of having to care for it, philodendron melanochrysum is the one for you. Keep reading below to learn more about philodendrons and how they can help improve your living space!

What is a Philodendron Melanochrysum?

A philodendron plant is a beautiful houseplant that you can easily care for. One of the most common philodendrons is philodendron melanochrysum, or white-stemmed philo for short. The philo has light green leaves and stems with dark green spots near its base. They’re often compared to a spider plant because philodendron leaves are triangular and long, like the legs of an arachnid.

The philodendron melano plant is derived from a species of philodendra called philodenndra hechtii, but has been bred in the lab to produce new colours and shapes. In short, its known as philodendron melano

It is a vine type plant, hence it doesn’t grow on the ground. It needs to be attached to something that will support its weight and give it something to climb up as well. This could be another philodendron or some other kind of climbing plant; philodendrons are usually happy to grow on other philodendrons too.

Origins of Philodendron Melanochrysum Plant

Philodendron melanochrysum originates from Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. The philodendron genus within the Araceae family contains more than 130 species of plants with various sizes, shapes and colors. Philodendron melanochrysum is also known by its scientific name, philodendron latifolium erythroneuroptenum melanochrysum. They grow to about 20 feet in height when it’s outdoors but as an indoor houseplant philodendron melanochrysum usually reaches a max size of around four or five feet tall.

Philodendron Melanochrysum

Philodendron Melanochrysum Plant Care Guide

The philodendron melanochrysum care instructions are fairly straightforward, making it a great choice for beginners looking for a philodendra plant to start with. It is a philodendron species that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. In the right climate conditions, it will grow to full maturity outside, with stems of up to six feet tall or more.


Soil is an essential part of philodendron melanochrysum care. It should be kept moist but not wet, and well-drained soil will help with this if it’s too dry or too wet. Soils that are heavy in clay can cause philodendron melanochrysum to rot at the base and need more frequent watering.

Philodendron melanochrysum can be rooted in soil, but it’s best to use potting mix with peat moss or perlite as philodendron melanochrysum doesn’t do well when their roots are soggy for too long and they don’t like having the water drain away. The potting mix should have good drainage and be high in organic matter such as peat moss or composted bark. Philodendrons grow best when the roots are left to air dry after watering. This may mean that water is used sparingly, in intervals. The philodendron will prefer a soil mix that is neutral to acid in pH range (pH of around five).


Philodendron melanochrysum is a philodendron with some unusual features. For one, it’s the only philodendron that thrives in low light conditions – this makes it perfect for those looking to grow philodendra indoors.

We recommend philodendron melanochrysum be in a windowless room with indirect light, or outside during the day and indoors at night. If philodendron melanochrysum is kept near a window make sure the sunlight doesn’t shine directly on philodendron melanochrysum; this could cause burning to philodendron melanochrysum leaves.

Philodendron melanochrysum should be kept in a room where philodendron melanochrysum will receive at least 12 hours of indirect light or more per day, but philodendron melanochrysum can survive in lower lighting conditions as long philodenndrom melanochrysum receive enough light to be healthy.


Philodendron melanochrysum are not as drought tolerant as the common philodendrons. You will find that it needs about a gallon of water per week and some times more, depending on how sunny your space is. Use rainwater if possible and avoid tap water. Philodendron melanochrysum need to be watered from the top of the pot, making sure that excess drains out and not sit in it or it will rot.

They need to be watered at least once every other day, or they will start withering and drooping heavily. One way to tell if philodendron melanochrysum needs watering is by feeling the soil in pot. If it feels dry and you can’t scoop any up with your hands, philodendron needs to be watered.


Philodendron melanochrysum, like all philodendrons, prefers temperatures that are warm to cool but not cold. The best way to achieve this is by providing your philodendron with plenty of sunlight or another artificial light.

If philodendron melanochrysum is in a sunny spot, it will thrive at temperatures anywhere between 65-85 degrees. In shady areas, philodendrons do better when they are exposed to cool air during the day and warmest air at night. They should be given an average temperature of 55-65 degrees.

You should never place philodendron melanochrysum in a drafty area, as this will cause its leaves to dry out and fall off. This plant is not suited for areas that experience the temperature below freezing at any point during the year; even if it’s just one night!


Many philodendrons, including philodendron melanochrysum prefer higher humidity. It is best to use a humidifier when the relative humidity in your home drops below 50%. You can also mist plants every day or two and have them near an open window for some fresh air as philodendron melanochrysum likes humidity levels above 50%.

Philodendron melanochrysum is sensitive to very high humidities, so if your home’s relative humidity exceeds 65%, you should consider using a dehumidifier. Philodendrons will also appreciate the addition of an organic potting mix or soil with perlite to the planting pot, which will help increase humidity in philodendron melanochrysum’s container.

Philodendrons should be kept away from heaters or vents that produce dry drafts and keep philodendron melanochrysum over a sink or bucket of water so that the roots don’t get dried out. If you are keeping them in a dry space, such as on top of your refrigerator or near an air conditioner, add water to the base tray every week just enough to create moisture without creating puddles and make sure they have plenty of light!


Philodendrons are sensitive to too much fertilizer and can burn from fertilizers containing phosphorus or potassium when soils already contain sufficient amounts of the nutrients. Too much nitrogen can cause philodendron melanochrysum to develop soft, droopy leaves. Philodendron melanochrysum should never have fertilizer applied directly at the base of the plant because philodendron melanochrysum has sensitive roots.

Philodendron melanochrysum will need to be fertilised every two weeks in order for philodendron melanochrysum’s leaves and stems to remain healthy. For philodendrons, use a water-soluble houseplant food or any balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of about 20-20-20.


Philodendron melanochrysum is typically safe for humans. As with all philodendrons, the sap of philodendron melanochrysum contains calcium oxalate crystals which can be irritating in high concentrations but are usually only a symptom and not the cause of injury to people who have come into contact with it.

It’s toxicity levels have been found to be low and it doesn’t seem to cause any harm if ingested by animals or humans so long as they are not allergic, but people with sensitive skin may experience some irritation from handling philodendron melanochrysum. Philodendron melanochrysum will emit a milky sap if damaged. If swallowed, this may result in stomach irritation.


Philodendron melanochrysum philo stems typically grow one inch per month when grown in a container. When the plant gets to be about six feet tall, you’ll want to prune it back by half its height every year or two. Cut the plants back so that they’re only three or four foot high. Always start with the largest philodendron. Cut it back by a third its height and then move on to the next philo. The first time you prune philodendron melanochrysum stems should be in late winter or early spring.

When pruning philodendrons, the goal is to remove dead or dying leaves and stems. Cut off any parts of the plant that are touching nearby plants, as this can spread disease. Trim out damaged areas where there are bug chews or other signs of insects. Prune philodendron to maintain shape and size, but do not remove more than one-third of the plant at a time. If you are trimming out damaged areas or removing dead leaves, don’t cut off too much!

Propagation and Growth

Plant philodendron melanochrysum from stem cuttings. Cut a long, healthy branch with several segments and remove the leaves on one end. Place it in moist soil or potting mix and keep well watered until new roots form. Once this occurs, transplant into more permanent container keeping the top of the cutting at least an inch below soil level.

Philodendron melanochrysum can be propagated by division of a larger plant, but this is not recommended for beginners because it’s difficult and labor intensive. It should only be done when you have enough room to divide up philodendron melanochrysum into smaller plants.

Philodendron melanochrysum can also be propagated by air layering, which is the process of rooting a branch or stem in moist soil then cutting it off below the layer and potting up with good drainage material to keep it from rotting.

Philodendron melanochrysum propagation does not require any special treatment and philodendron melanochrysum is easy to care for, so long as you are willing to spend a couple minutes each day when philodendron melanochrysum needs it.

Philodendron melanochrysum propagation methods should be done in the spring or fall because philodendron melanochrysum needs a dormancy period in the winter.


Philodendron melanochrysum plants need to be repotted every year or two. They should not be “overpotted” and will appreciate a pot with at least one drainage hole in the bottom to let water out when it is watered. Fill up the pots that philodendron melanochrysum philodendrons are going into with potting soil, and place the philodendron in it. Fill up the rest of the space around the plant roots with more potting soil, until you have a thick layer all around them. The top should be filled to barely cover any exposed philodendron roots.

When philodendrons are repotted, they need to be watered more than usual in the first couple of weeks. This is because philodendron plants will try and recover from being uprooted by taking up all available water that’s close enough to them. If you proceed with this watering plan after philodendron repotting, then your Philodendron melanochrysum should be fine.

Philodendrons are sensitive to drafts and like the humidity of a closed room. Do not put potted Philodendron melanochrysum on top of radiators or close them off from the rest of the house with doors – it will not thrive.

Plant Diseases

Plant diseases come in many different forms. Some are easy to identify and some not so much, but once the plant is infected it will show symptoms that can be difficult to miss. One of these easily identifiable diseases is philodendron melanochrysum blight. It is an easily identifiable disease that causes brown spots on leaves with white fuzzy growth underneath or around them. The philodendron’s philanthophyll, the pigment in its chloroplast which gives it its coloration, will start to disappear and leave behind a yellowish discoloration. This philodendron melanochrysum blight is caused by a fungus that lives in the soil and enters through wounds on the plant’s leaves or stems; once inside, it starts to consume nutrients from the philodendrons cells until they die off.

Philodendron Melanochrysum

Philodendron Melanochrysum Variegated

The philodendron melanochrysum variegated is a very popular philodendron. It’s one of the easier philodendrons to grow indoors, as it does well with low light and can thrive in most environments. Philodendra are generally grown for their foliage rather than flowers or fruit. This philodendron’s lush, dark green exterior is a beautiful contrast to its lighter variegated leaves.

The philodendron melanochrysum variegated does well in low light environments such as an office setting. It’s one philodendron that is easy to maintain without needing a lot of attention. This philodendron can thrive with either moist soil or dry, but it prefers humid environments over dry ones- the philodendron melanochrysum variegated likes misting and fogging in order to stay happy and healthy. They are not poisonous, so they can be enjoyed by people with sensitivities to house plants or pets

This philodendron is a popular choice because it’s not too picky about the environment. It will thrive in most settings and doesn’t require much care beyond some misting every now and then. Additionally, this philodendron variegated variety is not poisonous, so it can be enjoyed by people with sensitivities to house plants or pets. The philodendron melanochrysum variegated can grow to be two to three feet tall and is usually sold in pots.

Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum

Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum is a philodendron variety that has been growing in popularity. This plant is often called the “elephant ear philodendron” because of its large, lush leaves which resemble elephant ears. The philodendron variety is also frequently referred to as an “indoor philodendron” because it thrives indoors but can be grown outdoors in the warm, humid subtropics.

This philodendron type prefers bright light and heavy humidity levels. It does not need too many hours of sunlight a day but it does need high levels of humidity. If philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum is grown outside, misting the leaves with water every few hours will help keep them moist and healthy.

Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum can be propagated by dividing a root cutting into four smaller pieces. This philodendron variety is not poisonous for cats or dogs, unlike other philodendrons that are toxic to pets and children.

Philodendron Melanochrysum vs Micans

Philodendron melanochrysum vs philodendrons micans have a few key differences. One major difference, is that philodendron melanochrysum has wide, dark green leaves marked with rich red-brown patches on the undersides of the leaf blades. In contrast to Philodendron melanochrysum, philodendron micans has narrower, green leaves with a reddish tinge.

Philodendra Micans have narrow light to medium green leaves that are marked with red or purple spots on the undersides of the leaf blades and mottled patches on both sides of the blade.

Another key difference between Philodendron melanochrysum and philodendra micans is that philodendron melachyrsum flowers in the fall while philodendron micans flower mainly from May to July.

Philodenda Micans are more cold tolerant than Philodendra Melanochryums, but philodendra melanochrysums have a wider variety of leaf colors.

Philodendron melanochrysums can be more sensitive to overwatering, but Philodendron micans are more likely to suffer from underwatering.

Philodendron melanochrysum grow slowly and often take a year or two before they start growing vigorously. They will also stay shorter than philodendron micans at around a foot tall with a spread of two feet.

Philodendra Micans grow faster than Philodendron melanochrysum, and have the potential to reach four feet tall by three feet wide in about five years.

Philodendron melanochrysum has also been shown to be able to grow in lower light than Philodendron micans, making them the perfect plant for people with a smaller home.

Philodendra Micans need brighter light if they are growing indoors and require more water as well. Philodendron melanochryums can also be an easier houseplant choice because of their tolerance for imperfect light conditions and less need for water.

Philodendron Micans have a wider variety of leaf colors than Philodendron melanochrysum, which usually come in shades of green with patches or spots on the undersides.

Common Issues with Philodendron Melanochrysum

Philodendron melanochrysum are not very resistant to changes in environment. For example, philodendrons don’t do well if they are moved from a shady spot and placed into bright sunlight for an extended period of time

The philodendron’s leaves should be carefully inspected for aphids or mealybugs which can feed on philodendron leaves and cause damage

Philodendron melanochrysum is a plant that thrives in moist, humid environments. Too much water can lead to root rot or mold on the philodendron’s roots which will result in further problems with philodendrons

Insects such as mites and spiders may also attack philodendron melanochrysum if they are not cared for properly

Poor air circulation can lead to leaves dropping off prematurely, or the philodendrons being stunted in size

Tips for Keeping Philodendron Melanochrysum Happy

In order to keep this philodendron happy, you will need to water it at least once a week. You can use the philodendron to “clean” or absorb pollutants from the air, but don’t over-water.

  • Don’t forget about fertilizer! A high-nitrogen potting mix will help this philodendron grow and produce more leaves.
  • If your philodendron is looking less than healthy, give it some fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.
  • If philodendron leaves are brown and crispy, your philodendron may be getting too much water or not enough light.

The philodendron also needs to be pruned from time-to-time. You can trim philodendron leaves once a month and keep the philodendron short, or you can allow it to grow taller for an interesting look.*

Philodendron Melanochrysum Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for a philodendron Melanochrysum?

Philodendron melanochrysum likes to be watered once a week. Give it water until the top inch of soil is wet, then let any remaining moisture drain away from the pot before watering again

Philodendron Melanochrysum should be fertilized every other time you water in early spring and late fall with a balanced fertilizer

They like to be fed once a week with an all purpose plant food. It should not be fertilized during the summer months as it is growing and producing new leaves

Philodendron melanochrysum does well in low light levels, but prefers at least morning sun or an artificial light source. They like to be misted once a week or more often if the air is dry

How fast does Melanochrysum grow?

Philodendron melanochrysum typically grows around one inch per month. If you want to speed up this process, provide your philodendron with good light and fertilizer weekly.

Why are philodendron Melanochrysum so expensive?

Philodendron melanochrysum are more expensive because they’re difficult to cultivate. Philodendron melanochrysum require a lot of light and humidity, so many nurseries can’t provide these things easily. They often need professional care in order to thrive.

How do you propagate Melanochrysum?

If you want to propagate philodendron melanochrysum, and don’t have any of your own plants yet, it’s best to start with a cutting. clipping off the plant should be done when it is above 20 degrees Celsius outside or during spring (February). You can also cut at anytime if there are no other options for philodendron melanochrysum propagation.

Philodendron melanochrysum cuttings must be placed in a pot of water and should have their leaves trimmed off to allow for new root development. The roots will form from the underside, so make sure it is rooted before planting the philodendron melanochrysum in a pot. philodendron melanochrysum can also be propagated with stem cuttings and leaf laminae, but these are less common methods of philodendron melanochrysum propagation.

How do you look after white princess?

White princess philodendrons are easy to care for, but they do need a little more light than darker plants.

If you have very bright indirect or diffused light coming in through your windows then this is probably enough for them. If not you might need artificial lighting such as from fluorescent tubes or even a small desk lamp.

You should also water the white princess philodendron less frequently than other philodendrons, as they like dry air and can thrive with being watered only once every two weeks or so. But be careful not to let the plant completely dry out either!

Can Philodendron grow in sphagnum moss?

Yes, philodendrons can grow in sphagnum moss. It is best to pot the plant with a mixture of peat and sphagnum moss because it will be able to thrive in this growing medium.


Philodendron melanochrysum is one of the most common house plants, so it’s easy to find at your local garden center. If you don’t have philodendron melanochrysum at your house, it’s a good idea to check philodendron melanochrysum for sale at your local stone. They thrive indoors, and can be used as both décor and for purifying the air. It’s easy to care for philodendron melanochrysum – simply provide it with water, nutrients and light and they should be fine for a long time!

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