Pink Princess Philodendron: Care, Problems and Tips - Absolute Gardener

Pink Princess Philodendron: Care, Problems and Tips

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Ah, pink princess philodendron, the most beautiful and delicate of all house plants. They have pink leaves and a white stem with pink veins. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your pink princess philodendron thrive in its pot with a pinkish hue. But what if you’re struggling to keep it alive? Well, don’t worry! We’ll explore the pink princess philodendron care guide, common problems pink princess philodendrons face and tips on keeping your pink prince happy. You’ll know how to grow them successfully by the end of this post.

What is a Philodendron Pink Princess?

The pink princess plant is, as it sounds, pink. It has pink leaves and a white stem with pink veins running through it.

Philodendrons are either epiphytes, hemiepiphytes or lithophytes and pink princess philodendron is a hemiepiphyte which means it can grow on other plants as well as rocks in the ground but not rooted to them.

Once pink princess philodendron plants were discovered, people started to grow them for their pink flowers and green leaves. The pink colour comes from the red pigments that are in water inside of the plant, which also makes it one of few flowering houseplants that don’t need much light or fertilizer to thrive.

One of the reasons pink princess philodendrons are so popular is because they can be grown indoors in low light conditions, and don’t need much water or fertilizer. They grow well in pots with loose, acidic soil that doesn’t dry out easily. When growing pink princesses outside, pick a spot where it can get six hours of full sun. If there’s no sunlight, pink princesses can be grown in shady areas like on a patio or under shade coverings made from fabrics or polythene sheets.

Pink Princess Philodendron

Origins of Pink Princess Philodendron Plant

This particular type of plant belongs to the Araceae family and thrives in humid environments like Louisiana or Florida where temperatures don’t typically drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit but can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The pink princess philodendron is native to the Amazon and Central America.

Pink Princess Philodendron Plant Care Guide

A fun fact about pink princess philodendron is that it is a plant named for its pink colour. The pink princess philodendron has green leaves with pink edges and veins, pink stems, and white flowers. Pink princess philodendrons are easy to maintain as long as you water them when they need them (about once every week).


The pink princess philodendron likes well-drained soil that is not too wet. It enjoys acidic soils, so an acidified potting mix or peat moss mixed with sand are both good options for planting your pink princess philodendrons in.

Pink princesses enjoy loose soils as opposed to compacted ones and like soils with a good amount of organic material. They are also sensitive to too much nitrogen in the potting mix, which will cause stunted growth or even death through burning. This is why pink princesses should be planted in a well-drained potting mix with an acidic pH level.


Lighting is the most important aspect of pink princess philodendron care. They need bright light without direct sunlight, especially in the winter months when days are shorter and darker. Pink Princess Philodendrons should be placed near a window with plenty of indirect suns or under grow lights to maintain good health as they do not tolerate overhead lighting.

If pink princess philodendron plants are not getting enough light they will become spindly, lose their pink colour and may produce small leaves. They also need at least four hours of indirect sunlight per day.


A pink princess philodendron likes to be watered when the top inch of soil becomes dry. This ensures that they will not get too much water or remain damp over time, both of which cause root rot and leaf drop. If you cannot tell if pink princess philodendron plants need watering simply reach your fingers into the potting mix to see if it is damp.

Water pink princess philodendron plants with purified water or rainwater that has been allowed to sit overnight so any chlorine in the water can evaporate and be replaced by minerals found naturally in the air.

Do not use tap water as it may contain fluoride, chloramine or other chemicals which could harm pink princess philodendron plants.

Pink princesses are light eaters and should only be watered when the top inch of soil becomes dry to prevent pink princess philodendrons from becoming root-bound or suffering a waterlogged environment resulting in leaf drop due to damp roots.


Pink princess philodendrons grow best in temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If pink princesses are exposed to colder temps, leaves will be smaller and the pink colour will fade. Conversely, if they are exposed to higher temps pink philodendron plants may suffer leaf scorch or burn.


They also need a humid environment and do not tolerate the air being too dry with humidity levels above 40%. These pink plants cannot survive in a humid environment that is below 45% or above 90% as they will suffer leaf scorch or burn respectively.

The pink princess philodendron is a moist tropical plant. As such, it should have plenty of moisture in the air around them. In the winter months when your pink princess philodendron experiences dry or cool temperatures for extended periods, you may need to do something extra to help keep them happy and healthy. One thing you can do is to set your pink princess philodendron in a bowl of water, and change the water every day.

You can also mist your pink princess philodendron every day and place it in a room with higher humidity.

The pink princess philodendron should be grown in a location where it can dry out, but not too quickly. The best way to do this is with an open tray of gravel on the floor and then misting daily until you see that the plant has finished absorbing water from the leaves. A good indicator would be when droplets are no longer forming on the leaves.


Pink princess philodendrons are sensitive to fertiliser so it is important to use just a small amount, and only once a month.

The pink princess needs high levels of phosphorous (P) in order for the plant to flourish. Fertilisers such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract provide this nutrient. Too much nitrogen, on the other hand, will cause a pink princess to lose its pink colour and show off more of its green side.

Pink fertilisers come in various different forms such as liquid and granules that can be sprinkled or sprayed onto your pink plant each month. Follow instructions for use carefully, do not overdo it and always remember to water the pink princess after fertilising.


The pink princess philodendron is not toxic to pets, but it will irritate skin. It may also cause irritation or burns if ingested by humans or animals. This plant can be a common cause of contact dermatitis in people with sensitive skins.

According to Sandra J., Botanical Expert, if pink princess philodendron is eaten, get medical attention as soon as possible. Symptoms include itchiness or rash on the mouth and lips, vomiting, diarrhoea. However, it is unlikely that a person will eat this plant because of the unpleasant taste and texture.

In most cases, pink princess philodendron will cause little more than mild skin irritations. However, pink princess philodendrons are extremely poisonous to dogs and cats if ingested or even touched with bare skin.

It’s best not to have the pink princess on the same plant as any other toxic plant because it may increase the risk of toxicity.


The pink princess philodendron plant does not require pruning. In fact, pruning may reduce the plants attractiveness and production of pink flowers.

However, if you want to prevent a pink princess from becoming too leggy or taking over your garden space, shearing the stem will suffice in keeping it healthy and producing blossoms as well.

The pink princess philodendron produces pink flowers on a stem that can reach up to 18 inches and is easy pest-resistant. The plant will bloom in the fall before losing its leaves for wintertime hibernation, making it an excellent choice for people with allergies or respiratory issues who want to enjoy the beauty of fresh air while still getting the benefits of pink flowers.

The pink princess philodendron is one of a number of plants that are known as “invasive exotics” or non-native species, meaning it has been introduced to the environment by humans and may have consequences for the natural ecosystem if not monitored carefully (examples include kudzu vine in North America, Japanese knotweed in the United Kingdom, and pink princess philodendron).

Propagation and Growth

Pink princess philodendron is propagated by stem cuttings. To propagate pink princess philodendron, you will need a sharp knife and clean cutting board to trim the plant’s stems into sections about four inches long. These should then be placed in well-drained potting soil that is moist but not wet or too dry. They should be placed in a moist environment, with light exposure and temperatures between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

The pink princess philodendron will take about four weeks to establish roots before it can be transplanted outdoors or into containers for indoor use. Once the pink princess philodendron has established its root system, it is important to keep it in an environment with plenty of light, but not direct sunlight. The pink princess philodendron is sensitive to over-watering so you should monitor the soil constantly and make sure that its being kept moist but not overly wet.

Trying to grow pink princess philodendra indoors can be tricky because they require high humidity levels. To ensure that pink princess philodendron can thrive indoors, you will need to mist the plant regularly.


The pink princess philodendron will need to be repotted every year or so. This usually happens in the spring and it is important not to water the pink princess philodendra too much after a repotting because they are sensitive to over-watering

Repot pink princess philodendron in the spring, when it starts to show signs of wear.

If pink princess philodendra is showing any browning on its leaves or yellow patches are appearing between leaf veins then you will need to do a more significant repotting and trim off about one-third of the root system before re-potting pink princess philodendra.

Avoid using any plant de-chlorinator when repotting pink princesses, or you will risk losing them to chlorine toxicity.

The pink princess is a very attractive houseplant that requires little care and grows well in most environments as long as it’s kept moist but not dry and in an area with plenty of light.

Pink Princess Variegated

The pink princess variegated philodendron is a beautiful houseplant that has pink-white striped leaves. It prefers to be constantly moist and doesn’t tolerate dry air, so make sure it dries out between watering – but don’t over water! They enjoy high humidity levels in the home, as well.

The pink princess variegated philodendron is a lovely variety of the common emerald crown, and it has pink-white striped leaves with pink highlights here and there on its petiole. The beauty of the pink princess variegated philodendron sets it apart from other plants in its genus, but don’t worry, because pink princess variegated philodendron care is similar to other varieties of emerald crown.

If you come across a pink philodendron with pure pink leaves, this may be the Philodendron Pink Congo or Pink Congo plant.

Common Issues with Pink Princess Philodendron

The pink princess philodendron can be susceptible to some of the same problems as other varieties, such as:

  • Salt burn – Ingestion of salt through fertilizers or water. Increase watering and flush the soil with fresh water. Keep fertilizing at a low level for 12 weeks after recovery begins. Avoid using ammonium-based fertilizers.
  • Root rot – A pink princess philodendron may have root rot if it is kept in a pot that stays wet for extended periods of time without adequate drainage and aeration. Make sure the pink princess philodendron has good air circulation, water only when the soil dries out (usually every two weeks), and don’t overwater.
  • Spider mites – A pink princess philodendron may suffer from spider mites if it is infested with aphids or other sap-sucking insects, which are food for the spiders to lay eggs on and feed off of. Check plants regularly for these pests and treat them accordingly.

Pink Princess PhilodendronTips for Keeping a Pink Princess Philodendron Happy

Some pink princess philodendrons may be more difficult to care for than others, but there are a few things that will make any pink princess happy:

Always use the right type of potting soil. Pink and white variegation in plants occurs as a result of different levels of light being reflected off their leaves – so if you use a pink or white potting mix, you’ll be able to give your pink princess philodendron the right light.

Humidity – Pink princesses need higher humidity levels than most plants. This can be provided by placing them near a humidifier, spraying their leaves with water (be careful not to get any fertilizer on them), or placing pebbles in a dish of water and setting the pink princess near them. Don’t let them dry out between waterings – this will cause browning on the leaves! – but don’t over-water them either. They also like to be in a cool room with afternoon shade and low light levels, so pick an area away from the window that’s still close enough for some sunlight during the day.

Shade – If you’re trying to grow your pink princess outside, make sure they get some shade during the hottest parts of summer. They’ll be more likely to burn leaves if exposed to intense sun for long periods of time without enough moisture.

If you take care of your pink princess philodendron, you may find that it blooms and produces pink flowers. The pink flowers are sometimes followed by green berries – a sign that the plant is ready to propagate!

Pink Princess Philodendron  Frequently Asked Questions

Why is philodendron pink princess so expensive?

The pink princess philodendron is in the family of Philodendron, a genus that is native to Central and South America. The pink princess philodindon grows naturally there without human intervention, which means they are not treated with pesticides or fertilizers during growth.  This makes them much more expensive than other plants grown in greenhouses.

The pink princess philodendron is valuable because it is a rare plant with blooms that are more vibrant, colorful and long-lasting than other plants in the same family. Because of its rarity, pink princess philodendish come at a steep price to purchase one for your home or office space.  However, pink princess philodendrons can be propagated through cuttings (stems) or by division, which makes them a more affordable investment.

How do you keep pink princess philodendron pink?

Keeping pink princess philodendrons pink is a little more complicated than just giving them water. Pink princesses need to be given a high-quality, well-drained soil that does not sit in standing water or get too dry. Add organic material such as peat moss and compost for the best results. Water your pink princess twice a week, but make sure the water drains out of the pot.

Is philodendron pink princess rare?

Pink princess philodendron is not rare it has been around since the 1990s, but it’s only recently that people have started to take notice of this great houseplant. The pink colouration stands out and makes them a favourite among those who want something different in their home or office space.

##How much is a pink princess philodendron worth?

It’s difficult to put an exact value on pink princess philodendrons. It can vary considerably depending on where you buy them, the size of plant and whether or not it is in flower at the time.

How do you take care of a pink princess philodendron?

Pink princess philodendrons are a tough plant to care for, but they do have some simple needs. They should be watered sparingly and only when the soil has dried out. Too much water can quickly kill them

They need the indirect sun or partial shade during their summer months (late March-September) and full shade during fall, winter and spring. Pink princesses are a type of epiphytic plant which means they need to live in the air. They should be planted on top of sphagnum moss or cinderblock for this reason. It grows best when roots can hang down freely without touching the ground.

Pink princesses can be pruned to shape them, or if diseased, infected, too large or dead. If one of these problems is encountered then it’s best to remove the pink princess. It will mostly die from over-watering, too much sunlight or low temperatures. If these things happen then it’s best to discard them and get a new one.

How can you tell a fake pink princess philodendron?

There are many pink princess philodendra fakes out there, so it’s important to know what a real pink princess is. They have pink or white flowers that grow on the end of long stems. The leaves are wavy and large with deep purple undersides. Get in touch with your local nursery if you’re not sure about anything.

How often do you water a pink princess philodendron?

Pink princess philodendrons require moderate watering, so water the pot with about a half-inch of water every two days. Be careful not to overwater or underwater pink princess philodendron plants because they are susceptible to drought and root rot if you do either respectively.

How big do Pink Princess Philodendrons get?

Pink princess philodendrons can grow to be about two feet tall and wide when they are fully grown.

How do you prune a pink princess philodendron?

It is important to prune pink princess philodendron regularly in order for them to grow healthy. Pruning a pink princess philodendron should be done every two weeks starting at the end of February and continuing into November, with one or two leaves being cut off each time.

Pink Princess Philodends can be pruned by cutting off the leaves, snapping or pulling them out of the pot. When pink princess philodendron is being transplanted into a new container it should also be pruned to avoid overgrowing and getting leggy.


In the end, it is important to understand that your plant will need some TLC. It’s easy enough to water them and feed them with fertilizer every week or so, but if you want your pink princess philodendron to thrive for years then make sure they get plenty of natural sunlight too! The great thing about these plants is how hardy they are- as long as you follow this guide and keep up routine maintenance, your plant should grow into an impressive specimen in no time at all. Happy planting!

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