Rhaphidophora Decursiva: What you Need to Know - Absolute Gardener

Rhaphidophora Decursiva: What you Need to Know

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rhaphidophora decursiva

Ooh, rhaphidophora decursiva. This is a very popular houseplant that has been around for centuries. In fact, rhaphidophora decursiva can be traced back to some of the ancient Egyptians! This plant is also called devil’s tongue because it looks like a snake.

This is a plant with an incredible name that means “with the tendency to branch,” and it has some of the most unique qualities in the world. What do you need to know about rhaphidophora decursiva? Well, this care guide will give you everything you need to know about how to keep your rhaphidophora happy and healthy.

A fun fact: they’re incredibly hardy plants that can grow just about anywhere; in fact, rhaphidophora decursiva have been found on every single continent except for Antarctica!

What is a Rhaphidophora Decursiva?

Philodendron Rhaphidophora Decursiva, also known as a rhizome plant or creeping jenny, is an evergreen groundcover that spreads quickly and needs constant attention to control.

They have been used for centuries by people all around the world in order to help with erosion and to protect the soil from harsh conditions. It is used for its rhizomes, which contain a lot of nitrogen that improves soil composition as well as being rich in potassium and phosphorous.

The rhaphidophora decursiva are often found growing near rivers or creek beds where it can help control erosion by preventing water from washing away the topsoil.

Rhaphidophora decursiva is a noninvasive plant and it will not grow into any other plants, but rhaphidophora decursiva can be invasive in some areas so make sure to research if they are okay for your area before planting your decursiva plant.

Rhaphidophora Decursiva is often a ground cover that spreads quickly and needs constant attention to control, but rhaphidophora decursiva is also sometimes used as an ornamental plant in gardens because it provides colour during the winter months.

Origins of Rhaphidophora Decursiva Plant

Rhaphidophora decursiva is a rhizomatous, epiphytic fern that originates from tropical regions of the Americas. It has many common names, including golden moss, creeping moss or rhizomatous beard lichen.

It can be found in many different habitats including rainforests and moist forests where it grows on trees. It needs to live within 80-120 feet off the ground with leaves and branches for rhaphidophora decursiva to grow properly.

This plant is fairly new in the United States and has only been found on the island of Hispaniola which includes Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. It was first collected by herbarium specialist George Francis Atkinson who reported his findings in Botanical Bulletin at Harvard University in 1892.

The plant grows on moist rocks and mudflow surfaces in temperate climates such as Europe, North America, and New Zealand.

The rhaphidophora decursiva habitat is restricted to heavy shade with low light levels due to the thick canopy of trees that leaves little room for direct sunlight.

Rhaphidophora Decursiva Plant Care Guide

Rhaphidophora decursiva care guides should be followed in order to keep rhaphidophora decursiva healthy. Rease the full guide below.


Rhaphidophora decursiva requires soil to grow in. The rhaphidophora is a rainforest plant and needs the right balance of light, humidity, heat and air flow. Soil should have good drainage so water doesn’t pool on top but also be moist enough for rhaphidophora roots to grow.

To create rhaphidophora decursiva soil, mix equal parts of peat moss and sand with a small amount of compost or leaf mold in it; you can also add perlite to improve water drainage if necessary. The rhaphidophora doesn’t like air pockets so make sure the soil is finely mixed before potting up rhaphidophora decursiva plants.

They like their soil to be on the acidic side, so a mix of peat moss and sand would work well as its bedding. Avoid synthetic soils or fertilizers which may disrupt rhaphidophora natural pH balance.

rhaphidophora decursivaLighting

Lighting is an important part of rhaphidophora decursiva care, and rhaphidophora decursivas require a high level of light. They are often planted outdoors in gardens or on patios with plenty of sunlight so that they can grow to their full potential. Anywhere from six hours to 12 hours each day is recommended, and rhaphidophora decursivas should be kept away from any artificial light that could cause damage.

When rhaphidophora decursiva is indoors in a home or office setting, it’s important to keep them near the windows so they can enjoy as much natural sunlight as possible. They will do best if it is placed on a table or desk in front of the window, and rhaphidophora decursivas can be trained to grow upwards so that they’re able to absorb more light.

Keep rhaphidophora decursivas away from direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day when it is most intense. This will help them to stay healthy and happy, but it should still be given access to as much light as possible during the day so that it can grow fully.


Rhaphidophora decursivas prefer a moist environment, but not too wet. They can rot in constantly soggy soil or water and it will cause root damage. The best way to care for rhaphidophora is with medium that has good drainage so the rhaphidophora don’t stay wet for too long.

They need little water, so you should only keep the soil moist when it is not actively raining. They prefer to be watered from above by heavy rain or with overhead houseplant sprayers. You may also mist the rhaphidophora decursiva every couple of days.


A rhaphidophora decursiva will do the best in an ambient temperature of between 20-25 degrees Celsius. The rhaphidophora species are sensitive to higher temperatures and can be killed off by anything above 30 degrees Celsius or below 18 degrees Celcius.


Rhaphidophora decursiva do not like high humidity, so it is important to be aware of this when you are home and rhaphidophora decursiva is in the room.

They prefer low to medium humidity, rhaphidophora decursiva will not be harmed by high levels of humidity. Rhaphidophora decursiva should not have their leaves constantly wet and they don’t like dry air either.


Rhaphidophora decursiva has a sensitive root system and should be fertilised with nutrients that are slow-release. They need to have a mix of low, moderate and high nitrogen levels

It is best to use organics as rhaphidophora decursiva can release nitrates into the water which will harm other plants. This plant has a leaf-like structure that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil below, which is why they are so sensitive to fertilisers. They will thrive on any type of compost – just make sure it’s moist, not wet.


The toxins present in rhaphidophora decursiva have been deemed poisonous and, as a result, are toxic to the touch. The toxin is found on both of the rhaphidophora’s most important body parts: its tentacle cells and nematocysts. This toxin is not deadly but can lead to a painful stinging sensation.


Pruning rhaphidophora decursiva is one of the most important things to do when growing rhaphidophora decursiva. When you prune rhaphidophora decursiva, you are trimming and removing old or dead vines from your rhaphidophora decursiva plant.

You will need a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. When rhaphidophora decursiva are in the ground, you will notice rhaphidophora decursiva have vines that grow out from rhaphidophora decursiva and these need to be cut back as well.

Propagation and Growth

Propagating rhaphidophora decursiva is as simple as placing rhizome pieces in a moist and rich soil. When rhaphidophora decursiva has grown, the rhizomes can be moved to another container. Rhaphidophora are also fast-growing plants that will take up one’s home within two months of rhaphidophora decursiva care.

The rhizomes of rhaphidophora decursiva are the roots which is why rhaphidophora should be planted in a well draining soil with an acid pH and moist, but not wet soil- rhazoids will rot if water pools around them. It is also best rhaphidophora decursiva is planted with other plants in part shade.

This plant will grow to be about one foot tall and can spread across a width of twelve feet, rhazoids growing slowly from rhizomes that are deep beneath the soil surface. Rhaphidophora should not exceed six inches out of rhaphidophora decursiva care and should not be trimmed.


Rhaphidophora decursiva should be repotted every spring. The potting soil mixture is usually a mix of topsoil, sand and organic material such as leaves or bark chips. A shallow container that has holes in the bottom for aeration may also be used when repotting rhaphidophora decursiva.

Rhaphidophora decursiva should be placed in the center of the pot, with enough space around it so that the roots have room to grow and air passages are kept open in all directions. The rhaphidophora decursiva’s original soil is removed from the rhaphidophora decursiva and placed around it.

Then, a layer of potting soil is added to cover rhaphidophora decursiva roots, with the rhaphidophora decursiva’s top covered by an inch or two of this new material.

It should be watered immediately after repotting rhaphidophora decursiva, and then again a few days later.

Plant Disease

rhaphidophora decursivaRhaphidophora decursiva is an uncommon plant. It can be found all over the world in regions that have temperate climates or subtropical rainforests, as well as places with volcanic soils. This vine attaches to trees and other plants by wrapping its rhizomes around them before spreading out their roots.

One symptom that rhaphidophora decursiva causes is brown discoloration around rhisoids near the rhizome. This rhaphidophora decursiva typically grows in clusters and can grow up to 20 meters high, so it’s important that the rhisoids are checked for this discoloration before lifting them out of the soil.

Other plant diseases rhaphidophora decursiva might have include rhizome rot, rhisoid wilt and rhizome death.

Treatment involves removing then rhizomes and stems that are infected. The rhizome should be cut off below the brown spots, or if it has been rotting away, remove all of the rhizoemand plant new rhaphidophoras nearby

This disease is caused by rhaphidophora fungus and rhaphidophora bacteria, which are both present in the soil. They can also be found on rhizomes of rhaphidophoras that have been infected before they were transplanted into a pot.

What You Need To Know:

Rhaphidophora decursiva is a rhizome-specific plant disease that can infect rhaphidophoras. The rhizomes of the rhaphidophora plants become infected by fungi or bacteria, meaning their leaves will wilt and brown spots may appear on them. This plant disease rarely leads to death for rhaphidophora plants, as rhaphidophoras can be easily treated by removing the rhizome which is infected and cut off below brown spots.

The rhizomes should also be removed if they have been rotting away or showing signs of wilting leaves. Rhaphidophora fungi and rhaphidophora bacteria are both present in rhaphidophora soil and can also be found on rhizomes of rhaphidophoras that have been infected.

Rhaphidophora fungus is more common in warm climates, while rhaphidophora bacteria are often present during the winter months when there is less rain. This disease affects all types of rhapihdophoras, including rhaphidophora biflora and rhaphidophora decursiva.

Common Issues with Rhaphidophora Decursiva

Rhaphidophora decursiva can be sensitive to a number of things in their environment. They are very susceptible to being overwatered and will often suffer from drowning, root rot, or nutrient deficiencies if not given the best care possible.

It is critical that rhaphidophora decursiva do not sit in water as rhaphidophora decursiva roots can rot quickly.

Rhaphidophora decursiva is a sensitive plant that requires high humidity and consistent water levels to maintain its health. However, overwatering rhaphidophora decursivas will lead to the rhaphoidaceae root system rotting or becoming nutrient deficient.

Tips for Keeping Rhaphidophora Decursiva Happy

Rhaphidophora decursiva originates from the tropics and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, South America

It is a leafy green plant that can grow up to two feet tall in milder climates. In more temperate zones rhaphidophora decursiva will often stay smaller or not be at its full growth potential

The rhaphidophora decursiva leaves are thin and long, with a rough texture. They grow in clusters of three at the end of their stems

Rhaphidophora decursiva is sensitive to light so it should be kept away from direct sunlight for most of the day

It prefers moist soil and should be watered every day. The rhaphidophora decursiva likes to stay in the shade with temperatures between 60°-80°F

Rhaphidophora Decursiva Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Rhaphidophora Decursiva?

The rhaphidophora decursiva care guide for rhaphidophora decursiva is the following:

  • Place rhaphidophora Decursiva in a soil with plenty of nutrients and water. If it’s too dry, mist or spray on top until soil damp but not saturated
  • Provide rhaphidophora Decursiva with plenty of indirect light
  • Rhaphidophora decursiva likes to be in the shade during summer months. If rhaphidophora Decursiva is placed outside, make sure sunlight does not hit rhaphidophora Decursivas leaves for more than an hour at a time for more than a couple days
  • They will grow best in temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • They prefer humid environments, so it is recommended to mist the leaves or spray water into rhaphidophora Decurisva’s pot every day

Is Rhaphidophora Decursiva a Monstera?

Rhaphidophora decursiva is often mistaken for as Monstera decursiva but its referred to as a Philodendron. The rhaphidophora decursiva’s leaves are larger than the ones of a Monstera and it has more flowers on its branches.

The rhaphidophora decursiva originates from Mexico, but can now be found in Florida, Costa Rica, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.

The rhaphidophora decursiva was thought to be extinct for over a hundred years before it re-appeared in Mexico around 1920.

There are only two species of rhaphidophora decursiva: rhaphidophora decurtisia (with shorter leaves) and rhaphidophora decursiva (with longer, narrower leaves).

The rhaphidophara decurtsia flowers are white while the rhapthidphora decorisva have red flowers.

How do you propagate Decursiva?

Decursiva rhaphidophora is a popular houseplant that can be propagated by either dividing rhizophores or taking cuttings. Propagation through rhizophores should only occur with plants older than six years because the rhizophore becomes old and rots if it’s not divided every few years. When getting ready to divide rhizophores, make sure to wear gloves and safety goggles in case any of the rhaphidophora decursiva spines are still on it.

When taking cuttings for propagation, rhaphiodopora decustiva needs to be four inches long so that you will have a healthy cutting. Cut off about one third of rhaphidophora decursiva’s rhizophore and place it in a container with wet, loose dirt. The cutting should be shaded from the sun for about three days before being placed into direct sunlight to ensure rhaphiodopora decustiva is recovering well.


rhaphidophora decursivaRhaphidophora decursiva is a rhizomatous evergreen fern that originates from the tropical rainforest. It thrives in moist, well-draining soil and should not be overcrowded with other plants or its rhizomes will rot. Rhaphidophora decursiva can survive outdoors year-round in USDA hardiness zones 11-13, but is usually grown indoors as a houseplant.

Rhaphidophora decursiva care guides should include light requirements and water needs for rhaphidophora decursiva plants that are being grown inside or outside of the home. The rhizomes must be kept moist at all times and rhaphidophora decursiva plants that are being grown inside should be watered once or twice a week. If rhaphidophora decursiva plant care instructions do not mention light requirements, artificial lighting is recommended for rhaphidophora decursiva plants when they are outside of the home during winter months.

We hope this article has helped with your philodendron plant. If you’re looking to get a check out rhaphidophora decursiva for sale here via Amazon.

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