How to Care for a Rose of Jericho Plant - Absolute Gardener

How to Care for a Rose of Jericho Plant

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rose of jericho

Rose of Jericho is a very unique plant that can survive in the harshest of conditions. It will grow into an attractive rose-like flower when it receives water and then die just as quickly when water is taken away. The rose has been around for over 2,000 years and originates from Africa.

I always find rose of jericho plants to be so fascinating. I often see them in the office and have been told that they are very easy to care for, but after recently buying one myself, it seems like a lot more work than I was expecting! Let’s take a look at rose of jericho care guides and some common problems people may experience with these plants.

You’ll need to be careful with your rose of jericho because there are many things that can go wrong during its growth cycle. This guide should help you avoid these common problems so you have success growing your own rose of jericho plant at home.

rose of jericho

What is a Rose of Jericho?

A rose of jericho plant (also known as resurrection plant) is an uncommon indoor houseplant that thrives on neglect. It has the ability to survive extreme conditions, such as being underwater for over a year or left in darkness for 3 years!

A rose of jericho is a succulent that can be found in the desert regions. The rose thrives on water, but it’s natural environment doesn’t offer much of this at all. It has green leaves and pinkish flowers that bloom once every few years if not longer than ten or so. A rose of jericho plant is a small, spindly thing that grows in the desert.

Origins of Rose of Jericho Plant

The rose of Jericho plant is a flowering succulent that can be found in the desert regions of Africa, Asia and Europe. Its name comes from its ability to appear (and sometimes revive) after being dehydrated for many years. It’s also known as “Our Lady’s tears” or “Friar’s Cap”. There is some debate as to the rose of Jericho’s origin, with some believing it originated in East Asia.

The rose of Jericho plant was known and used by ancient Egyptians at least 4000 years ago. It has also been mentioned throughout history in texts about medicinal plants. The rose of Jerico is a symbol for Christianity because its ability to revive stems from the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

The rose of Jericho plant has been popular in Europe for centuries, but it is now rare to find one that’s not a part of an indoor garden or greenhouse environment. They were originally grown out on cliffs because they could withstand being exposed to extreme heat and cold, as well as sandstorms.

Rose of Jericho Plant Care Guide


When you grow rose of Jericho plants, they will need a soil mixture with lots of drainage. You can also use perlite if your rose plant is being kept indoors for an extended period.

Light Requirements

The rose of jericho plant should be placed in a place that is bright and out of direct sunlight. Place it near a window if you want to give the rose of jericho as much light as possible, but keep in mind that too much sun can burn the leaves. If your rose of jericho starts looking droopy or wilted, move it to a place that is darker and out of direct sunlight.


You should water the rose of jericho plant every two to three days. The rose of jericho is a succulent, so it does not need as much water as other plants might need. Make sure you always use room temperature or lukewarm water when watering your rose of jerkio and make sure that you do not leave any standing water in the saucer.

rose of jericho


Rose of jericho can withstand a wide range of temperatures. They are not too sensitive to cold or heat. The rose will live in the desert, so it’s used to dry conditions and hot weather. However they should be kept away from drafts which may cause them problems with their leaves drying out quickly leading to death.

Rose of jericho need a room temperature of around 65-85°F. Place rose of jericho away from drafts, but not in direct sunlight or other areas where they are likely to overheat. Check rose every day for signs that it is too hot or cold and move accordingly.


Humidity is crucial for rose of jericho. They love to be in a room with high humidity, however if they are too moist it can cause root rot and will eventually kill the plant. A humidifier or even some pebbles at the bottom of their pot should do the trick nicely. If you have rose of jericho plants in the winter, fill a pot with water and place it under your rose of jericho plant.

It is important to measure humidity because rose of jerichos can actually be harmed by too much moisture. If they’re in a room that’s just been cleaned for example, or if there are many other plants nearby, the rose of jericho might be getting too much moisture and should be moved to a more arid environment.


Fertilisers are sometimes used to encourage rose of jericho growth and flowering. They contain nutrients that roses need in order for them to grow well, but they can also be harmful if the concentration is too high. A rose of jericho plant’s needs will vary depending on where it lives, so check which fertiliser works best in your location.


The rose of jericho is a succulent that can grow in shallow waters and salt-water. In the wild, rose of jerichos live on coastal shores where they are able to stay submerged for long periods of time without any ill effects. The plant does not have any toxic or harmful compounds which it produces as many other plants do.

The rose of Jericho, unlike many plants that have evolved to be pollinated by insects, is able to reproduce via water as well. In the wild rose of jerichos can spread through shallow waters and are capable of reproducing from broken off pieces or root fragments in salty-water environments. The plant will lay dormant for up to 20 years waiting for a chance to reproduce.


Pruning rose of jericho is not necessary because they don’t have any roots. If you want to prune it for the sake of neatness, take a pair of sharp scissors and cut off about two inches from the top or bottom. You can also trim some leaves if you like without harming your plant. Just be careful not to get too close to the stem.

Propagation and Growth

propagating rose of jericho is not difficult. You can do it by simply placing a rose of jericho leaf in some dirt and covering it with about an inch or so. The plant should start to grow new roots from the stem within two weeks, but you will know if the rose has been successful because small buds will form on top of the soil after a few days.


It is best to repot rose of jericho in the spring. The potting mix should be peaty, and not too rich. You may need a container that has more depth than width for rose of jericho’s long, slender tap root to reach down into it without being bent or broken by the weight of soil above.

When you are finished planting rose, water it well to settle the soil in around the roots. Be sure not to overwater rose of jericho plant. Rose of Jerico likes moist but well drained and aerated soils.

You will need to do this every two or three years for rose of jericho as they do not like to be pot-bound.

If rose of jericho is grown in a container, repotting will need to be done more frequently because the plant roots cannot grow out as far and require regular pruning back.

Plant Diseases

One of the most common diseases rose of jericho can suffer from is root rot. Root rot occurs when soil does not drain properly, and water is prevented from evaporating because it has nowhere to go. This leads to an overgrowth in fungi that infects the roots which are eventually destroyed by the fungus, leading to wilting leaves as the rose of jericho is unable to get the nutrients it needs to flourish.

A rose of jericho can also suffer from aphids, which are small pests that attack through sucking out sap and fluids by inserting their long mouthparts into plant tissues. They will often leave a sticky residue as they feed on plants too. Aphids cause yellowing, curling or stunted rose of jericho growth.

Rose of jericho can also be damaged by a fungus called powdery mildew which causes leaves to turn fuzzy and greyish in appearance. Powdery mildew is very common among rose of jerichos because the plant has such thin foliage that it provides an ideal environment for this fungus to grow.

Rose of jericho can also be affected by rose rosette, which is a virus that causes brown spots and yellowing leaves on rose of jerichos, as well as stunting its growth too.

rose of jericho

Rose of Jericho Variegated

The rose of jericho plant is a succulent that belongs in the Agave family. The Rose of Jericho Variegated has green, purple and white stripes on its leaves. It also grows small pink flowers every year which produce seeds to reproduce for years to come.

Common Issues with Rose of Jericho

The rose of jericho plant is known to have a long lifespan and can bloom at any time. It has been said that rose of jerichos may not need watering for up to 40 years, but this will depend on many factors including the age of your rose of Jericho plant, climate in which it resides, quality and type of potting medium, and how well your rose of jericho plant is cared for.

The rose of Jericho will survive without water as long as it has been correctly stored away in a dry place that remains cool throughout the year. The rose of Jericho may also be able to go several months with no water if living on a windowsill or near an open door or window that provides some air circulation.

In the case you do need to water your rose of jericho plant, it is recommended to allow only enough time for the rose of jericho leaves and stems to absorb as much moisture as possible before watering again. When in doubt about when rose of Jerichos should be watered, wait a little longer rather than watering too often.

Tips for Keeping Rose of Jericho Happy

The rose of jericho is a plant that can survive in airless and waterless conditions. It’s native to the deserts of North Africa, but it also seems to do well on windowsills around the world. The rose of jericho has been known by many names throughout history, including “Jesus’ rose,” “Easter lily,” and “manna rose.”

The rose of jericho can survive in airless environments for up to three years. It’s native habitat is deserts, where it doesn’t need soil or water because there isn’t any available. This makes it a perfect plant to leave on your windowsill when you’re traveling, so when you get back, it will be happy and healthy.

The rose of jericho is able to survive because its roots suck out water from the air around them, so they are never without moisture. This also allows it to thrive in environments with low humidity like a desert or your windowsill at home.

In order to keep rose of jericho healthy, it’s important to water it regularly and make sure that you have the right soil or substrate for rose of jericho care so its roots will be happy also. Remember not to overwater rose of jericho because they can’t survive in too much moisture!

Rose of Jericho Frequently Asked Questions

rose of jerichoWhat does Rose of Jericho do?

Rose of Jericho plants, also known as the resurrection rose, is a succulent plant which can be used for decoration and has been sold in stem plants or cut rose bouquets. It’s main purpose is to provide a pop of color and add some life to your home.

The rose of jericho plant is a salt tolerant plant that enjoys the heat and needs very little water. The rose of jericho is named after the Biblical story that it could survive for years without water but come back to life when given water.

How do you care for a rose of Jericho?

Rose of Jericho care is very easy. Just follow these simple instructions, and your rose of jericho will last forever!

  • When you receive rose of Jericho put, it in the sun for most of the day.
  • Sprinkle rose of jericho with water every three days.
  • Watch rose of jericho plant grow a new leaf every four or five days.
  • Let rose of jericho dry out between waterings

How long does Rose of Jericho live?

Rose of Jericho is a plant that can have different lifespans. Some rose of jerichos are known to live under water for as long as 300 years! On the other hand, rose of jericho plants in soil without any special care will eventually die after growing just once. The lifespan depends on various factors such as how fast it is growing, how well it is being cared for, and whether or not it is in water.

How long does it take for a Rose of Jericho to turn green?

It takes about a month for the rose of jericho to turn green.

Is the Rose of Jericho in the Bible?

The rose of jericho is not mentioned in the bible.

It may be a mistranslation or reference to another rose species that had red petals and was found near Jerusalem.

Do Rose of Jericho grow?

A rose of jericho does not grow.

It will die and remain in its dried state if it is exposed to sunlight or water.

The rose of jericho plant can be grown from a cutting that has been left dry for at least six months.


It is important to know that rose of jericho does not grow. The rose of jericho plant can be grown from a cutting that has been left dry for at least six months. This may be a little more difficult than other plants because the rose of jericho will remain in its dried state if it is exposed to sunlight or water, but it is worth the time and effort. Get yours here.

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