The Enchanting Anthurium Plowmanii and How to Keep It Happy - Absolute Gardener

The Enchanting Anthurium Plowmanii and How to Keep It Happy

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anthurium plowmanii

The anthurium plowmanii is an exotic flower that has an astounding history. It’s an incredibly hardy plant, which makes it an excellent choice for gardeners who live in colder climates or those who struggle with keeping plants alive. This post will talk about the origins of this particular species of plant and then give you tips on how to keep your anthurium superbum happy!

What is an Anthurium Plowmanii?

An anthurium plowmanii is a plant that grows in tree form and has leaves. This anthurium is known for its beautiful colours throughout the leaves of green, yellow, reds, oranges and whites. It also has an interesting quirk in that it always has two different colour flowers on each stem– they are either facing away from one another or rubbing against each other.

Origins of Anthurium Plowmanii Plant

The anthurium plowmanii plant originates from the mountains of Costa Rica, and it is said to be named after an early 20th-century Scottish botanist. It was first introduced in 1872 by James Veitch & Sons who found a specimen on his travels there. The name “plowmanii” refers to an English botanist who was an expert in anthuriums.

anthurium plowmanii
Image: via smgardenindo

Anthurium Plowmanii Plant Care Guide

Anthurium plants are an extremely versatile plant in the garden with a variety of textures, colours and shapes. The anthurium plowmanii is an easy to care for sturdy flower which can withstand both hot or cold weather without complaint.By following these simple anthurium plowmanii care guide, your anthurium will be blooming beautifully all season.


The anthurium plowmanii loves soil, so be sure to provide it with a lot of different types. One popular option is an orchid potting mix made for epiphytes. That being said, the anthurium likes both moist and dry soil as well. Just make sure you watch out when watering because this anthurium is an epiphyte and does not like to be submerged in water.

If anthurium plowmanii are planted in an artificial pot, then an appropriate soil mixture should be chosen. It can range from a company-made mix to homemade compost or other organic materials and peat moss. The best types of soils for anthuriums include the following: topsoil, bark mix, loam, and peat moss.


Lighting an anthurium plant is crucial to maintaining its health. Many people, however, think they are the only type of light an anthurium needs. This is not true at all! Anthuriums need a wide range of different types of lighting depending on their growth pattern and colouration:

  • Full sun – an anthurium plant that is in full sun needs to be watered more often, but at the same time they need much less fertilizer as an anthurium plant that is not in direct sunlight.
  • Partial shade – an anthurium should be planted where it will get partial shade and can grow without being completely shaded by other anthurium plants or an overhead tree canopy.
  • Indirect light – an anthurium that is grown under an overhang, for example in a porch area where it will get indirect light and be sheltered from the rain should not need as much watering because water droplets can’t reach the leaves easily.
  • Full shade – an anthurium grown in the shade of another anthurium plant or under an overhang should be watered much less often than one that is not around other plants.


Keep an anthurium plowmanii moist. In the winter months, it is best to water an anthurium plant only once a week with enough water that will get all the way down to the roots in order for them not to be watered from below and staying dry on top.

Towards the end of an anthurium plowmanii’s growing season, an anthurium plant will need to be watered a little more often. As long as it is not in full sun and has adequate drainage, an anthurium should only need about one inch worth of water per day on average.

Watering an anthurium plowmanii in a pot:

  • Pour enough water into the pot so that it comes up about an inch from the top of the soil near all sides and at different points around its surface. Allow this water to soak in before adding an inch more of water.
  • Add an extra half inch when the plant is actively growing, and an extra quarter inch if it’s dormant or overcast outside.

Watering an anthurium plowmanii that has been transplanted:

  • Pour enough water into a container until drowning the anthurium and allow an inch of water to sink in.
  • Pour enough into the anthurium plant’s container until it is soaked, then cover again with an inch or two more for good measure.

Watering an anthurium plowmanii that has been repotted:

  • Read about how much time you have before an anthurium plant needs water again.
  • Add enough water to the pot containing an anthurium plowmanii so that it rises up about an inch from the top of its soil for every two inches in height and depth. For a three-inch deep pot, add six inches worth of water to soak the roots completely.
  • Add an extra half inch when an anthurium plowmanii is actively growing, and an extra quarter to the soil if it’s dormant or overcast outside.


The anthurium plant needs temperatures that are about 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 75-85 degrees during the day. If your anthurium starts looking droopy at the leaves and stems, it may be an indication that the anthurium is too cold. Anthuriums should never get below 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night or above 95 during the day.


Anthuriums need humid conditions. They thrive in an environment with humidity levels of 50% or higher, and they should be misted daily to maintain these levels.

Anthuriums also like it when the air is constantly moving–you can do this by opening a window near an anthurium or turning on a fan in the room. If an anthurium is feeling too dry (or has wilted leaves), it may be getting too much light, which can cause them to overheat and die.

An anthurium may be feeling too wet (or have droopy leaves) if they are sitting in water that doesn’t drain properly or is being given more than the recommended amount of regular watering.

anthurium plowmaniiFertiliser

Fertiliser is an important aspect of anthurium plowmanii care. You will need to use a fertiliser that contains nitrogen and phosphorus, but has no or very low levels of potassium. The anthurium would not be able to tolerate too much potassium in the soil so you will want something with little to none.

When an anthurium is not getting enough nitrogen or phosphorus, it will usually show signs like yellowing out of the leaves. This can be reversed by using a fertiliser with more nutrients in it for that specific plant type.

Applying too much fertilizer at once could lead to an anthurium’s roots becoming burnt and an anthurium will not be able to absorb nutrients fast enough. You should fertilise an anthurium plant about once every month, and apply it on the soil at least two inches away from the roots of your anthurium.


Anthurium plowmanii toxicity can be fatal if ingested or inhaled by humans as an irritant but it also has medicinal qualities that have been used in folk medicine for centuries and today are sold as supplements in some countries like Brazil. It’s an anthelmintic, an anti-inflammatory, and an ichthyoid.

The toxic sap of anthurium plowmanii has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat malaria but also as a fish poison. This is because they are anthelmintic which means it kills parasitic worms like roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) and tapeworms (Taenia saginata) as an anti-inflammatory which is an excellent natural remedy for arthritis, sciatica, or other inflammation.

This plant has the ability to produce an irritating vapour when its leaves are crushed. This plant has been known to cause sneezing, coughing, vomiting, a burning sensation in the throat and eyes.


Pruning anthurium plowmanii is an essential part of caring for it. It helps promote leaf growth, can prevent black rot and emits a beautiful fragrance. The goal when pruning an anthurium should be to maintain the shape. Prune off any dead or diseased foliage from the top first before moving down into the anthurium.

When an anthurium plowmanii is in bloom, it can be a little difficult to tell which leaves are dead or alive. You may want to use tweezers when removing any diseased foliage from the anthurium so you don’t accidentally damage healthy parts of the plant that also need pruning.

If an anthurium plowmanii is not blooming, prune off the top section of a few leaves. Then cut back foliage in stages until you get to the end of the anthurium; this will help promote new growth and may also encourage it to bloom again.

Propagation and Growth

Anthurium plowmanii is propagated by division or from an antheridium. In order to take a cutting, you need the stem of an anthurium in good condition with several nodes. If there are leaves at the base of this stem, remove them and wait for a new leaf to grow before doing the cutting.

Cut a plant into two or three stem sections, each with at least one leaf node and root ball intact, place in a moist growing medium, cover pot with plastic wrap or enclose it in a clear bag. The new anthurium should be anthurium plowmanii in a few months. An anthurium will not grow from an antheridium if it is damaged (bruised, injured), or stressed by lack of light and nutrients.


  • When to repot an antherium plowmanii? Repotting an anthurum should be done in late winter or early spring, before the growing season begins.
  • How often does the pot need to change? This can vary depending on how much light your anthurium plowmanii is getting and how much water an anthurium requires on a regular basis.
  • What size pot should I use? The anthurium plowmanii needs to be in a pot that allows for room to grow, but not too big either so the plant can take up its space. A general rule of thumb is to use a pot that’s an inch or two higher than the previous one.

Plant Disease

At anthurium plowmanii’s worst, plant disease is an all-consuming problem. There are many different kinds of diseases that can affect an anthurium plowmanii and the symptoms vary depending on what type of infection it has caught. The most common form of an anthurium plowmanii disease is wilting and an anthurium plowmanii with wilting is easy to identify. They will typically droop over, looking as if they are wilted in a vase of water that you have left the flowers in for too long.

anthurium plowmanii
Image: via The House Plant Guru

Anthurium Plowmanii Variegated

The anthurium plowmanii variegated is an anthurium that has a variegated leaf. It’s leaves are in shades of green and white, with splashes of reds & oranges. This anthurium plowmanii typically grows to be about 18″ tall and 12-14″ wide.

Common Issues with Anthurium Plowmanii

An anthurium plant can experience a number of different problems, including insect infestation.

Ants or aphids- an anthurium may have an ant problem if you notice ants on the leaves and anthurium seedlings will be attacked by white flies (Aphids). This is because these pests like an an anthurium plant’s sugary sap. If you notice ants, try not to water the anthurium so much that it gets wet all of the time because this will make a perfect environment for ants and aphids.

Leaf spot or spider mites- an anthurium may have leaf spot if its leaves have an irregular looking brown or black spot with an anthurium plant may have spider mites if the leaves are covered in tiny, flat gray specks.

Powdery mildew- this is a fungus that can attack an anthurium and make it look like it’s blanketed by a layer of white dust. This disease often starts on an anthurium’s older leaves and then spreads to the younger ones.

Mealybugs- an anthurium plant can have mealybugs if its leaves look like they are covered in a dusting of white powder or small cotton balls that are stuck together with honeydew, which is a sticky substance.

Tips for Keeping Anthurium Plowmanii Happy

One way that their caretaker can help them be happy is by watering it at least once a day, but not more than twice in one day. They need to have a soil with good drainage and light potting medium like organic material or an anthurium plowmanii loving mix.

An anthurium plowmanii needs to be in the shade or partial sun, never full sun for more than an hour because they don’t have a central system of leaves like other plants do which can help shield it from too much heat and light exposure. It also needs to be away from anthuriums or other plants that are the same height because it will stop flowering.

If an anthurium plowmanii is in a room with air conditioning, they need to have moisture and humidity levels of at least 30%. If there’s no AC but just natural ventilation like an open window, anthurium plowmanii needs to have moist soil and at least 50% humidity.

anthurium plowmanii

Anthurium Plowmanii Frequently Asked Questions

What is Anthurium Plowmanii?

The anthurium plowmanii is a species of anthurium that grows extensively in Central America. It also has an elongated and narrow leaf shape, which distinguishes it from other anthuriums like the anthurium superbum or anthurium schlechtendalii.

How do you take care of Anthurium Plowmanii?

The care of the anthurium plowmanii necessitates regular watering and fertilizing with an all-purpose fertilizer such as Miracle Grow every two weeks during the spring and summer months. In winter anthurium plowmanii care necessitates less frequent watering, with the frequency dependent on the ambient temperature in your home.

How much does Anthurium Plowmanii cost?

Anthurium plowmanii is an expensive plant, and one of the most sought after plants in the world. Anthurium Plowmanii prices can range anywhere from $100-$200 and often that goes into the thousands of dollars depending on where you buy your anthurium, what size it is, and whether or not there are any special features.

Is Anthurium good for indoors?

For anthurium plowmanii indoor care, it is important to take into consideration how much natural light your room gets every day and if you have space for anthurium plowmanii in an outdoor area.

The best way to determine anthuriums suitability for indoors is by looking at the natural climate it originates from and then comparing that with your current living conditions. Anthurium plowmanii comes from a humid environment, so if you live in an arid or cold climate anthurium plowmanii will not do well.

Are anthuriums easy to care for?

Anthuriums are not the easiest plants to care for. They require a lot of humidity and light. Some anthurium breeds can be more difficult than others (e.g., anthurium plowmanii). It is important to research what an anthurium plant needs in order to thrive before purchasing it.


The anthurium plowmanii is an eye-catching plant that can bring a lot of joy to the home. With proper care, it will be an interesting addition to any decor and could even serve as an early indicator for your own health! It’s important not just to keep in shape but also take adequate measures to ensure its happiness.

With anthurium plowmanii care and some attention, you can ensure that your anthurium stays beautiful for years to come! If you’re looking to grow an anthurium plant, check out anthurium plants for sale here. 

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