Maranta Lemon Lime Plant - A Comprehensive Exposition - Absolute Gardener

Maranta Lemon Lime Plant – A Comprehensive Exposition

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maranta lemon lime

Why maranta lemon lime? Well, maranta lemon lime is a plant that can provide you with many things. It can be used as an indoor or outdoor houseplant and it also comes in different colours like green, pink, red, yellow and more!

But what is maranta lemon lime? Where does it come from? What are the most common problems that people have with maranta lemon lime? How do I keep my maranta lemon lime happy?” These are all great questions to ask when you’re considering purchasing one of these plants for your home.

In this article, we’ll answer all of those questions and more so you know exactly everything there is about maranta lemon limes before making a purchase!

What is a Maranta Lemon Lime?

Maranta lemon lime plant comes from a maranta variety that has been cultivated in Latin America for centuries. The maranta lemon lime prayer plant is known as the “tree of life” due to its ability to grow in harsh conditions such as drought and salty soils.

The maranta leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, but are often used in traditional medicine. Maranta lemon lime leaves can be used to make maranta tea, maranta juice or maranta soup.

Maranta lemon lime plant is characterized by its heart-shaped leaves and elongated, spiny stems. The maranta takes a more upright form than other maranta varieties such as the pineapple marantas so it doesn’t require staking to maintain shape in windy conditions.

The prayer plant lemon lime typically grows about eight feet high with a maroon stem, green leaves that have purplish veins and spots on the underside where it attaches to the maranta lemon lime plant. It also has large maroon flowers that are often seen in bloom during late summer or early fall months.

Origins of Maranta Lemon Lime Plant

Maranta lemon lime plants (Melicoccus bijugatus) originated in the Caribbean region and can be found throughout south Florida, Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela. This species is best grown outdoors but maranta lemon lime tree can also thrive indoors with a little TLC.

The maranta lemon lime plant belongs to the family of Sapindaceae or soapberry family which includes maple and sycamore trees as well as many ornamental flowering plants such as gardenias, hibiscus flowers and lemons. The maranta lemon lime tree has shiny dark green leaves on either side of its trunk which look like large feathers when they grow.

Depending on the cultivar, lemon lime maranta plant can produce white or yellow flowers in the summertime followed by green maranta lemon limes which are poisonous but delicious to eat!

maranta lemon lime

Maranta Lemon Lime Plant Care Guide

Maranta Lemon Lime care is a little different than marantas in general but easy to maintain nonetheless, so long as they are planted in the right environment. But don’t worry! We have lots of tips for keeping your maranta lemon limes happy so read on if you want some helpful hints!


Maranta maranta are not fussy about soil so long as it is well draining. They thrive in loamy or sandy-loam based potting mix with added perlite and peat moss to improve aeration.

Maranta Lemon Lime plants are not the best at dealing with clay soil. Clay soil can starve your maranta lemon limes of water and nutrients which will result in stunted growth and yellow leaves.


Lighting maranta lemon lime well is key to keeping it healthy. Marantas should be in a spot that gets plenty of natural light, but not direct sunlight. For the most part, marantas do best indoors with a moderate amount of natural light. You also want to keep marantas away from direct sunlight or else they will scorch and die quickly.

If you live in a home with no windows, consider growing maranta lemon lime near a window that gets plenty of natural light. You should also rotate maranta lemon lime often, so that all sides get some time in the sun and the plant will grow evenly.


Maranta lemon lime needs to be watered very sparingly. The best way to water maranta lemon lime is by giving them a good soak on their leaves, soaking the soil for about 30 minutes and then allowing it all to dry out before watering again.

Plant caretakers need to keep an eye on maranta lemon lime for signs of over-watering. If you have a maranta lemon lime that is particularly sensitive to too much water, it may be best for the plant caretaker to only give them a small amount at time and wait for watering until the maranta lemon lime’s leaves perk back up.

If maranta lemon lime is too wet, the maranta lemon lime’s leaves may begin to brown and curl on themselves as they wilt and die off due to rot or fungus. Plant caretakers need to be mindful of this when watering marantas so that it doesn’t happen again in the future.


Maranta lemons can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones of 11-12.

In the maranta lemon lime care guides, it is recommended that marantas should not get any colder than 35°F when dormant. If they are exposed to temperatures at or below this range for an extended period of time, marantas may die.

In warmer climates, marantas can be brought indoors and grown in a conservatory or greenhouse which is heated. Maranta lemons are sensitive to frost so you should not let them get any closer than 15 feet from your house’s exterior walls as they could be damaged by direct exposure to the cold.

However, maranta lemon lime can also grow in higher, colder altitudes, but maranta lemon lime will not be as happy with maranta lemon lime’s situation at these heights. Maranta lemon lime prefers the tropics, even if maranta lemon does have a little bit of tolerance for other climates maranta lemon lime will not be as vibrant in these areas.


Maranta lemon lime thrives in humid conditions. This is not to say they cannot survive in a drier climate, but the maranta lemon lime will be happier with more humidity and water around it. A location that has high humidity would work well as an area for maranta lemon limes because this means less watering needs to occur.

Keep maranta lemon lime pots or containers out of drafts. A draft will dry out the maranta lemon limes, which can cause leaves to wither and fall off prematurely. Add a humidity tray under the container if possible for extra moisture near them.


Tropical maranta need to be fertilized at least once a year, preferably in the late winter months. The fertilizer you use for maranta lemon lime should contain high levels of nitrogen and potassium with trace elements such as iron or zinc; these will help maranta grow more quickly and produce more leaves. A good option is an all-purpose 20-20-20 or similar general fertilizer.

The maranta should be fertilized in the winter months when they are not actively growing, so that roots can absorb nutrients before plants leaf out again and compete with them for water and soil nutrients. To help maranta’s root system develop you may wish to do a general top dressing with compost as maranta do not like to have their roots disturbed.

Beneficial fertilizers that marantas love are bone meal, blood meal, rock phosphate and kelp; but they should be applied sparingly to avoid burning the plants roots.


This maranta lemon lime is a very beautiful plant that has many benefits. It’s easy to grow, it provides some shade for the rest of your plants and they are toxic free! However marantas do contain calcium oxalate crystals which can cause irritation or burning if you come into contact with them.

Always keep gloves handy when handling marantas! Marantas are toxic to cats and dogs. As a precaution, they should be kept away from these animals or even better yet not brought into the home at all if you have any pets around.


Pruning maranta lemon lime is essential for maintaining the plant’s health. Pruning maranta lemon lime will allow light to reach all parts of the plant and help control its size, while removing dead or diseased branches. There are three basic types of pruning:

  • cutting back (cutting off a shoot)
  • thinning (removing branches)
  • rejuvenating (cutting off an entire maranta lemon lime to make room for a new maranta lemon lime).

Pruning marantas should be done in the spring. The best time is when you see new shoots, but as long as it’s not below freezing outside and within six weeks of maranta lemon lime flowering, you should be able to prune marantas.

Pruning marantas is best done with a sharp bypass-style or hand shears because they cut cleanly without crushing the plant tissues and can create neater cuts on delicate stems than other types of scissors that may crush marantas.

Pruning marantas requires that you cut above a node, which is the area where one leaf stem joins another. Make an initial vertical slit in the maranta at least six inches long and then make horizontal cuts to either side of it. The slits will heal over quickly because marantas have tough leaves, but they should not be left open for too long.

Propagation and Grow

Maranta lemon lime can be propagated through maranta cuttings. The maranta cuttings should have at least two leaves, and the maranta cutting should not be more than a year old. When planting marantas in soil, they need to be planted with their crowns covered by several inches of soil or maranta cuttings can rot. When marantas are grown in water, the maranta cutting should have at least two leaves before being planted in a maranta pot with soil or maranta moss.

Propagating marantas from seed is possible but challenging because of its slow growth rate and inconsistent germination rates caused by various maranta cultivars. When marantas are grown from maranta seeds, the plants can take up to two years before they bloom and grow.


Maranta maranta is a tropical plant that requires repotting every 18 months to two years. Over time, marantas will outgrow their pots and need more space for root growth. When the roots are well overgrown in the pot, it’s time to put your maranta into another pot.

Before you move maranta to another pot, use a sharp knife or scissors and cut as much of the root system out of the old pot so it can be easily removed from its confines.

Place maranta in new pot that is one size larger than original container with at least two inches of fresh soil mixed with sand. Once maranta is positioned in the new pot, fill in any gaps with more fresh soil mixed with sand to reduce risk of root rot. Add water until moist but not soaked and plant maranta at same height it was before repotting.

If you have a potted maranta that has been outdoors for some time, it’s likely the maranta will need some time to adjust before being able to be placed back in its original container. Place pot outdoors that is sheltered from sun and wind for a few weeks, or until maranta shows signs of growth such as new leaves sprouting out of its trunk.

maranta lemon limePlant Disease

Maranta lemon lime plants are prone to a wide range of diseases, both fungal and bacterial. One common problem is leaf scorch caused by the fungus Alternaria maranta or Phytophthora marantae. This disease kills older leaves on maranta lemon lime plant in dry conditions with high humidity that promote its spread. Younger maranta lemon lime plants are more resistant to Alternaria maranta.

Some maranta lemon lime diseases, such as root rot and leaf spot disease, occur when the maranta lemon lime is infected with water-borne bacteria or fungi in humid conditions that promote their growth. Symptoms of this are yellowing leaves on marantas that grow near one another, maranta lemon lime leaves that are smaller than usual, and marantas with sunken areas.

Other maranta diseases can be caused by insects or chemical treatments for them. Aphids cause a disease called sooty mold when they suck the sap from maranta lemon limes and excrete it on its leaves in an oily substance. Maranta lemon lime plants can also become infested with marantaphytophthora, a fungus that enters the maranta through wounds in its stems and leaves.

Maranta diseases are often spread by moving infected marantas or maranata from one location to another. To avoid spreading these plant diseases, make sure marantas are well-watered, maranta lemon limes that have been infected should be disposed of or treated to prevent the spread of nasties.

maranta lemon lime

Maranta Lemon Lime Variegated

Maranta lemon lime variegated is a maranta plant that has green and yellow stripes on the leaf. It is an easy maranta to care for with moderate water requirements, low light needs, and little fertilization required. This maranta can grow well in containers or outdoors as long as it receives at least five hours of sun a day. Plant maranta lemon lime variegated in the spring or fall and water it well so that the soil is damp but not wet.

Common Issues with Maranta Lemon Lime

Maranta Lemon Lime is a very popular houseplant, but they can still experience common issues like brown edges or leaves falling off. Here are a few maranta lemon lime care guides on how to fix these common maranta lemon lime problems:

  • Brown edges? Cut the brown edge off of the leaf and plant it in a pot, eventually maranta lemon lime will grow out again from this cut.
  • Leaves falling off? Water more deeply when watering your maranta lemon lime.
  • Maranta lemon lime not blooming? Cut maranta lemon root into smaller pieces, and replant them in a pot of soil with maranta lemon lime plant food for about three months to allow maranta lemon lime time to rebloom.

Tips for Keeping Maranta Lemon Lime Happy

  • One way to keep maranta lemon lime happy is by making sure it has ample light. If maranta lemon lime doesn’t get enough sunlight or fluorescent lights, the leaves will slowly start turning brown and fall off.
  • Another key factor in maranta lemon lime care is watering regularly. The plant prefers regular waterings of every two days for most of the maranta lemon lime care.
  • Yet another important maranta lemon lime care tip is to remember that it doesn’t like any type of frost or freezing temperatures. This could lead to maranta lemon lime being killed if it were left out in these conditions for too long. It takes a cool temperature and high humidity level for maranta lemon lime to thrive.

maranta lemon lime

Maranta Lemon Lime Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for lemon lime maranta?

Maranta lemon lime care is very easy, maranta lemon lime plants require minimal maintenance and can be grown indoors with a minimum of fuss or without any soil at all!

Make sure maranta lemon lime plant is in a moist, well drained potting mix.

  • Keep maranta lemon lime out of direct sunlight and avoid strenuous handling when watering or transplanting maranta lemon lime to make the new soil less damaging to delicate roots.
  • To improve drainage, you can add rocks around the perimeter of your maranta lemon lime planter for maranta lemon lime to grow in.
  • You will need an average room temperature, but no more than 80°F (26°C) or less than 50 °F (11 °C), with a lot of light.

Is Maranta lemon lime rare?

Maranta lemon lime is a rather new plant to the United States and it’s still not readily available in most nurseries. The maranta family comes from Central America, and maranta lemon lime plants are typically propagated by cuttings or seedlings. This makes them rare because they can’t be acquired through other means like seeds.

Should I mist my lemon lime maranta?

Misting maranta lemons is a great way to maintain humidity but please note that it doesn’t need as much water due to its unique ability to conserve.

Is Maranta Lemon Lime a calathea?

The maranta is not a calathea but closely related. It’s in the same family as plants like crotons, dracaenas and warneckii’s.

Can you propagate a lemon lime Maranta?

Yes. There are many ways you can propagate marantas, but rooting them in water or soil is the best way. The maranta’s cuttings will root in about four to six weeks, or within a few months if placed on top of moist soil mixed with peat moss.

A maranta can also be propagated by taking cuttings from the parent plant and placing it in moist potting soil or water. In any case, the marantas propagated from cuttings are genetically identical to the parent plant and have all its qualities.

Why are my lemon lime Maranta leaves curling?

Your maranta lemon lime is likely just under stress and getting enough light. This may be due to the following:

  • Not giving your maranta citrus sufficient water
  • It is humid in the location where it resides
  • The room temperature has been too warm for marantas
  • The maranta is getting too much sun, so it needs to be located in a bright but shaded area.


There you have it – maranta lemon lime, the most comprehensive look at this new plant species. Hopefully, after reading this article on maranta lemon lime care guides and other helpful tips to keep your maranta happy, you’ll be able to enjoy all that maranta has to offer! If you’re looking to grow your very own, check out lemon lime maranta for sale here. 

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