How to Care for a Begonia Tuberhybrida - Absolute Gardener

How to Care for a Begonia Tuberhybrida

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begonia tuberhybrida

Begonia tuberhybrida is a begonia that as its name suggests has tuberous roots. This begonia, like all begonias in the begonia family, needs to be cared for with love and attention. Caring for a begonia tuberhybrida is not difficult but does require some time and knowledge of the plant’s habits. In this article, I will give you an overview of what Begonia tuberhybridas need to thrive, how to care for them when they have problems, and finally tips on keeping them happy!

What is a Begonia Tuberhybrida?

Begonia tuberhybrida is a begonia which has leaves that are streaked with different shades of red, pink and purple. The plant grows up to 30 inches tall and thrives in just about any type of soil as long as it is well-drained. It can also be grown indoors or outdoors year round but prefers shade.

The begonia tuberhybrida came from a crossbreeding of two begonias, the Begonia Tuberosa (aka tuberous begonias) and Begonia Rosea. It was first found in France in 1887.

begonia tuberhybrida
Image: via

Origins of Begonia Tuberhybrida Plant

The begonia tuberhybrida plant is also called begonia grandis, begonias for shade and begonia maxima. It was produced from the cross pollination of two different species of plants – Begonia imbricata (the parent) and Begonia semperflorens-cultorum. The begonias for shade begonia maxima begonias originated from the cross pollination of these two species in 1879 and was first introduced to England by James Veitch & Sons Nurserymen.

Begonia tuberhybrida plants are popular because they can tolerate low light levels, which makes them perfect for indoor or shaded garden areas where there is little or no direct sunlight. The begonia tuberhybrida plant is a perennial shrub with dark green leaves and bright flowers that bloom in pink, white, gold, reds and other hues depending on the species.

Begonia Tuberhybrida Plant Care Guide

Begonia Tuberhybrida plants are often categorized as begonias, but in reality they come from a different family of plant. These begonias have thicker leaves and will grow with an upright form rather than growing in the ground like most begonna varieties do. Although this type of begonia is rare to see for sale at garden centers and nurseries, tuberous begonias care is not difficult.


Begonia Tuberhybrida plants are very easy to care for. You will want to use a well-draining potting soil with plenty of compost and organic material. A begonia tuberhybrida needs moist, but not soggy soil at all times.

You should avoid begonias that come in plastic pots as begonias do not like to stay in wet soil.


Begonias like moderate to bright indirect sunlight. They should not be placed in a location where they will get direct sun for more than two hours per day.

If begonia tuberhybrida plants are getting too much light, the leaves may burn and turn brown or white spots can form on their edges. If begonia tuberhybrida plants are getting too little light, the leaves may appear pale or yellow.

Begonias require bright indirect sunlight and grow best outdoors year round. However begonias can be grown indoors without artificial lighting for 12 to 14 hours.

If begonias are grown indoors, you will need a ULPA-rated fluorescent grow light placed within 12 inches of the plant and turned on for at least 12 hours per day. If begonias are growing too much in one location, you can move begonias close to a window and gradually shorten the amount of time they are in that location as the days pass.


Begonias like to be watered thoroughly so that the begonia’s roots can get water. Make sure there is enough drainage at begonia plants, which might require adding some more soil if necessary, or use a pot with holes in it for better airflow and draining of excess water.

  • When watering your begonia, make sure you water the begonia thoroughly.
  • Water your begonia regularly–they like to drink often!
  • Don’t let begonias get too dry or they will die quickly from lack of moisture.


Begonia tuberhybrida is a begonia that grows in the tropics. It does best when it receives at least four to six hours of sunlight each day and temperatures between 60⁰F (16°C) and 75⁰F (24°C). Temperatures lower than 50⁰ F can damage any begonia and begonia tuberhybrida will need protection from frost.

Begonia tuberhybrida can be grown outside but it needs protection when the temperatures drop below 50⁰F. If you want to grow begonias outdoors, place a protective cover over them and move containers inside during cold spells.


Begonia tuberhybrida are a bit more difficult to care for. They don’t like being too wet or cold, but they also need enough water and humidity in order to thrive and grow well. humidifiers are often a good idea for begonias that live in dry climates or colder regions. With begonia tuberhybrida, it’s important to have water sensors placed nearby so you can see when the soil is getting too moist and needs more fresh air.

Humidifiers can be used to decide when more water is needed, but begonias with high humidity levels may not need much.

Begonia tuberhybrida also do well in a room that has cool temperatures and lower light exposure during the day. This will keep them from getting too hot or dehydrated. begonia tuberhybrida are a tropical plant, so they prefer to be in an environment that’s between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day with humidity levels of around 60%.

At night, begonias can tolerate temperatures going down into the 40s for brief periods before it starts to damage them or their flowers.

Begonia tuberhybrida need a lot of humidity to grow well and produce good flowers. That means that keeping begonias in humidifiers is the best way to keep them healthy, but they also need fresh air from time-to-time. Placing begonias on small pedestal tables will allow for some airflow around them and prevent them from getting too humid.


Fertilisers are not always necessary for begonia tuberhybrida, but can be used as a supplement to feed the plant if it starts to look weak or yellow. The leaf colour of begonias is an indication that they need more fertiliser and you should give them some at this point. Fertilisers come in three basic types:

Chemical fertilisers which are made up of synthetic chemical compounds and come in a variety of different brands. The advantage to this type is that they can be used indoors without worry about harmful emissions

  • organic fertilisers, such as compost or well rotted manure
  • natural fertiliser like bone meal. Bone meal contains phosphates and calcium which begonia tuberhybrida can take up.

If you are using an organic fertiliser, it is important to use one that doesn’t contain too much nitrogen as this may burn the begonias leaves. You should do a soil test before adding any additional nutrients or chemicals to see what your begonia needs the most.

If begonia tuberhybrida are looking yellow and wilted, it may be a sign the plant is not getting enough water or that they need more fertiliser. Begonias should be watered at least once a week during the warmer months to keep them from drying out. If begonias become too dry they will wither and die.


Begonias are not toxic to humans or other animals. Though begonia tubers can cause a skin irritation if handled roughly, they should not be ingested as this could lead to intestinal obstruction and death.


The begonia tuberhybrida is a semi-tropical plant and will need to be pruned in order for it to thrive. The begonias’ leaves can grow quite large, so you’ll want to trim the bottom of them off periodically with scissors or garden clippers.

Begonias are also fairly easy plants to take cuttings from. You can either take a cutting and then root it in water or soil, or you could also just stick the begonia tuberhybrida’s stem right into some dirt and watch as new leaves start to grow.

Propagation and Growth

Begonia tuberhybrida propagation is fairly easy to do, and will help you create a lush garden full of begonias.

Begonia tubers are propagated either by taking cuttings or by dividing the plant’s crown into more pieces with sharp gardening shears. Begonias grow well in moist soil that has been enriched with organic material.

Begonia tuberhybrida like to be grown in full sunlight, but they will still do well if their roots are shaded at least a little bit during the hottest parts of the day.

Begonias have delicate flowers that should not get wet too often because it can lead to mold growing on them and other problems.

The begonia tuberhybrida is a popular perennial flower that can be propagated easily. They grow best in moist soil with plenty of organic material added to it and should not have its roots shaded during the hot parts of the day. The begonias’ leaves will need periodic trimming and they also like plenty of sunlight.


Repotting begonias are a great way to breathe life back into your begonias. It is necessary for the root system of the plant, which can become crowded and pot-bound, to be transplanted into a pot with fresh soil. The

Begonia tuberhybrida generally has a natural life-span of four to six years, but may live considerably longer with proper care and potting.

If you are going to repot the begonia plant, it is best done in either late spring or early fall; this will help your begonia get through the winter months more easily.

begonia tuberhybrida
Image: via Gardens Online

Begonia Tuberhybrida Variegated

Begonia tuberhybrida variegated is a begonia with an unusual, white and green leaf pattern. It has dark-green leaves that are speckled in the center of each plant which then fade to light green on the margins. The begonia also produces clusters of creamy flowers atop long stems during summer months from July through October.

Begonia tuberhybrida variegated are begonias that grow in cane-shape with a wide base and narrow top, typically growing around 12 inches tall. When grown outdoors they enjoy full sun exposure or partial shade but do not like to be moved once planted in the garden. These begonias can also flourish indoors given the right amount of light.

Some begonia tuberhybrida variegated common problems can include leaf spots, wilting and browning leaves at tips which means that you need to water more often or fertilize your begonias with a diluted solution using an organic liquid fertilizer three times per year during spring, summer and fall months.

Common Issues with Begonia Tuberhybrida

Begonia tuberhybrida are a beautiful begonias from South America, but they can have some significant issues. Some of these problems include leaf curling and dark spots on leaves. It’s important to note that begonia tuberhybrida don’t need as much light as other begonias so this is less likely to happen to begonia tuberhybrida plants: Leaf curling and dark spots on leaves (possibly caused by too much sun)

Plant diseases begonia tuberhybrida can get include leaf spot disease and begonias wilt.

This is a common begonia problem, but it’s easily remedied by spraying the plant with an organic fungicide like milk or water mixed with baking soda. Begonias also don’t typically need much water, but begonia tuberhybrida can benefit from a spray every couple of days.

Begonia tuberhybrida also have an issue where their leaves turn yellow. This is because begonia tuberhybrida plants need fertilizer for healthy growth and flowering, but begonias don’t like any type of fertilizer with high nitrogen content or they get what’s called begonia wilt disease where the leaves turn purple and die off.

Begonias are more sensitive to fertilizers than other types of begonias and they don’t like nutrients with high nitrogen content and begonia tuberhybrida gets begonia wilt disease when given it

Tips for Keeping Begonia Tuberhybrida Happy

Tips for keeping begonia tuberhybrida variegated happy include planting it in a large container, allowing the begonias to dry out slightly between watering sessions and fertilizing regularly with diluted solutions of an organic liquid fertilizer. These begonias also enjoy being planted near other shade-loving plants such as ferns or hostas.

Begonia Tuberhybrida Frequently Asked Questions

Do Begonia come back every year?

Begonia tuberhybrida typically come back every year if they are planted in the ground.

If begonia is potted, it might not grow back after a season or two of neglect.

How do you care for Begonia Tuberhybrida?

Begonia tuberhybrida care can be done by following a few simple steps. First, begonias should not be allowed to dry out as they are prone to rot and other problems if this happens. If the begonia is already too dry or you water it too much, then there may be an issue with drainage of your begonia.

Begonias should be watered much less frequently than other house plants, but when doing so make sure that the begonia is in a pot with good drainage to ensure it does not get too wet or dry for long periods of time.

Begonias prefer bright light and cool temperatures; they are also sensitive to cold drafts from air conditioning. They also need to be fertilized with a liquid or time release fertilizer every other week during their growing season, which is in the summer and fall months.

Do begonias like sun or shade?

Begonias like some sun, but not all day. They are more likely to thrive in a spot with morning or evening light where the begonia tuberhybrida can get filtered shade during the hottest part of the day.

Can I save my begonias for next year?

Begonia tuberhybrida can be saved and stored for the following year. You save begonias by cutting off all stems, then splitting them into smaller sections until they are no larger than a pencil’s diameter in thickness, removing any damaged or diseased leaves or flowers from each section of begonia plants.

Place begonia divisions on a cold (refrigerator) windowsill or in the crisper of your refrigerator. Keep begonias stored this way for at least six weeks before replanting them into fresh soil and water well to help avoid root rot issues.

What fertilizer should I use on begonias?

Begonia’s are very sensitive to too much fertilizer and can actually burn themselves. When fertilizing begonias, use a water soluble product such as Miracle Grow or you can dilute liquid 20-20-20 right in the begonia pot during watering

If using dry products like Milorganite, sprinkle it around your begonies but be careful not to get it on the begonias leaves.

begonia tuberhybrida
Image: via Indoor Garden Nook


Begonias are delicate flowers that need to be cared for in a specific way. There are many ways to care for these beautiful plants and we hope that our blog has given you some helpful information.

When caring for tuberous begonias remember to water your Begonia Tuberhybrida enough. Make sure not to overwater, or the roots will rot and die.

We’ve also got other blog post with some other tips on how to take care of different plants indoors that may be helpful for those looking for more resources on gardening advice.

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