Get to Know Philodendron Silver Sword: Care and Maintenance Guide - Absolute Gardener

Get to Know Philodendron Silver Sword: Care and Maintenance Guide

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philodendron silver sword

Philodendron Silver Sword is a beautiful philodendron species with a unique shape that resembles an elegant sword. It grows well in low light indoors and is easy to care for when given the right conditions. In this article, we will explore the philodendron silver sword’s origins, how to properly care for it as well as some common problems you may face while growing philodendron silver sword!

What is a Philodendron Silver Sword?

A philodendron silver sword is a large philodendron that can grow up to six feet tall. It belongs in the arboreal group of plants so it needs plenty of sunlight or artificial lights. The philodendron silver sword thrives best when watered daily and fed monthly with either fertilizer or compost tea.

The philodendron silver sword plant is also commonly known as the Philodendron selloum and erythrinum, philodendron hastatum with some scientific names including Spathiphyllum ‘Silver Sword’ or Syngonium podophyllum variegatum.

Origins of Philodendron Silver Sword Plant

The silver sword philodendron plant originates from Panama, Costa Rica, and Ecuador where it grows as an epiphyte on other plants. It likes subtropical or tropical climate conditions and should be grown outside in the ground during summer, then brought into a cool place for winter (usually indoors).

Philodendron hastatum silver swordplant is a common houseplant that can also be grown outdoors in tropical climate zones. It has attractive leaves with scrolls of silver and green stripes.

philodendron silver sword

Philodendron Silver Sword Plant Care Guide

Philo silver sword plants are easy to care for and can grow in a variety of environments. Read on for the full guide on silver sword philodendron care.


It’s best to use soil that drains well and provides excellent drainage. Soil for philo plants should be moist, but not wet as philodendrons do not like sitting in water or being overwatered. The type of pot you choose also affects the plant’s watering needs–plants will need more frequent watering if in a container than if in the ground.

If you have philodendron plants that are wilting or drooping, make sure to check their soil. They may need more water! Be careful not to overwater philo plants as they can develop root rot and other diseases if kept wet for too long.

It’s important to use a light potting mix because philodendrons do not have deep roots. Soil for philodendron silver sword should be a light, porous material that is well-draining and aerated.

Make sure to use potting mix that has excellent drainage properties with plenty of air spaces between the particles. The philodendron plant’s roots need oxygen in order to thrive–aerating your philo plant’s soil will help provide this needed element. If you are not sure, read the ingredients on your philodendron plant’s soil container and make sure it contains perlite or vermiculite.


Philodendron silver sword loves a lot of light, but not too much. Find the happy medium by placing philodendron near an east-facing window or in a room with lots of natural sunlight when it’s available.

Keep philodendron out of direct sun both in the summer and winter. Too much will lead to brown spots on your plant’s leaves.

Know that philodendron silver sword plants are not very picky when it comes to light levels, so this isn’t a major issue as long as they have enough natural light.

The silver sword plant philodendron also like to be near a window that gets lots of light and is not too close to the glass. If philodendrons are located in front of a south or west facing window, it’s likely they will grow more quickly than with other exposures–this means you’ll need to keep up on philodendron silver sword plant’s water levels.

In the winter, they can be placed in an area that receives less light; just remember to start watering them more frequently as they need more light exposure and will dry out quickly because there is not enough natural sunlight coming through windows.


The philodendron silver sword needs to be watered as often as possible. They have a tendency to wilt and droop if they are not well-watered. The philodendron is sensitive to the amount of water it receives, so make sure that the soil never dries out completely or else rot will set in. In order to tell whether or not the philodendron needs watering, look at the soil. If it is dry and powdery looking, then that means that you need to water more often.

They should be watered deep enough so that there are no puddles on top of the potting media when using a tray system. The philodendron should also be watered until the water starts to drip out of the bottom of the pot.

They are not tolerant of being constantly wet, so you want to avoid putting them in puddles or standing water for extended periods of time. You also need to make sure that they have a tray system to catch water in order to avoid root rot.

If you are using a pot without drainage, then make sure that the philodendron is not sitting directly in standing water after watering it. This can cause the philodendron’s roots to get too wet and end up rotting away. Make sure that there is at least one inch of space between the philodendron’s potting media and water.


Philodendron Silver Sword prefers temperatures between 15-25 degrees Celsius. They can tolerate cooler room temperatures, but higher temps will promote faster growth.

Philodendron Silver Sword is a tropical and semi-tropical plant that can be found in the Amazon, the Caribbean or Southeast Asia, even as far south into China. It has been noted for being used to make room fresheners by placing leaves near vents or windows.


Humidity plays a major role in philodendron care. Philodendrons are tropical plants and thrive when they receive high levels of humidity. That means you should keep the plant’s soil evenly moist, but never soggy or wet to touch. The best way to do this is by setting up a humidifier near the philodendron.

Humidity is crucial for the philodendron silver sword. Philodendron Silver Sword is a type of philodendron that prefers humid environments. The moisture in the air will help philodendron silver sword with photosynthesis. Depending on the size of your philodendron, you may want to water philodendron silver sword often to help with humidity levels. It’s best to mist philodendron silver sword when outdoors and indoors if you need added humidity.

Fertiliser and Feeding

A philodendron is a flowering plant that requires fertilisers and feeding. It should be watered every two to three days in the summer months, but not as much in winter. A philodendron needs about one-half of its potting mix replaced each year with fresh compost or soil mixture.

The fertiliser should be applied every two months in the summer and monthly during winter. Philodendron silver sword needs fertiliser to grow properly, so make sure it is fed about once a month.

Toxicity and Safety

Toxicity and safety are very important. This plant is toxic to dogs, cats, non-human primates, and other mammals. But philodendrons should not be eaten by humans in any quantity because of their toxicity level. It can cause a variety of symptoms including digestive upset (vomiting), numbness or tingling (especially in the face or mouth), muscle weakness, and seizures.

You must take care when handling it as the leaves can cause irritation if touched or rubbed against bare skin, especially for those with sensitive skin.


Pruning philodendron silver swords is a very important part of philodendron care. These plants are not heavy feeders, so they do not need to be pruned often. They should only be cut back after flowering and when the tree starts looking leggy in order to maintain its natural shape and prevent it from getting too bushy.

Philodendron silver swords can also be pruned to shape and size for specific purposes, such as using philodendrons in a dish garden arrangement or creating an indoor tree philodendron that is more compact than natural philodendra. Pruning philodendron keeps them looking neat and tidy.

Propagation and Growth

Propagating philodendron silver sword is simple and can be done with cuttings or using the nodes.

  • Cut philodendrons from a healthy plant that is showing signs of new growth (usually early summer). Place it to grow on top of moist soil in water, so half the cutting remains above water level. The root will form below the water.
  • Philodendrons can also be propagated by cutting off a node and placing it in moist soil, like the previous method. The philodendron will grow from this one spot rather than spreading out as quickly because of its fast growth rate.
  • Separate philodendrons with different needs into their own pots or containers. This will help philodendron silver sword grow better and prevent possible cross contamination, which can lead to disease.


Philodendron silver sword should be repotted every two years to help keep the root system healthy. It’s important not to put philodendron in direct sunlight, so it can stay moist with a little humidity.

When you’re ready to repot your philodendrons, make sure they are dry first! And use a potting mix that is well-draining.

Put philodendron in the center of your new container, and cover it with about an inch or two (depending on how big your philodendron is) worth of soil. Pack the soil lightly around its roots as you fill the pot to avoid damaging them. Water philodendron in the new pot well to settle it into its new home.

Some philodendrons are naturally more sensitive than others, so be attentive if you’re moving it from a brighter area like a sunroom or windowsill to an indoor room with less light.  It will help your philodendron adjust to its new environment if you put it in a shaded area for a few days.

Plant Diseases:

Slugs and snails are a philodendron’s worst enemy. They can easily destroy everything in their path with a single bite or by carrying along pests such as nematodes, which will infect the plant’s roots. Some ways to protect your philodendron from slugs are:

  • Leave out a dish of beer or wine and place it in the philodendron’s pot.
  • Place slug guard around the philodendron’s roots to keep them from crawling up into the soil.
  • Use copper tape (available at most gardening stores) on top of an area that will be safe for your plant, but will still protect it from snails and slugs.
  • Place a snail bait station near the philodendron to catch any that come by for dinner (you can usually find them at your local nursery).

Follow these tips, and you should be able to keep your philodendron silver sword safe from plant diseases caused by slugs and snails.

Philodendron Silver Sword Variegated

It’s a philodendron that has leaves with white and green variegated markings. It can grow to over six feet in height, but usually stays under three meters tall.

It prefers cool conditions such as north-facing windows or shady spots outside during the day, where it will receive filtered light. When philodendron is not in a shaded or damp location, it should be kept out of direct sunlight.

philodendron silver sword
Image: via Lifestyle Botanics

Common Issues with Philodendron Silver Sword

Philodendron Silver Sword is a common houseplant that many people purchase for their homes. It can be identified by its broad, upright leaves and markings on the leaf blade or stalk called “margins”. The philodendron silver sword plant also has small flowers which form at the ends of spikes (called inflorescences).

There are a few common philodendron silver sword problems. One is that they can become covered in spider webs and other debris, which reduces their ability to grow healthily (as well as make them look less appealing). Another problem philodendron silver swords may have is “stem rot.” This often happens when the plant’s stem has been injured or allowed to stay in wet soil for too long.

Tips for Keeping Philodendron Silver Sword Happy

The philodendron silver sword is one of the most popular plants that you can purchase for your home, and there are many reasons why. Not only do philodendron silver swords have a beautiful look to them because of their variegated leaves but they also come in a variety of shapes as well as sizes which means it’s easy to find philodendron silver swords that will fit into your home.

Here are five philodendron silver sword care tips:

  • Provide the philodendron with a well-lit area and room temperature conditions. They do not like cold temperatures, high levels of humidity, or drafty rooms (excessive drafts can dry out philodendron leaves).
  • Provide philodendrons with potting soil that drains well. They do not like wet feet and will often rot if they stay in soggy, moist soil for too long
  • Keep philodends away from areas where there is direct sunlight as this can cause leaf burn or scorch
  • Spray philodendron leaves with water every few days during the warmer months and once a week in cooler temperatures. This will keep their foliage looking nice and green (which is what philodends love!)
  • Give philodendrons time to “rest” through winter by watering less often, making sure they are not in direct sunlight, and keeping them in a cool room.

Philodendron Silver Sword Frequently Asked Questions

Is a silver sword philodendron rare?

No! Philodendron Silver Sword is not a rare philodendron. It’s actually one of the more popular philodendrons in cultivation, and there are many variations available for sale from online retailers like and that have been cultivated by Green Island Growers specifically for their strong coloration and beauty.

You may find silver sword philodendron for sale via Amazon for only $59. 

How do you take care of a silver sword philodendron?

A short philodendron silver sword care guide:

  • water philodendrons once every day at least; philodendrons should be watered more than once a week
  • philodendron silver sword needs to have its leaves sprayed with water at least twice per day
  • they need high humidity when indoors; mist the plant regularly and place it in an area that has humid air such as near a kitchen or bathroom where there is hot steam
  • they prefer moist, loose soil and should not be placed in a location that has droughty conditions. It does better when watered once or twice per week; philodendrons need to have their roots remain moist so if you water less than every two weeks, use room temperature water instead of cold tap water
  • philodendron silver sword should be fertilized twice per month from mid-spring to late fall. Use a well-balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Are philodendron silver sword fast growers?

Philodendron silver sword grows at a moderate rate. But, they will grow much faster if it’s in the right conditions and you are taking good care of it.

Does philodendron silver sword trail?

No philodendron silver sword does not trail. If you are looking for plants that do, try trailing ivy or creeping figs.

How do I make my philodendron Fuller?

You can make philodendron fuller by pruning the leaves. You should do this during late winter to early spring when they are dormant and not actively growing. If you cut the oldest leaves off, it will force new ones to grow in their place with a fullness that is more attractive than simply having shorter stems of foliage.

How fast does philodendron silver sword grow?

Philodendron silver sword will grow at a rate of about one inch every three months.


The philodendron silver sword plant is an attractive houseplant for people who love plants but do not have much time to care of the philodendron. It can grow quite tall so it’s good if you don’t want anything that will take up too much space in your home or office. However, philodendron silver swords can be susceptible to spider webs and rot if they are not cared for properly.

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