Dracaena Lemon Lime: What it is, How To Care For It - Absolute Gardener

Dracaena Lemon Lime: What it is, How To Care For It

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Dracaena Lemon Lime

Dracaena lemon lime is a beautiful dracaena variety that has been around for a long time. It’s origins date back to Africa, but it was first introduced to the United States in 1893 by Dr. John Gourlay from Barbados. Nowadays, dracaena lemon lime can be found all over the world and is popular with both indoor and outdoor gardeners alike!

In this article, we’ll explore dracaena lemon lime: what it is, how to care for it, common problems with dracaena lemon limes and tips on dracaena plant care!

What is a Dracaena Lemon Lime?

The dracaena lemon lime is a fast growing plant that can grow up to six meters tall and has broad, dark green leaves with distinctive white stripes along their length. The leaves are often used for decoration because they do not drop off when dry like other dracena plants.

It is an extremely versatile plant, which can be grown in a container or as a free standing shrub and it also has the ability to grow on top of rocks that are not fertile soil – such as concrete and paving stones.

They are also known as dragon tree or lucky bamboo, are popular indoor plants

Origins of Dracaena Lemon Lime Plant

The dracaena lemon lime (scientific name Cordyline citata) is a tropical plant native to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

The dracaena lemon lime originated in Indonesia, and is often called the “Drain Plant”. The dracaena lemon lime has been cultivated since ancient times for a multitude of reasons.

It was brought to Europe by Dutch traders who saw it as an excellent plant with medicinal qualities – some sailors used dracaena lemon lime leaves to stop the bleeding of a wound and dracaena lemon lime oil was used as a mosquito repellent.

It has been cultivated as an ornamental houseplant since 1845 when it was first introduced into Europe from its home in the Pacific, where it grows wild on forest floors or in shady places such as the edges of rainforests or in coastal scrub vegetation.

Dracaena Lemon Lime
Image: via Plant Care Today

Dracaena Lemon Lime Plant Care Guide


Soil requirements for this plant are very easy to meet. The dracaena lemon lime plant will thrive in a mixture of peat, sand and loam with the addition of perlite or coarse gravel for aeration.

If the dracaena lemon lime is in potting soil, it will need to be mixed with sand. It requires a well-drained and light mix that can retain water but also allow for good drainage.


The dracaena lemon lime plant prefers a lot of light. It should be placed in an area that receives either full or partial sun. If it is grown indoors, then the dracaena lemon lime will need at least four to six hours of direct sunlight every day.

If the dracaena lemon lime isn’t getting enough natural light, it will begin to look drab and may develop yellow leaves.

The dracaena lemon lime plant is considered to be a shade-loving houseplant, so it’s not the best option for an indoor location where there isn’t much natural light.

If you need your dracaena lemon lime in such a spot, try placing its pot near windows or keeping it on a south-facing window ledge.


In order to keep dracaena lemon lime healthy, it should be watered until the soil is damp and then it needs to dry out a bit before watering again. This plant will need more water in warmer weather or during periods of high humidity but less water when its cooler outside. It’s important not to overwater this plant because dracaena lemon lime is susceptible to root rot.

If overwatered dracaena lemon lime leaves will turn stiff and droop downward, while dracaena lemon lime that has been underwatered may have a lighter green colouration on the tops of its leaves closer to the crown.

It’s good idea when watering dracaena lemon lime plants to use lukewarm water, as cold or hot water will shock the dracaena lemon lime and cause it to go into a state of dormancy.


Dracaena lemon lime like a temperature between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

One thing to remember is that they are very sensitive to temperature so make sure you have the right amount of sunlight in your home.


Dracaena lemon lime like humidity levels of 50-60% but they need to be misted twice a week. You can also use an ultrasonic humidifier if you have one.

One thing to remember is dracaena lemon lime are very sensitive to the amount of water in the air so make sure it’s not too dry.


You can fertilise dracaena lemon lime with a general purpose fertilizer such as Peters 20-20-20. Wait until the dracaena lemon lime has finished flowering before applying fertilizer to avoid burning its leaves. It is best not to feed dracaena lemon lime too much and always use organic or slow release fertilisers whenever possible, as dracaena lemon lime can become sensitive to some fertilisers.


Dracaena Lemon Lime is toxic to pets and small children. Keep dracaena lemon lime out of reach. If dracaena lemon lime plant gets wet, allow all the water to drain from it before touching the leaves or stems.


Dracaena lemon lime plants should be pruned regularly to keep dracaena healthy. Pruning dracaena helps the plant maintain a smaller profile and shape, which is better for low light spaces or those with limited space in their yard.

Propagation and Growth

Dracaena lemon lime propagation is easy. dracaena should be propagated by taking cuttings from the tips of new growth and planting them in moist, well-drained soil. One dracaena plant can easily turn into many dracaenas as long as they are given enough light to thrive.


A dracaena should be repotted when the roots become restricted from their pot. dracaenas need room to grow, so a dracaena can stay in its original container for up to two years before being transferred into a larger pot. When selecting a new pot for your dracaea, make sure it is at least two inches larger than the dracaena’s current container.

Dracaena Lemon Lime Variegated

Dracaena Lemon Lime Variegated is a dracaena that has yellow stripes on the leaves. It grows to be about three feet in height and can grow wide up to 15-20 inches. There are many varieties of dracenas from which you may choose but this one catches your eye due to its long, thin finger-like leaves. It does well in low light, which is why it’s often used as a house plant because dracenas are not the best indoor plants and require high-light levels to thrive.

Benefits of Keeping a Dracaena Lemon Lime

There are many benefits to dracaena lemon lime. One of them is that it’s a prolific grower and will produce new leaves on the stalk at a rapid rate for indoor growth or outdoor growth, depending on where you plant dracena lemon lime plants. Another benefit of dracaena lemons lime is that they can be used in the treatment of respiratory problems.

Common Issues with Dracaena Lemon Lime

Dracaena lemon lime is a dracaena that does well in low light. It grows rapidly, producing new leaves at an alarming rate for indoor or outdoor growth depending on where you choose to plant dracenas near your home or office.

If you’re looking to keep dracaena lemons lime happy, remember this: dracenas do not like to be moved. They’re a dracaena that prefers the same pot, soil and light for many years without needing repotting or major transplanting.

Tips for Keeping Dracaena Lemon Lime Happy

Dracaena lemon lime is easy to care for.

  • Change dracaena lemon lime’s potting mix once a month or so, and keep dracaena lemon lime at an even moisture level by watering it regularly (once a week) from the top of the soil with room temperature water.
  • Keep dracaena lemon lime out of the sun for prolonged periods, as dracaena lemon lime can be sensitive to too much sunlight.
  • If dracaena lemon lime emits a strong or unpleasant odor when you water it, discontinue watering and contact your dracaena lemon lime’s manufacturer before re-watering draciaena lemon lime.
  • Dracaena lemon lime prefers bright, indirect light.
  • If dracaena lemon lime’s leaves are turning brown or black and falling off, draciaena lemon lime may not be getting enough water.
  • Fertilize dracaena lemongrass monthly with a liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the manufacturer’s recommended strength.
  • Misting dracaena lemongrass with water is also beneficial in the summer to increase humidity and keep draceaena lemon lime healthy, but be sure not to get any on dracaena lemon lime’s leaves as it can cause them to droop.
  • Dracaena lemon lime may drop its leaves because dracaena lemon lime is receiving too much light.
  • Dracaeana lemongrass prefers moist, but well draining soil and dracaena lemon lime does not need to be watered if dracaena lemon lime’s leaves start curling or drooping.
  • Dracaena lemon lime like to be in front of a window or on the floor. If you do not have a lot of light, dracaena lemon lime will need a lamp with full-spectrum lighting
Dracaena Lemon Lime
Image: via Greenery Unlimited

Dracaena Lemon Lime Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for a Lemon Lime Dracaena plant?

Dracaena Lemon Lime care: dracaenas are very forgiving and will grow well in a wide range of conditions as long as they’re given the basics. They need bright light but not direct sun exposure, so place them on either side of windows for best results. Keep soil moist at all times, but not waterlogged, and they’ll be happy.

Common dracaena lemon lime problems: dracaenas can get spider mites from time to time (deal with it by simply wiping the leaves off) or brown leaf tips — this is most likely due to a dry environment. Brown leaf tips are often caused by dracaena lemon lime being in a room with warm air blowing on it all day. Brown leaf tips can be prevented by keeping dracaenas away from heating vents or placing them in front of the fan.

Does Dracaena need sunlight?

Dracaena do not require direct sunlight to grow well, but they are also capable of tolerating intense light. Most dracaena plants will need at least six hours a day for the plant to thrive. If you’re unsure about how much sun your dracaena needs, be sure to look up its specific type and care instructions.

How fast does Lemon Lime Dracena grow?

Dracaenas grow at a slow rate, and are one of the most difficult plants to care for. They cannot handle any cold temperatures or draughts in the home environment. If you live in an area that is prone to high winds, it’s not advisable to plant dracena lemon lime outdoors.

How much light does a lemon lime plant need?

Lemon dracena lime plants need ample light. They do not thrive in low-light environments, and will start to grow very slowly if they are starved of sunlight for too long. Lemon dracaenas require at least eight hours a day without interruption.

Light is the most important factor when caring for dracaena lemon lime indoors.

Is Dracaena Lemon Lime Air Purifier?

Dracaena lemon lime plants are not air purifiers. They do need a lot of light from natural or artificial sources to grow healthy, but they don’t clean the air.

How often should I mist my dracaena?

It’s important to mist dracena lemon lime plants every day. We recommend spritzing the plant until moist between waterings.

A dracaena needs a large pot and plenty of space in order to thrive indoors or outdoors, so make sure you have enough room for it before purchasing one!


Dracaena dracenas are tough plants to deal with. They need lots of light and plenty of water in order to grow healthy and strong. If these conditions aren’t met, they will start to grow very slowly over time or even die!

Lemon dracenas thrive in low-light environments only if you can provide them with a good amount of artificial light.

Dracaena dracenas are not air purifiers, either. They need plenty of water and will droop or die if they aren’t given enough!

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