How to Care For Your Dracaena Reflexa Plant - Absolute Gardener

How to Care For Your Dracaena Reflexa Plant

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Dracaena Reflexa

The dracaena reflexa (aka song of india plant) plant is a tropical beauty that can often be found in the homes of those who are passionate about plants. This dracaena’s thick, waxy leaves give it an appearance similar to dragon scales, which has led some cultures to believe that this dracaena was given its name because it protects against evil spirits. The dracaena reflexa plant is considered one of the easiest indoor plants to grow and maintain. However, there are still precautions you should take when caring for your dracaena reflexa plant so that it remains healthy and beautiful!

What is Dracaena Reflexa Plant?

Dracaena Reflexa plants come either as single stemmed or twin stemmed varieties and can grow up to six feet tall. The dracaena reflexa plant can be identified by its drooping leaves and is sometimes referred to as the “Dragon Tree” because of their resemblance to scales.

The dracaena reflexa plant is a type of evergreen. It can grow up to 1 meter in height, but it’s more common for dracaenas to be much smaller. The dracaena reflexa has a distinctive shape with long leaves which are arranged in pairs opposite each other on either side of the stem. When they are young, these leaves have green veins running along them like stripes; as they age, these veins fade away, leaving the dracaena reflexa with a solid green color. As these leaves age, they also become darker in color and turn into more of an olive or brown shade.

The dracaena reflexa has tendrils on its stem which allow the leaves at the top of the dracaena to climb onto other surfaces for support, such as furniture or other surfaces. It does not produce aerial roots, but dracaena reflexa can still grow from the ground up in order to reach sunlight and get enough air circulation for its leaves.

Origins of Dracaena Reflexa Plant

Dracaena reflexa plant is an evergreen dracaena that comes from the rainforest in central Africa. It has been used by African people for many years as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, which may be due to its shade-giving abilities. The dracaena reflexa plants are also commonly known as dragon tree plants due to the curving dracaena reflexa plant leaves that resemble a dragon’s claw.

Dracaena Reflexa Plant Care Guide

The dracaena reflexa plant is simply beautiful, but it can be difficult to care for properly and so many people are unsure about the best way of taking care of dracaenas in general. Follow the simple song of india plant care guides below that will help keep your dracaena reflexa plant healthy and happy.


Dracaena reflexa is a plant that likes moist, well-drained soil. You should mix the potting medium with peat moss or coconut coir since dracaena’s roots will rot if they get too wet and these provide moisture for the dracaena to thrive in without having to be watered every day. The soil should be moist but not wet, and dracaena should be watered once a week in the summer and every two weeks in winter.


Dracaena reflexa plants prefer bright indirect light, such as a north-facing window. Avoid direct sunlight which can scorch and burn dracaena reflexa plant leaves. For best dracaena reflexa care don’t have the dracaena in a room with no windows: not enough natural air circulation to keep dracaena reflexa plant healthy and dracaena reflexa needs sunlight.

It is very important to provide dracaena reflexa with adequate light for the correct growth of dracaena reflexa plants. The more light a dracaeña gets, the taller it will grow as well as have denser foliage in general. Draceana also prefers indirect sunlight, which is light that draceana does not get directly but instead dracaena reflexa gets as a reflection off of other surfaces. Dracaeña prefers to grow best in north-facing windows and avoid direct sunlight.

Dracaena Reflexa


Dracaena reflexa plant is a dracaneacea. It is not fussy when it comes to watering and does best with infrequent deep waterings, rather than daily shallow ones. The roots should be allowed to dry out between waterings as they are susceptible to root rot if the soil remains moist for extended periods of time.

Dracaena reflexa plant should be watered when the top inch or two of soil becomes dry to touch. The dracaneacea can handle drought conditions, but only if it is given infrequent deep waterings rather than daily shallow ones. If you notice that your dracaena reflexa leaves are drooping, it is likely due to an issue with watering.


A dracaena reflexa plant enjoys a warm, humid environment – the ideal temperature is in the range of 20-30 degrees Celsius. It can tolerate lower temperatures down to 17 C during winter or when under stress from other factors such as lack of light and insufficient water supply. A dracaena reflexa plant should not be exposed to temperatures below 13 C or over 40 degrees Celsius.


The dracaena reflexa plant needs humidity in the air because it is from a desert environment. However, there are some things that can be done to increase the level of humidity without having to rely on an entire room humidifier or small tabletop model like you might have inside your home office or bedroom. The dracaena reflexa plant is able to recognize if it is staying too dry and will close its leaves, which can damage the plant. It also makes dracaena reflexa less attractive to look at because it closes up instead of being a vibrant green color.

The first thing you should do in order to increase humidity levels for your dracaena reflexa plant would be to add water in a shallow dish. This will help the dracaena reflexa plant stay hydrated and keep it from closing up as often because of dehydration.

The second thing you should do is put your dracaena reflexa plant near an open window or door, which gives the dracaena reflexa plants access to fresh air and humidity. You should also use a dracaena reflexa plant humidifier, which attaches to the dracaena reflexa plant pot’s drainage hole and provides water when needed for your dracaena reflexa plant.

Finally, you can place an open bowl of water near the dracaena reflexa as well. This will provide dracaena reflexa with the moisture it needs without having to use a lot of water.


If you are using dracaena reflexa as an indoor plant, it’s best to give them a good fertiliser. This will help the dracaena reflexa grow faster and keep your dracaena healthy for longer periods of time. Make sure that when you feed dracoasana, only use liquid or water soluble dracaena reflexa fertiliser. The dracaena reflexa should be fertilised once a week with liquid dracene fertilizer for indoor plants, and every two weeks if you have draciaena in your garden.

Since draciaena dracusanas are a moderate plant, they need some organic material in their soil for healthy growth and proper care. Organic materials such as garden compost or peat moss will help them thrive.


Dracaena reflexa is not toxic to humans or animals and can be safely ingested. The dracaena reflexa plant should not come in contact with other plants because it will invade their root system, suffocating them. Dracaena reflexa plants are sensitive to the following chemicals:

– Chlorinated water

– Alcohol

– Formaldehyde

– Thiourea dioxide (or sulfide) in the soil or as an insecticide.

Avoid planting dracaena reflexa in areas where children might be present, eat it by accident or touch them without washing hands with soap afterwards.


Dracaena reflexa plants require pruning to keep them healthy. The dracaena reflexa is a plant that does not need frequent cutting, but it also needs occasional trimming or they will become unruly and difficult to maintain. Prune dracaena reflexas in early spring when the new growth begins to emerge from the soil. Cut back dracaena reflexa plants that have become too long, and cut the stems to about a third of their original length.

When pruning dracaena reflexas, make sure you trim off any brown leaves or debris in order for new growth to appear fresh and green. If dracaena is trimmed during the summer months, it is best to wait until the dracaena reflexa plant has lost its leaves from natural senescence.

It is important that dracaena reflexas are pruned because they grow rapidly and can outgrow their space, which will give them a unkempt appearance. Pruning dracaena also prolongs the dracaena reflexa’s lifespan.

The dracaena reflexa is a hearty plant that can tolerate pruning, but if you are not confident in your abilities to do so or have heavy hands, it may be best to consult with an expert before performing any cuts on your dracaena plants.

Propagation and Growth

During the dracaena reflexa propagation process, you will need to select a well-established dracaena reflexa. You can easily root dracaena plants using water in cup or container with drainage holes at the bottom and filled halfway up with clean potting soil. Make sure that the dracaena is perky and has healthy, multiple stems.

Then make a hole in the dracaena reflexa’s soil just big enough for the shoot to go through and push it down into the potting soil up to where you want it rooted. Add water if needed to cover shoots with dirt. Keep dracaena reflexa planted until they show signs of growing roots on their own.


There are three things to consider when repotting dracaena reflexa: type of soil, size and shape.

The best pot for dracaena reflexa is a clay or terracotta one with drainage holes in the bottom. Clay pots should be glazed on the inside as dracaena reflexa can scratch through the surface and enter the drainage hole.

It is best to use a dracaena reflexa song of india pot that has room for it to grow, but not too large or heavy since dracaena reflexa plants are quite sensitive to changes in their environment. Remember also that dracaena reflexa dwarfs when over-watered so if you have dracaena reflexa in a clay pot, feel free to water it more often than other plants.

A dracaena reflexa plant should be planted with the top of the root ball just below the surface and with at least one-third of its original soil left over when repotting dracaena reflexa. After planting dracaena reflexa in a dracaena reflexa pot, water it thoroughly.

Plant Disease

Plant Diseases can be tricky to identify. The following is a list of common dracaena reflexa plant diseases and how they are treated:

Spider mite infestation is a common dracaena reflexa plant disease that can be fixed by using an insecticide such as neem oil or spinosad. Aphid infestations are typically fixed by using insecticidal soaps. When dracaena reflexa plants are in the beginning stages of an aphid infestation, they can be easily cured with a powerful blast from the garden hose. This will knock off any leaves that have been contaminated and wash away insects eggs and other surface debris on foliage. Hot water is not recommended as dracaena reflexa plants may be weakened by the heat. Spider mites typically don’t spread like aphids do and thus can be controlled with neem oil or spinosad more easily on dracaena reflexa plant leaves.

Scale insects can also be killed by using insecticidal soaps and neem oil. Some dracaena reflexa plant diseases can be caused by moles or gophers, but these are typically rare and may require professional help for removal of the problem animal.

A dracaena reflexa plant may be attacked by spider mites, aphids or both. It is important to identify the insect in order to know how best to treat it.

Spider Mite Treatment: When dracena song of india plants are infected with spider mites, spraying them with neem oil will remedy the problem. Neem oil is an effective pesticide that will kill spider mites and all other insects which dracaena reflexa plants come in contact with.

  • Aphid Treatment: When dracaena reflexa plants are attacked by aphids, insecticidal soap can be used to eliminate the problem. Insecticidal soap has been proven to work for dracaena reflexa plants. It is important to follow the instructions on the insecticidal soap container and apply it in a way that will not damage dracaena reflexa plant leaves or bark.

Dracaena Reflexa

Dracaena Reflexa Plant Variegated

Dracaena reflexa plant variegated is a dracaena species that has green and yellow stripes on the leaves. It reaches heights of about six feet, but can be pruned to grow as high or low as you’d like it to go. There’s not much maintenance required for this tree either – just watering when dry, regular fertilizing, and pruning as necessary.

The dracaena reflexa plant also has a reputation for being able to survive in lower light conditions than other plants may be used to – it prefers either indirect or low levels of sunlight (though some variegated dracaena species require more sun). This makes the dracaena reflexa plant a great option for those who have less time to spend caring for plants or are running on a budget and cannot afford the large investments of light bulbs.

Common Issues with Dracaena Reflexa Plant

The dracaena song of india plant has a number of common issues that you should be aware of. They include:

  • leaf damage from pests, fungus or even heat stress
  • droopy leaves and yellowing due to lack of fertilizer
  • an infestation by spider mites
  • brown tips on plants’ leaves
  • stunted growth
  • discolouration of dracaena reflexa leaves.

All these problems can be solved by applying organic pest control, fertilizing the dracaena reflexa plant regularly and providing it with enough water. You should also avoid exposing your dracaena reflexa to extreme heat or cold as they can harm the dracaena reflexa plant.

Tips for Keeping Dracaena Reflexa Happy

Some dracaena reflexa plants are called “lucky plants,” because they’re lucky to have been cared for properly. There are many things you can do to make sure dracaena reflexa plant is happy, including:

  • Shield dracaena reflexa from direct sunlight by placing it in a location where filtered light shines on it as much as possible. You can also grow dracaena reflexa in the shade of a patio umbrella or inside of a gently shaded window.
  • Water dracaena reflexa when the soil only feels dry, not bone dry like clay that can’t be dampened no matter how hard you try. In contrast, dracaena reflexa should never be soaked.
  • Feed dracaena reflexa with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks. If dracaena reflexa has been placed in an area that doesn’t get much direct sunlight, feed it less often (every six to eight weeks). Keep dracaena reflexa out of drafts and windy spots.
  • Make sure dracaena reflexa is planted in a potting mix with good drainage.
  • Plant dracaena reflexa at the same height it was originally grown and don’t let dracaena reflexa stand on top of other plants, as this will prevent dracaenas from receiving oxygen and can lead to root rot or bacterial growth.
  • When dracaenas are not in bloom, use pruning shears to trim the stems and leaves.
  • If dracaena reflexa has grown too large for its pot or container, you should transplant it into a larger pot that is just as deep as the original one so dracana’s roots will have room to grow.
  • If dracaena reflexa has been in the same pot for several years, dig out all of its top growth to a depth of about six inches and then put dracana back into the now-empty container. Put fresh soil on dracaena’s roots before adding water or any fertilizer.

Dracaena Reflexa Plant Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Dracaena reflexa lam?

Dracaena reflexa plants are typically grown indoors, so dracaena reflexa plant care consists mostly of watering and feeding. Without adequate water or nutrients dracaena reflexa will become a dry brown mess in no time at all. If you want to ensure your dracaena stays green and healthy then it is important that you water dracaena reflexa regularly.

Does Dracaena need sunlight?

Yes, dracaena needs plenty of sunlight. If it does not receive enough light throughout the day, dracaena will start to lose its green color and may even turn brown at some point.

Is Dracaena a good indoor plant?

Dracaena reflexa is a good dracaena for indoor use. It can thrive in low light conditions and has few insects that will bother it. Dracaenas are also resilient to most plant diseases, making them an ideal houseplant for people with busy lifestyles who don’t have time to care for their plants every day.

How tall can Dracaena reflexa grow?

The dracaena reflexa is an indoor plant that can grow to a height of four feet. It needs enough space for its long, wide leaves and vertical branches; it will not thrive in cramped living quarters.

Do Dracaena like coffee grounds?

Do dracaena like coffee grounds? One of the most common questions people ask is whether their dracaenas enjoy a ‘coffee and tea break’. It seems that some plants really do!

Coffee beans contain caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on humans. This substance could have an energizing effect as well, and as a result, dracaenas might enjoy it.

However, the soil pH needs to be just right for coffee grounds to work well in your dracaena’s potting mixture – which is best measured with a home-kit test kit. It should ideally range from about six (acidic) to seven or eight (alkaline).

How long do Dracaena plants live?

Dracaena plants are easy to grow and generally last a long time. The dracena reflexa plant can live up to 20 years if it is taken care of properly.


The dracaena reflexa plant is a great addition to any home or office. With proper care, there are few problems that come up with dracaena reflexas. The dracaena reflexa is a great plant to have around because it can be placed both indoors or outdoors with little effort on your part! Just make sure to care for dracaena reflexa properly by keeping it in the right environment and providing plenty of water!

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