How to Propagate Monstera and Care For The Exotic Plant - Absolute Gardener

How to Propagate Monstera and Care For The Exotic Plant

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So, you own a few monsteras, but are unsure how to propagate monsteras, well fret not we’re here to save the day. Monsteras leaves are large and wavy, often with interesting patterns on them. They grow slowly and can take up to 10 years before they bloom; but when they do, the flowers last for weeks! Monstera plants are perfect for adding some life to your home or office. However, how do you care for them as well? This article will tell you how to propagate monstera plants and how to care for them in their natural environment so that they will be healthy and thriving!

What are Monsteras?

Monstera are a tropical plant that is grown indoors or outdoors in subtropical areas. They can be propagated by air-layering, rooting from cuttings and seeds, which means they grow quickly. The leaves of the Monstera have veins that end with notches like teeth for grabbing insects to eat. Some people call them the “Swiss cheese plant”. Monstera are native to the rainforests of Central and South America.

Monsteras are also considered invasive plants because they can spread quickly and easily through the use of their aerial rootlets which cling onto any object they contact. This includes other plant roots and tree bark, which can damage the host’s root system or kill it if left unchecked long enough.

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How to Propagate Monsteras?

Some people might be surprised how easy it is to propagate monstera. The plant itself does not have seeds, but instead a cluster of leaf buds that could take root in moist soil if given the right conditions. Here’s how you can start your own cloned mini-monsteras!

The first step is to find a healthy monstera. The leaves should be a deep green color with no sign of browning or yellow spots that indicate how thirsty the plant is.

The next step for how to propagate a monstera, takes place in its natural habitat: you need some water and moist soil! If there are any small puddles nearby, pour out enough water to cover the roots. If you’re in a pinch, you can also use bottled water or even tap water that has been left out for at least 24 hours. (Be sure to change it every day!)

Once your plant is hydrated, find an area of moist soil and dig up some dirt about one inch deep with your hands. Make sure the soil is soft enough for your fingers to dig into, and not too wet or sticky.

Next take a small piece of root from one plant and put it in the hole you’ve dug up, then cover with dirt until only about an inch of it is showing above ground! Water down thoroughly so that the soil is wet to your first knuckle. Place a large pot over the hole so that it will act like a mini greenhouse and keep in all of its moisture!

Now you wait, how long depends on how big or old your monstera plant was before you took root cuttings from it. It can take anywhere from a few days to a whole year for how to propagate monsteras. The way you know it’s ready is when the leaves grow back on your plant!

The next steps in how to care for monstera are about watering and sunlight, so be sure not to forget those important factors that will determine how healthy your new plants become.

5 Popular Monstera Plants

There are many types of monsters that often confuse homeowners and gardeners alike. Monstera plants have a huge range of color, shape and sizes. Here are five popular types of Monstera plants

  • Monstera deliciosa, or “delicious monster.” The leaves of this glossy green beauty are marked with patterns that resemble fingerprints. This type also has a distinctive striped pattern on its petals and deep red fruits it produces in mid summer. The Monstera deliciosa is the second most popular type of monster. These plants do best in a lot of light and moist soil, but can also be found growing along roadsides or near waterfalls. The leaves on this plant are heavily variegated with deep green, creamy white, and bright yellow tones that make this plant stand out.
  • The Monstera Cucurbitaceae also known as a “cucumber monster” is the most recognizable of all monsters, but it’s not for how pretty they are! This type can be recognized by its large green leaves with distinctive yellow veins that appear to point outward from either side of the central vein and produces large, juicy red fruits that smell similar to cucumbers when they ripen in summer time. This fruit is how this type got its name and all of these sweet smelling fruits are perfect for making delicious recipes like desserts or sauces!
  • The Monstera decorata is the perfect plant for those that want to create an exotic feel in their home but are on a tight budget! This type has thin, long leaves with green and white striped patterns that look like fingerprints. These plants are smaller in size and can be found for a few dollars at your local nursery.
  • The Aechmea fasciata is another type of plant that belongs to the Bromeliad family and it also comes from Brazil, but in this case it can be found near a river or waterfall. It has long narrow dark green leaves with pink stripes running down them. This one happens to be one of the most popular types of bromeliads because it is a beautiful shade of pink.
  • The Monstera aurea has green leaves with white stripes that change to yellow at their tips as well. It also produces an trumpet shaped flower but can only be found in the rain forests of Central America like Honduras or Nicaragua.

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Monsteras Care Guide

Monstera plants are not only decorative; they also provide a great deal of shade, which can be important for your backyard. The monstera is easy to care for and propagate as well. This guide will teach how to take care of the plant!


Monsteras are hardy plant, but they still need care to grow well. They do best in soil with good drainage and some organic material mixed in like compost or peat moss. The potting medium should be moist at all times so water thoroughly after planting the monstera cutting (or stem).


Keep your monstera plant in a bright location, but away from direct sun. A south facing window is ideal for most plants which can tolerate both indirect and direct light. The best natural sunlight comes straight down into the house during the morning hours. If you don’t have good access to southern windows, choose an east or west facing direction.


To water your plant, simply pour the desired amount of room temperature water into the top of the container and let it run through. Avoid watering from above as this can cause leaf spots if there’s too much air in between leaves or branches. If you’re growing monstera in a pot, you can water from the bottom.


The ideal temperature range for monstera is between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. Monsteras can handle lower or higher temperatures, but their growth rate will be slower in those conditions.


Monstera prefers a humid environment with about 40% humidity at all times, especially during the summer months. The plant does not like hot dry air and should be kept in a room with air conditioning.


Fertilize your monstera with an organic fertilizer once every two months during warm weather and then once per month in colder climates or indoors year round. The best time to fertilize is when watering so that it’s absorbed by the plant roots right away. A liquid houseplant fertilizer is best since it’s a more gentle form of fertilizer.


Toxic levels of most monsteras are not harmful to humans, but can be lethal for small animals. The leaves and petals contain the highest amount of toxins which is how it protects itself from insect damage. This beautiful plant has a very bad taste as well so that would keep some away too.

The toxin in this plant is called persin. The levels of how toxic the plant is depends on how much sunlight it gets, how old the leaf is, and how many leaves are eaten at one time.


how to propagate monstera 1Pruning is one of the best ways to keep your monstera alive and healthy. It can be done at any time during the year, but fall or early spring are usually recommended since those seasons will promote healing more quickly than summer would.

To ensure healthy growth, prune branches back to leave only two to three nodes per branch section. Be sure not to remove any more than one-third of the plant at one time.

It may take up to six months for the cut area of a branch to heal, but you can encourage faster healing by finishing with a coat of tree wound sealant and regular waterings until new leaves sprout.


It is important to know how often you should repot your monstera. Monsteras are considered large plant that grow in the ground and require more space than other indoor plants. They also need about once every two years or so, depending on how fast they grow into their pots or how big their pot becomes.

Monsteras like a pot with good drainage, so be sure to put plenty of perlite in the bottom. Be careful not to repot too often or you’ll shorten their time indoors by stunting how much they grow. After each month of growth, it is important to check how well-rooted your monstera are and loosen the dirt in the pot.

Plant Disease

A plant disease is a condition that can affect how well the plant grows or how long it lives. A few common types of monstera diseases include leaf spots, soggy leaves that turn brown or black in color, stunted growth and wilting leaves.

Tips for Keeping Monsteras Plant Happy

How do you care for monstera plants in their natural environment? Below are some tips:

  • Place your plant near a window with indirect sunlight. The leaves will need to be able to receive light without burning and wilting as well.
  • When watering the leaves, use a spray nozzle or misting bottle so that the water evenly disperses. Make sure to use lukewarm water so that it doesn’t shock or wilt your plant’s leaves.
  • Watch how often you fertilize your monstera and how much fertilizer you give them based on the type of soil they are in (organic, regular potting mix). You can also add some slow release fertilizer pellets to the soil.
  • Fertilize once a week or less if your plant is in good shape and has grown one leaf at least two inches long since last fertilization.
  • Experiment with how often you water your plants, but don’t let them dry out too much! Make sure they are watered every other day or less if in a humid environment.
  • If you notice that your plant is wilting, check the soil and make sure it’s not too moist; otherwise, add some more water to the pot.

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Monsteras Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Can you propagate a Monstera leaf?

No, often times the leaf will be too difficult to take from a plant. The easiest way to propagate monstera is by taking stem cuttings.

The simplest method of propagation for Monsteras is by means of rooting it in water or soil. It can also be propagated by tissue culture if you have access to laboratory facilities and a biochemist!

How do you take cuttings from Monstera?

The first step is to identify how mature the plant is. If it’s young, then you should be able to take a cutting directly from its stem – just make sure that the cuttings are taken at least an inch below where new growth begins on the stem.

Can you propagate a Monstera leaf without a node?

A Monstera leaf with a node is called a “node” and does not produce new growth, so it’s important to find how else you can propagate your plant. If there are no nodes on the leaves of your Monstera or if they have been removed by mistake then use rooting hormone powder (which contains an active ingredient that encourages root growth when applied to the leaves) and a sharp pointy instrument like an awl or needle.

Can you keep Monstera propagation in water?

Monstera propagation can be accomplished in water, but the plant does not enjoy this method of reproduction. The cuttings will eventually die if they are kept submerged too long.


There are many types of monstera that you can plant, from the ordinary type to a decorative one. The steps are simple and easy for anyone who is interested in this kind of gardening project. As long as they have enough patience, knowledge on how to care for monstera plants and time, everyone can have these plants as a home garden!

After reading this article, how about you try propagating your monstera? I’m sure it will be fun!

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