A Modern Take on a Tropical Plant - Hoya Pubicalyx - Absolute Gardener

A Modern Take on a Tropical Plant – Hoya Pubicalyx

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Hoya Pubicalyx

Tropical plants are all the rage these days, and hoya pubicalyx is no exception. Native to Southeast Asia, hoya pubicalyx has leaves that resemble a fan of feathers when they unfurl themselves from their protective sheaths. The flowers of hoya pubicalyx are also quite beautiful, typically with purple petals and yellow centers. This plant is easy to care for as long as you have enough light and water it frequently!

What is Hoya Pubicalyx Plant?

Hoya plants are members of hoyaceae family, which consists of plants that have wide variety of colors and leaf shapes such as hoya aracantha or hoya raja kandiana. Hoya pubicalyx has clusters of flowers with long stems on top.

It is a tropical plant that thrives in warm and humid environments. It requires little maintenance, so it’s perfect for those with busy schedules. The hoya pubicalyx will grow anywhere from 10 to 30 feet tall, depending on the type of hoya you have. There are many different types of hoyas out there! They come in colors ranging from yellow to red to purple.

When growing hoyas indoors, it’s important to choose one that can handle low light levels without any problems or changing color (most hoyas prefer bright sunlight). Read on for more tips on hoya pubicalyx care.

Origins of Hoya Pubicalyx Plant

Hoya pubicalyx splash is a tropical hoya plant that has dense foliage with small, star-shaped flowers. The hoya plants are native to southeastern Asia and were introduced as ornamental in Japan in the early 1800s. Hoya pubicalyx was named by English botanist John Forbes Royle who described it scientifically in 1837. Royle’s hoya is a fast-growing vine that can reach up to 12 feet in length and 30 inches wide when it climbs on other plants or structures.

The hoya plant begins as a seedling from the hoya pubicalyx flower which produces an oval fruit containing many seeds with hard, black shells. The hoya pubicalyx splash flower is a bisexual plant, meaning that the hoya plants are either male or female. The hoya plant is often grown for its hoya pubicalyx flowers which are a type that grows on vines. The hoya pubicalyx flowers are grown in decorative pots, hanging baskets or as house plants.

Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Care Guide

The hoya pubicalyx plant, also referred to as the bark hoya is a little-known tropical houseplant that produces delicate white flowers. The Hoya pubicalyx plant care is generally easy. Here are some care guides for you!

Soil and Pots

The hoya pubicalyx plant is a tropical and subtropical species that requires well-drained soil with plenty of organic material. The hoya will survive in a variety of soils including those from coniferous forests, deciduous hardwood forests and even bogs. Though the hoya likes moist soils, it will not survive in standing water.

The best type of potting mix is a sterile, well-draining one such as cactus and succulent mix or a mixture containing peat moss. To make your own hoya pubicalyx mixes, use two parts sand to one part each of ground bark chips and perlite.


The hoya pubicalyx thrives in a lot of sunlight, so you should place it near a window with plenty of light. However, hoyas are sensitive to the sun’s rays and yellow leaves may indicate that your hoya is getting too much or not enough radiation from the sun. If possible, try rotating where you plant your hoya to give it adequate light.

Hoya pubicalyx needs to be brought outdoors during the summer season, as it prefers full sun. However, hoya pubicalyx does not do well in direct sunlight for long periods of time. It is recommended that hoyas are moved out of a sunny spot every once and while or when they start wilting from too much sun.

This hoya is not a good plant for the winter months. It needs to be brought inside during this season, as hoyas cannot tolerate cold temperatures and frost easily. In order to maintain hoya pubicalyx in its best condition, it should only be planted outdoors until July or August- some people find that hoyas prefer to be set outside in the morning and brought inside before nightfall.

Hoya Pubicalyx
Image: Thaynes Hoyas


Hoya pubicalyx plants are from the hoya family and require regular watering. They do not like to be dried out, so it is important that there is always water in their pot if you have a windowsill hoya or other houseplant hoya such as HOYA serrata variegated, for example. The hoya pubicalyx requires water often but not too much. When it is in full bloom, hoyas need additional watering and feeding to produce the best possible blooms.

They should be watered every day to keep its leaves from drying out. This will also help the hoya’s roots stay moist and healthy. It can tolerate periodic droughts, but it needs more water when temperatures are higher (above 75 degrees).

Avoid watering hoya’s roots by keeping the pot in a tray of pebbles that will hold some of the plant’s moisture and prevent over-watering. Alternatively, you can use a saucer filled with gravel instead. A wet hoya is usually not happy so make sure it doesn’t get too much water.


Hoya pubicalyx are happiest within the 60-85 degree range. The plant will do well in environments with temperatures at or below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but should be protected from cold drafts and temperature fluctuations as hoyas can get damaged by sudden changes in their environment.

If hoya pubicalyx needs a temperature change, do so gradually to prevent damage. For instance, if the hoya is currently in an area with temperatures at or below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and you want it to be somewhere within 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit, move it into an area that has room for it such as your living room where there’s plenty of air circulation and the temperature is between 60-70 degrees. Then, after a few days or weeks, move it to an area where hoya pubicalyx can be happy in temperatures at or below 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperature changes should happen over time rather than all at once because hoyas react poorly to sudden changes in their environment.


Hoya pubicalyx needs constant humidity, however, it does not need to be hosed down with water. Use a spray bottle or humidifier for the plant’s leaves and roots. You can also mist them by gently shaking the pot over your hand then tapping on the top of its leaves (don’t drench).

When hoya pubicalyx is in bloom, it needs more humidity so misting the hoya’s flowers with a spray bottle will be necessary.

The hoya’s leaves should be slightly damp to the touch, not soaking wet. You will know if your hoya needs more water by looking at its roots. If it is sitting in a pot that has drainage holes and there are no dry spots on top of the soil or clinging to the sides of the container then you don’t need to water.


Hoya pubicalyx plants love to eat. They are constantly demanding their owner’s attention by drooping or curling when they’re hungry for food and water. Hoya pubicalyx plant should be fertilised a minimum of three times per year with hoya supply h-bloom which can be purchased online.

The hoya supply h-bloom provides a balanced blend of nutrients and trace elements for the hoya plant to thrive in any environment.

It can be applied as often as weekly, providing both feedings at that frequency or it can be used monthly when added to water only once a month.

Applying hoyasupply h-bloom to the hoya’s roots in water will result in a feeding every time it is watered, but if used with fertiliser solution we recommend giving feedings at least once per week as this may cause overfeeding of plants that do not need as much food.


The hoya pubicalyx is a beautiful tropical plant, but it’s also poisonous. These flowers are not only toxic to people and animals, they can even cause harm if consumed by children or pets. If you have small kids in the house make sure that your hoya pubicalyx plants are out of reach at all times because hoya pubicalyx plants are poisonous.

If hoya pubicalyx plant is eaten it can cause vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea so if you have small children in the house be careful to put your hoya pubicalyx flowers up high out of reach from little hands or paws.

The hoya pubicalyx are toxic in their natural form; however, they can be made non-toxic by boiling the cut stems before consumption or cooking them for a period of time. It contains toxic alkaloids which are more potent than those in the deadly nightshade or cherry laurel plants. The hoya pubicalyx is considered one of the most poisonous houseplants, but it also has health benefits such as the ability to lower blood pressure and heart rate.


Hoya Pubicalyx
Image: Thaynes Hoyas

One of the most common hoya care issues is too much growth. Hoya plants are like bamboo and will take off in a big way if given the right conditions, so be careful not to over-water or fertilize your hoyas! Some people find that their hoyas look great for a few weeks and then get leggy. This often indicates that the hoya needs some pruning to grow in a more compact way, like you would see with most other houseplants.

To prevent hoyas from getting too tall and spindly, cut back on watering or even better stop it all together for about three weeks (or until the hoya starts to yellow). When you’re ready to begin watering again, do not water more than once a week and only use enough water so that it drips out of the bottom of the pot. This will keep your hoyas from getting too tall or losing their leaves due to overwatering.

If hoya plants are only slightly leggy, you can use hoya shears to trim the leaves and stems of your hoyas. For more serious cases where hoyas have grown too tall or spindly, it may be necessary to cut back on watering for a longer amount of time (three months), carefully remove all but the newest hoya leaves, and then slowly start watering again.

If the hoya is still too tall or spindly after a few more months, cut back on fertilizing as well until it starts to grow in normally. This may take up to six months of careful hoya care before you can resume normal hoyas plant maintenance.When hoyas are happy and healthy, they will grow in a compact shape with a lot of leaves. They may also have some flowers or buds on them from time to time!

Propagation and Growth

Propagation is a hoya pubicalyx plant’s best friend. For hoyas that are not getting enough light, propagation can help keep them alive and healthy with more intense lighting in the form of clones. Clones will also be needed to fill gaps in your hoya garden if you accidentally let one grow out too long or want to add hoyas in front of your hoya pubicalyx.

What you will need:

  • a razor blade (sharp and new) – rooting hormone powder (or liquid if available) – plant clippers or scissors with clean blades – fresh water source, preferably distilled for the most efficient cuttings – hoya-appropriate potting soil
  • hoya propagation jar or other clear container with lid (or a Ziploc bag)


  • Fill the hoya propagation jar about halfway up with clean water. Add rooting hormone powder to this water and stir well until dissolved, then add more water if needed so the hoya potting soil is wet but not submerged
  • Place your hoyas in the jar, cut off about an inch above the top of the root ball and set aside to dry
  • Take a cutting from another hoya that has been well established for at least six months (or more) using plant clippers with clean blades or scissors. This hoya should be healthy and have a strong root system without any signs of rot or mildew
  • Remove all but the top few leaves from the cutting, making sure to leave at least four leaf nodes on it (these are where new roots will grow)
  • Trim off any flower stems that you don’t want to propagate
  • Remove all but the top few leaves from hoya being propagated. If it’s too long to cut, place hoya in jar and wait for roots to grow before cutting
  • Place your hoyas inside of a Ziploc bag or observation jar (if you are using rooting hormone powder) with water that has been mixed with rooting hormone
  • Cover hoyas in the bag or jar and place it somewhere that is not too hot for hoya to thrive. Make sure your hoya container has a lid so you can store this hoya temporarily
  • Place cutting into potting soil mix, making sure root node is below surface of mixture but still not buried
  • Wait for hoyas to start rooting, which can take up to six weeks. Once roots are established, you will need to water hoya more often and keep it in a bright but indirect area until new growth starts appearing (usually about four months)
  • Move hoya into brighter light once there is enough new growth and hoya is established in new location
  • Enjoy your hoya and share pictures of it on social media!


As hoyas grow, they’ll need to be repotted every few years. Repotting is a great time for trimming old leaves back and taking care of any bugs that might have snuck in the pot during shipping.

It’s important not to over-water hoya plants after repotting. After giving hoya plants a good drink, let them dry out for about two weeks before watering again to make sure they don’t develop root rot from being too wet.

Hoyas like an acidic environment that’s free of minerals such as calcium and iron. The easiest way to achieve this is by repotting in hoya soil.

Hoyas are best repotted in the fall before their active growing season begins. Hoyas can be grown at a variety of heights and widths so it is important to choose an appropriately sized pot for your hoya that will accommodate its growth. When selecting a new pot size, measure from one root-lobe to the next.

Plant Disease

Hoya Pubicalyx
Image: Thaynes Hoyas

Plant disease is a major concern for hoya pubicalyx plant owners. There are many different types of hoya pubicalyx plant diseases, so it’s important to identify the type of hoya pubicalyx plant problem before taking action. One key sign that your hoya pubicalyx has been infected by a pathogen: if you see the hoya pubicalyx has white, fluffy fungal strands.

There are two types of hoya pubicalyx plant diseases: foliar and root-related diseases. Foliar hoya pubicalyx plant disease is usually caused by a horticultural problem that affects leaves. Root disesase from a hoya pubicalyx plant root-related hoya pubicalyx plant disease is often caused by improper horticultural practices.

For foliar hoya pubicalyx plant diseases, the best strategy to avoid this problem in your hoya pubicalyx plants:

  • Purchase a healthy hoya and inspect it for any signs of damage before bringing it home
  • Practice hoya pubicalyx plant hygiene by wiping plants with a damp cloth and removing fallen leaves, flowers or fruit from the ground around hoya pubicalyx plant.
  • Don’t use garden hoses to water hoyas as they can spread foliar diseases on their bodies of other hoysas nearby
  • Be sure hoya pubicalyx plant is in an appropriate location for hoyas and does not have any horticultural problems
  • Avoid fertilizing hoya pubicalyx with anything other than compost.

For root diseases, the best strategy to avoid this problem in your hoya pubicalyx plants:

  • Plant hoya pubicalyx in a hoya that drains well and retains water
  • Avoid fertilizing hoyas with anything other than compost.
  • Plant hoya pubicalyx plants at least 12 inches apart, so they don’t compete for nutrients or moisture.
  • Leave about one foot of space between plantings and fences to let hoya pubicalyx plants breathe.
  • Ensure hoyas have enough room to grow, without being crowded by other hoyas or objects
  • Examine hoya pubicalyx roots for any signs of decay and discard hoya if decaying is found.

If you notice that your hoya doesn’t have a foliar hoya pubicalyx plant disease but hoya roots are decaying, then you’ll need to discard the hoya and start again with healthy hoyas.

Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Variegated

Hoya publicalyx variegated plants comes in many colors. Variegated hoyas are native to East Africa and South Asia, but can be found in the warmer parts of North America as well. When growing hoya pubicalyx plants indoors, it needs bright light for 12 hours every day or a long-day variety such as hoya carnosa.

Variegated hoyas will grow well in pots with cacti and succulents such as hoya carnosa, hoya lanceolata, or sempervivum arachnoidea. But they do best when planted into a pot that is at least 15 inches deep to give the roots plenty of space to grow and then spread out.

Variegated hoya plants are not picky about soil, but they do need a potting mix that drains well. When watering hoyas in pots, water until you see it running from the bottom of your pot onto the surface below if possible or when your hoya feels heavy.

Variegated hoyas are also not picky about temperature and can withstand room temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but they do best when the air is around 70 to 75 degrees at night with an average daily range of 65 to 85 degrees throughout the year.

There are many hoya pubicalyx types but hoya pubicalyx variegated is one of the most popular hoyas. This hoya has a long stem covered with leaves that are white and green striped, so it’s also known as hoya carnosa variegata or hoya publicalyx lanceolata. Other hoya pubicalyx varieties include hoya royal hawaiian purple, hoya pubicalyx silver splash and hoyas in the hoya ring of life.

Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Problems

There are two types of hoya pubicalyx plant diseases: foliar and root-related diseases. Foliar hoya pubicalyx plant disease

Common Issues with Hoya Pubicalyx Plant

Sometimes hoya pubicalyx plant can suffer from a pest infestation. These pests are horticultural insects, also known as aphids and mealybugs. To prevent an infestation, make sure the hoya pubicalyx is planted in soil that drains well or use pebbles to help with drainage. Spray the hoya pubicalyx plant with a horticultural oil every few weeks to keep the hoya pubicalyx pest-free.

Hoya pubicalyx plants are prone to root rot, which can cause them to have wilted or yellow leaves and stunted growth. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you use potting mix that drains well and avoid over-watering hoya pubicalyx plants.

In order to keep hoya pubicalyx healthy, it’s important that you’re able to identify the common issues because hoya pubicalyx can be quite a sensitive plant. There are many ways to help alleviate these problems with hoyas as long as you know what to look for.

Tips for Keeping Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Happy

Here are some hoya publicalyx care tips:

  • Hoya plants should be kept in a humid environment, and watered twice per week.
  • Make sure hoya plants are in an area where they can receive plenty of sunlight or artificial lights to grow healthy and strong.
  • Remember that hoyas prefer warmth over cold – so if you’re not going to be around your hoya plant for awhile make sure it is in a warm place.
  • Hoya plants should be fertilized once every couple months, helped by watering the hoyas twice per week with plain water (no chemicals).
  • Be sure to keep hoyas away from drafty areas and certain types of insects or animals that may eat them.

Hoya Pubicalyx Plant Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Hoya Pubicalyx?

The hoya pubicalyx will thrive in low light levels. It is important to make sure the hoya receives at least 12 hours of sunlight or artificial lights per day for best growth and color development.

Make sure your hoya has enough water – never let it dry out completely!

The hoya pubicalyx plant should be watered twice a week and fertilized once every couple of months.

What is a Hoya Pubicalyx splash?

A hoya pubicalyx splash is a type of hoya plant that has small flowers and they usually grow in the shade.

How often should you water a Hoya Pubicalyx?

It is recommended to water hoya pubicalyx plants about once a week, but hoyas can withstand drought conditions for up to two weeks. Hoya pubicalyx should be watered from the top so that it does not get overwatered and rot.

How do you identify Hoya Pubicalyx?

Due to the hoya pubicalyx plant’s round, fuzzy leaves and flowers with yellow-green coloration, it is easy to identify hoya pubicalyx. The hoya pubicalyx flower has a pleasant fragrance that attracts many pollinators like hummingbirds.

Do Hoyas like to be misted?

One of the most common hoya watering questions is “do hoyas like to be misted?” The answer: it depends. Some hoya species are, in fact, known for their drought-tolerance and can withstand a long period without any water at all. These types of hoyas (such as Hoya pubicalyx) are typically recommended for people with less time to devote to hoya care.

However, if you want your hoya (such as H. pubicalyx) to have a long and healthy life, it’s best to mist the hoya every day or two. You can use a water mister (which you fill with your regular tap water) and pressurize the hoya leaves quickly by shaking them up and down for about 15-20 seconds before letting go of pressure.


The hoya pubicalyx plant, also known as the common wax orchid, is one of the most popular tropical plants around. These beautiful houseplants can be found all over homes and offices alike for their ease of care and beautiful flowers. hoya pubicalyx plants are hardy, requiring less care than other tropicals to thrive in your home or office environment. If you follow these hoya care tips, you will be a hoya expert in no time.

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