Mini Monstera: The Cute Grown Up Plant - Absolute Gardener

Mini Monstera: The Cute Grown Up Plant

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mini monstera

Meet mini monstera (rhaphidophora tetrasperma) – the cute, grown up plant. It’s a miniaturized version of its larger cousin, the monstera deliciosa. Miniature versions of plants are not uncommon, but mini monsteras have something to offer that other mini plants don’t: they can do double duty as both an indoor and outdoor plant.

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and buy your home or office space a mini monster, yay you! There are a lot of plants that can add a touch of life to any home, but mini monstera may just be one of the best.

In this article, we’ll talk about what is a mini monstera, how to care for it (including watering tips!), and common problems you might encounter when growing one in your home or garden.

What is a Mini Monstera?

A mini monstera is a small, cute version of the much larger common plant. They’re mini plants for mini people! The mini monstera are grown in containers so they stay smaller than other varieties of monsteras and can be easily moved from room to room or office desk to office desk.

The mini monstera plant is grown in a different manner than other varieties of the same species. They are not meant to be planted outside unless they have been pre-grown and hardened off (detailed below).

The mini monsteras can become invasive if cared for incorrectly, but with these tips, you should be able to enjoy your mini monstera for years to come.

It’s other names include rhaphidophora tetrasperma miniata, miniature monster on, mini monstera plant, mini-monstera and occasionally referred to as its reversed name – tetrasperma rhaphidophora.

mini monstera
Image: via Planterina

Origins of Mini Monstera Plant

Mini Monstera plants typically originate from South America. They are considered an invasive species in the United States and should not be planted within 100 miles of natural areas, including national parks, wildlife preserves or public green spaces such as city gardens.

The mini monstera plant is one of the most popular and well-known plants in the world. The mini monstera has extremely low maintenance needs and can be grown anywhere in the world. From its origins in Central America, it’s popularity spread to all of America as well as European countries.

Mini Monstera Plant Care Guide

Mini monstera plants can be grown inside your house or outside. Read on for the full rhaphidophora tetrasperma care.


You will need to provide mini monstera plants with a pot that has holes on the bottom for drainage or sand that can absorb nutrients from all directions, not just one spot like your hand putting it down into the soil. Then fill it up with your choice of soil, usually some kind of dirt or sand mixed together in order to make sure the plant can get nutrients and water from any direction.

Soil is an important part of mini monstera care. It is best to get a potting soil that is designed specifically for mini monsteras. You can also use an orchid potting mix, but some people don’t like that because then you have to keep topping up the soil with fresh material after it’s gone through.

Recommended soil mix for this monstera rhaphidophora would be one part sphagnum peat moss, one part perlite, and two parts potting soil.


Best conditions for mini monstera to thrive in are bright indirect light. If you live in a place that is hotter and dryer, they will need some time outside during the day where it can get natural sunlight but then should be brought back inside before night falls. They also like an east or west-facing window with filtered light.

It’s important for mini monsteras to have enough light, but they don’t need a lot of it. They are found in warm climates and can grow in both shady and sunny areas.


Mini monstera plants like to be watered from the bottom. A watering system will work best for this type of plant because they are so sensitive and can get easily damaged or killed if too much water is given at once.

Watering frequency for this plant, generally, mini monstera likes to be watered every two weeks. This should change depending on how much sunlight the mini monstera gets and how hot it is outside.

The rhaphidophora tetrasperma should be watered when the soil is dry and not allowed to sit in water, which will cause root rot. This plant prefers moist but well drained potting mix as it does not like to get too wet or soggy ground.


Careful temperature management is key to mini monstera health. Mini Monsteras are a tropical plant that requires warm temperatures and moist air conditions day and night in order for their leaves not to shrivel up or burn themselves like an oven-cooked steak!

For this reason, mini monstera plants should be placed near a heat source during winter months. A mini monstera will need a temperature of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit during daytime hours, and no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit for nighttime.


Mini monstera plants are tropical and require a lot of humidity. If you’re using the mini-monstera as a desk plant, make sure to set your pot on top of something that will maintain moisture levels in the soil (like cork rounds or marbles). Alternatively, if it’s hanging from a hook near a vent, place a pot of water underneath the mini-monstera to increase humidity.

If you’ve got access to one, misting your mini monstera every day is another great way to keep it happy and healthy. Be sure not to overdo it though because too much moisture can cause rot on leaves or in the soil.

You may also try placing your mini monstera on a humidifier. Just be sure to keep the room it’s in not too warm or cool and free from drafts.


Mini Monsteras are not heavy feeders and don’t need a lot of fertiliser. This is good news for those that want to minimise the use of chemicals in their garden. Follow our tips below on how best to care for your mini monstera plant:

The nutrient levels will be higher closer to the soil surface. Cut back on fertiliser in the lower levels of your mini monstera plant.

A little amount of compost is a good idea to feed your mini monstera, but make sure it’s not too close to the soil surface or else you might have root rot and end up with unhealthy roots.

If organic fertiliser is used it must contain nitrogen – this helps plants grow and produce chlorophyll which aids the plant in photosynthesis. Feed mini monsteras every two weeks from early spring to late autumn, and less frequently in winter.


The mini monstera plant is not toxic but it does produce a latex sap that might irritate sensitive skin.


Pruning mini monstera is a highly skilled process. Too much pruning can cause the mini monstera plant to get stressed and it might lose leaves or branch tips that could never be regained.

They need to be pruned every one or two years. This will slow the growth of new stems and branches.

Mini monsters that are taller than eight inches should be cut back by a third to reduce their height, but only in late spring or early summer so you don’t stress your mini monstera.

Mini monsters that are shorter than eight inches should just be pruned to an inch of the soil line and have no height reduction. It is easier for a mini monster to regain its lost leaves or branches on these smaller plants so it’s less stressful too!

Propagation and Growth

The mini monstera likes to grow in high humidity levels, with a soil that has good drainage or is on the dry side. The mini monsters are very tolerant of varying light conditions and can withstand sun as well as shade all day long.

They need adequate water but avoid getting it too wet when watering them. It needs an annual feed in the spring and summer.

The mini monstera is a slow grower, but can be grown from stem cuttings taken off of an established plant. These new plants will have to stay indoors for about two years before they are ready to go outside as mini monsters.

Propagation your rhaphidophora tetrasperma, mini monstera plant is easy as abc.

  • Take cuttings of mini monstera stem from a healthy looking stem. A mini monstera cutting should have at least three leaves on it as well as a new bud or two, for the mini monsteras natural growth cycle to be complete and successful.
  • If you don’t know how to take off one of your own mini monstera leaves. Take off a mini monstera leaf by using the thumb and pointer fingers to hold the two sides of it together where they meet in the center, then pull them apart slowly until you reach its base at which point you take break contact with both hands
  • ip your cutting into water for about twenty seconds before planting it into soil. This will help the mini monstera cut plant to root faster.
  • Plant your mini monstera cutting in potting soil and place it on a small plate with water so that the bottom of its leaves are constantly wet. It’s best not to use regular tap water, since there can be impurities like chlorine or fluoride which could hurt mini monstera.
  • After about two weeks, you should be able to see new green growth on your mini monstera cutting that will grow and eventually turn into a flower if left untreated

Note: Flower buds can take up to four months before they start growing, so don’t worry if nothing happens for the first few months.


Repot mini Monsteras every two years in late winter. Carefully remove the plant from its pot, and gently tease out any roots that are clumped together to create a larger root mass. This will help your mini monstera grow more evenly for the next year’s growth cycle. Put it into fresh mix of soil – a mix of regular potting soil, peat moss and perlite. Push down to fill any air pockets in the root ball and water well.

Mini Monsteras will grow two or three leaves a year so it’s important to monitor their height at all times as they can get top heavy if there isn’t enough light.

Plant Diseases

Some mini monstera plants are prone to get diseases. These include powdery mildew, leaf spot and root rot. The first two mentioned will cause the leaves of mini monstera to turn yellowish-white in colour while the last one would make roots soft and pale with dark spots on them. Mini Monsteras should be sprayed weekly with a fungicidal mix of water and alcohol. This will control the mini monstera plant diseases, but it is not a cure.

The leaves also turn yellowish when they are deprived from light or watered too much. When this happens, more sunlight should be provided to mini monsteras plants for them to get enough energy through photosynthesis while at the same time, the mini monstera pot should be raised.

Mini Monstera Variegated

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma variegated is the mini monstera with variegation (alternating bands of light and dark green). The most common mini monstera variety, this plant has a more upright shape.

It grows at an average rate, so it’s good for beginners or those who don’t have much time to care for plants. This mini monstera is a great pick for those who have low light or if you live in an area with higher humidity.

mini monstera
Image: via Leaf and Paw

Common Issues with Mini Monstera

Mini monstera is not in the ground and it’s roots are exposed. Put mini monstera back into a pot with fresh soil. Make sure mini monstera has at least one inch of room on all sides so that mini monstera can grow more easily.

Find an area where mini monsters would like to live, such as a window or under indirect light. Place mini monstera back on the ground and water it generously to help mini monsters establish themselves.

Mini monstera has brown leaves: Brown leafs are usually caused by over watering, but sometimes mini monsteras can’t be watered enough either (depending on species). There is a problem with mini monstera’s soil- mini monsteras need to be watered less often than a normal house plant.

Mini monstera leaves are turning brown and falling off: Browning leafs can also mean that the mini monsteras is not getting enough water, but this time it could indicate that there is too much light for mini monsters

Tips for Keeping Mini Monstera Happy

  • Water mini monstera once every week or two. Do not water mini monstera if it is in a saucer and the topsoil is dry, as this will suffocate mini monstera’s roots.
  • Give mini monstera high light exposure for at least 12 hours per day to mimic its natural environment; full sun outdoors or under fluorescent light indoors.
  • Keep mini monstera in a warm, humid environment with an average room temperature of about 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Fertilize mini monstera once every two weeks during the winter months and monthly during spring to fall with any liquid houseplant fertilizer for foliage plants. Do not fertilize mini monstera in the warm, humid summer months.
  • Pinch mini monstera’s tips to encourage branching and bushier growth every few weeks or so. Pinching will also help mini monstera grow taller over time.
  • Use a diluted bleach solution (50% water 50% chlorine) on mini monstera leaves at a strength of one tablespoon in a gallon to kill any bacteria, fungi or other plant diseases.
  • Keep mini monstera away from food and drink (including cooking) as they are poisonous if eaten.
  • Do not place mini monstera on painted surfaces; the paint will eventually peel off with mini monstera’s natural oils which is bad for mini monstera.
  • Try to keep mini monstera in a room with low light exposure as it will make mini monstera look more yellow and may encourage fewer flowers.
  • Avoid placing mini monstera near fountains, air conditioners or heat vents which can dry out the plant’s leaves quickly.

Mini Monstera Frequently Asked Questions

How big does a mini Monstera get?

Mini Monstera will grow to be about 24 inches tall.

Does Mini Monstera climb?

Yes, mini Monstera will grow towards the light and try to climb up a surface.

Is Mini Monstera rare?

Mini Monstera is not a rare plant. They can be found in most garden centers and nurseries.

Should I mist my mini Monstera?

It is not necessary to mist mini Monstera.

What is the rarest Monstera?

The rarest mini Monstera is the Rainbow or Variegated mini Monstera.

How do you get mini Monstera to climb?

If mini Monstera is grown in the ground, it will climb up the side of a pot or trellis.

What should I do if my mini monstera has brown spots on it?

If your mini Monstera plant has brown spots on them, you will want to cut off any leaves that are showing signs of being eaten by bugs or affected by disease and you should cut the brown leaves off at their base.

Make sure that your mini Monstera has enough water, as too little water can cause mini Monstera to look less green and more yellow than it normally would if there was plenty of liquid in their system.


That’s it! You now have all the information you need to care for your mini monstera. If you don’t know what a Monstera is, then check out our list of other variations that are just as interesting and rewarding to grow indoors or outdoors in the warm weather months.

If you’re looking to purchase a mini monstera, check out this rhaphidophora tetrasperma for sale going for just $19.99. 

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