The Care Guide to Snow Queen Pothos: Keeping your Plants Glowing All Year Long - Absolute Gardener

The Care Guide to Snow Queen Pothos: Keeping your Plants Glowing All Year Long

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snow queen pothos

Many people have snow queen pothos plants in their homes and offices, or even outside on the patio. Snow queen pothos plants are grown for their decorative appeal. They provide a low-maintenance option with more variety in colors and leaf shapes than most other houseplants. If you are one of those people, then this article is for you! We want to provide snow queen pothos care guides to make sure that your plant stays healthy and green all year long.

What is a Snow Queen Pothos?

Snow queen pothos (or mistakenly the Photos Snow Queen !) is a type of plant that belongs to the Epipremnum genus. Snow queen pothos are in the same family as philodendron and can be used for both floor plants or hanging planters. The snow queen pothos plants can be grown in pots or baskets, as well as clipped onto a mounted hook.

The snow queen is also a great plant for creating privacy. Give your snow queen pothos plenty of room to grow and allow it to spread by hanging the plants near windows or sliding doors where you want more privacy. The snow queens will eventually form an effective barrier between what’s going on outside and inside, blocking both light and sound as well. Snow Queen pothos plant are often preserved in greenhouses and can be found at nurseries as well.

snow queen pothos

Origins of Snow Queen Pothos Plant

Snow queen pothos plants are native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and were named after snow-covered hillsides. It is a plant with many names. It’s also called snow ivory, snow fairy and snow princess (in some countries). These plants are native to India, Cambodia and Vietnam but they can be grown in most areas of the US as long as there isn’t an extended period of frost.

The plant is a tropical evergreen vine with heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines. It has green, white, or yellow variegated streaks on its dark green foliage that often make it look strikingly snow covered in appearance. The snow queen pothos plants are closely related to philodendrons which can grow up to 20 feet tall. Snow queen pothos plants are available in a variety of sizes, ranging from about 18 inches to four feet tall.

Snow Queen Pothos Plant Care Guide

Snow Queen Pothos is a common indoor plant that requires little attention. In fact, snow queen pothos plants are so easy to care for they’re practically foolproof and can even survive neglect!

If you’re looking to give snow queen pothos plants as a gift – they are perfect for this! You can buy snow queen pothos plants in a pot or a hanging basket. They make great housewarming gifts too, and they are usually available around the holiday season. Here are some Snow Queen Pothos care guides!


Snow queen pothos should thrive in a variety of soils, though the best soil for snow queen would be an all-purpose potting mix. If you do not have access to an all-purpose potting mix, snow queen will be a hardy plant in any soil that drains well.

Snow Queen Pothos should be planted in soil that is loose and drains well. Make sure the soil is not too wet or dry. If the soil is too wet, snow queen pothos will have problems with root rot and if it’s too dry snow queen pothos could die. Also, make sure to use a pot that has holes in it for drainage.


The snow queen pothos is an excellent houseplant. They are a type of philodendron and require very little maintenance to stay healthy in your home. However, they do need some light so that their green leaves can continue brightening up the space. The snow queen needs at least four hours of sunlight each day or artificial light. They should be placed in a spot that will allow them to get morning light and afternoon sun, preferably where the snow queen can also receive some shade during the hot summer months.

The snow queen pothos has the ability to survive under low light, but it’ll get more growth in bright sunlight. Too much heat will make your snow queen die off quickly, so keep these plants out of direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

If your snow queen potho plant’s leaves are yellowing, it could be due to too much sun exposure. Snow Queen Pothos prefers bright indirect light and will turn their yellow-green color in full-sun locations.


If your snow queen pothos plant has a lot of dark, dense leaves it could be over-watered. If the snow queen pothos is wilting or drooping in its pot and you’ve watered the plant just recently, that’s probably why. In this case wait for the soil to dry out before watering again.

Snow Queen Pothos should be watered from the top of their soil, not on the leaves. The snow queen pothos plant is prone to root rot if moisture remains in its pot for too long or it’s overwatered. If you have a snow queen pothos with brown spots on the leaf edges and bottom that could be a sign that the snow queen pothos needs more air circulation or is overwatered.


Snow Queen pothos plants are popular because they can be grown in a variety of environments. However, snow queen pothos grow best at 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit and should not be exposed to temperatures below 64 or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time. This is the key reason why snow queens need consistent care: it’s not always easy to ensure snow queen pothos plants are in a warm environment!


They should also have access to adequate humidity to keep the snow queen pothos plant healthy, which can be accomplished with a humidifier or misting. If humidity is lacking, this will cause leaves to dry out and turn brown in colour. Snow Queen Pothos should have a humid environment with high humidity levels of 50 to 60%. It is important not to expose the snow queen pothos plant roots directly to fluctuating temperatures, as this can cause root rot and might even kill your snow queen pothos plant.


Use a balanced fertiliser for snow queen pothos. Some of the best choices are: liquid houseplant fertilizer, cactus and succulent food or any good quality water-soluble potting mix. The alternative would be a low-nitrogen fertiliser. This can be found in any garden centre or plant shop and is called ‘slow release’ potting mix, which will feed the snow queen pothos plant for many months if it’s applied sporadically to its soil surface with a spoon over time.

When using these types of products don’t overdo it. Follow instructions on the package exactly especially when you use more concentrated products. If you want to use a high-quality liquid fertilizer, make sure that it has micronutrients for snow queen pothos plants in the product and is labeled as safe for snow queens or other houseplants if using indoors because some fertilizers aren’t suitable for certain types of plants.

If you’re looking for a snow queen pothos fertiliser, then Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food is perfect. We found that it was the best around in terms of how long it lasts and its coverage area (meaning your plants will get plenty to eat). It also has no unpleasant smells or chemicals so we felt safe using it indoors.

To make it last longer, dilute to half strength with water and spray on snow queen pothos leaves two or three times a week between March and November (you can use this all year round if you have snow queen pothos plants in another area of the house).

Keep your snow queen pothos fertiliser in a safe place (away from children and pets) so that it doesn’t deteriorate. Read the label before applying to snow queen pothos, as some fertilisers have specific instructions for their use.


The snow queen pothos plant is not toxic to other plants. However, it can lead to problems with the soil if you have a houseplant or outdoor garden and live in an area that suffers from drought conditions.

The snow queen pothos plant is toxic to pets and humans if ingested due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. To keep it away from them as much as possible, make sure snow queens are not within reach of children or animals that may chew on the leaves. You should also avoid planting snow queens near walkways so you don’t accidentally step on any cuttings or get pricked by a snow queen vine.

The snow queen pothos plant can also cause hypersensitivity, dermatitis or asthma attacks in people who come into contact with it if they’re allergic to latex. In the case of an allergy, you should be sure that snow queens are not near your home and wash any areas where snow queens have touched.


Pruning snow queen pothos is necessary for two reasons: (a) it can stunt the plant’s growth, and (b) all those new shoots will produce more leaves. The best time of the year to prune snow queen pothos is in early spring, when they start growing.

Carefully cut off any shoot that you don’t want the snow queen pothos to grow from: this includes shoots with damaged or brown leaves. Cut these down as close to the base of the plant as possible without cutting into the roots.

You can clip snow queen pothos as soon as it becomes unruly or out of control. Make sure to trim it back regularly or keep snow queen pothos in a small container.

It’s best to cut snow queen pothos with pruning shears instead of pulling off its leaves. You should also remove snow queen pothos leaves that are wilting or insects. When snow queen pothos is in bloom, you should cut it back to prevent the central stem from splitting and slowing down snow queen pothos growth.

The snow queen pothos should be pruned in a timely manner, as this will allow it to grow large enough for you to enjoy its beauty and also because snow queen pothos can stunt plant growth if left unchecked.

Propagation and Growth

The snow queen is also a plant that can be propagated, and will send out “runners” from the mother plant over time. Cut off these new plants at their base before they reach more than six inches in height so you can give them away to friends or family members. The snow queen flowers with purple blooms throughout the year, but they do not bloom as abundantly in the winter months.


Snow queen pothos should be repotted in the spring. When it reaches its pot size, you can either increase the number of plants or move them to larger pots. If you are moving snow queens from a smaller pot to a bigger one, bury part of the root ball with soil when transplanting them into the new pot. Water well after repotting snow queen pothos. This will help replant moisture around roots and stabilize snow queen pH levels. If you plan on growing snow queens in snow queen pots, you will need to water them more often than ever before.

Snow Queen Pothos Variegated

A member of the Araceae family, snow queen pothos variegated has leaves with white and green patterns on them. They can grow to get up to two feet tall by one foot wide or taller, depending on how much light they get.

One thing snow queen pothos variegated is sensitive to are the cold temperatures. This plant will do best in a location that stays between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but may have troubles outside of those parameters. It also does not like being watered too much or too little at one time which can lead to root rot.

Even though snow queen pothos variegated is a tropical plant, it can still be grown in an area with lower light levels. The snow queen pothos will need to be watered more often than plants that are closer to the natural habitat of this type of plant. If you would like snow queen pothos variegated to be in a lower light level area, it is recommended that the snow queen pothos has its leaves frequently misted with water.

Common Issues with Snow Queen Pothos

Snow queen pothos are some of the easiest plants you can buy, but they do have a few common issues. Here’s what to look for and how to fix it!

  • Leaves turning dark or brown: If snow queen pothos leaves turn dark or brown despite regular watering, then chances are your plant is getting too much sun. Move snow queen pothos to a shadier spot
  • Leaves curling or turning yellow: If snow queen pothos leaves curl up and turn yellow, then your plant may be getting too little water. Be sure to give it plenty of water each week!
  • Leaves falling off: If snow queen pothos leaves are slowly but surely coming off, then your plant needs a bigger pot with fresh soil.

Be sure to check with the snow queen pothos care guide for specific instructions before planting your snow queen pothos indoors. They are known as being easy to grow and should thrive on low light conditions while still receiving some direct sun.

  • If snow queen pothos are planted in soil, they should be watered every other day or so. Water snow queen pothos that are grown as a hanging plant with water once to twice each week. Snow Queen Pothos can go for months without needing more than watering infrequently and receiving indirect light.
  • Be sure snow queen pothos are in a location where they will not be harmed by accidental spills or accidents. Snow Queen Pothos can take some abuse, but snow queen pothos should be moved to a new pot with fresh soil if the snow queen potho has been watered too heavily and is beginning to turn brown from rot.
  • They may be fertilized in early spring and late summer. Fertilize snow queen pothos once a week with a weak plant food solution, being careful not to overwater snow queen pothoses as this can lead to root rot without proper drainage.
  • Be sure snow queen pothose are never placed near living heat sources. Snow queen pothoses can be burned if snow queen pothos are placed in a room with an animal or person that is too warm and sweat accumulates on snow queens pothos leaves.
  • Be sure snow queen pothose are not overwatered, especially when the plant has been transplanted to a new pot. Some snow queen pothos can turn brown if snow queen pothose has been watered too heavily and is beginning to rot.

snow queen pothosSnow Queen Pothos vs Marble Queen Pothos

There are two main types of snow queen pothos: snow queen and marble queen. Here are some notable differences bet snow queen pothos vs marble queen photos. Snow queens have a single trunk, while marble queens have multiple trunks growing from the same root system. The leaves on snow queens tend to be light green with dark markings (similar to their name), but can also come in shades of blue or pink. Marble queens can come in a variety of colours and have many leaves.

Snow queens are easier to care for in a single pot, while marble queen pothos can be planted with other plants. The snow queen has glossy leaves that grow upwards and have dark markings on them; the marble queen’s leaf pattern is more subdued. Marble queens tend to need less sunlight than snow queens, and snow queens need to be watered more frequently. Snow queen pothos should be planted in loamy soil with adequate drainage; marble queens need a moist but well-drained soil.

Snow Queen Pothos Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a difference between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos?

Snow Queen and Marble queen pothos are the same plant. The snow queen is simply a marble queen that has been selected for having larger leaves

The snow queen can be distinguished from other types of pothos by looking at its leaf size with snow queens being generally two to three times larger than standard pothos plants.

How do you take care of the pothos in the Snow Queen?

It’s not too difficult to snow queen pothos care, but there are some things you need to keep in mind. The first thing is that it needs a lot of light; if the plant gets less than 12 hours of sun per day, its growth will slow down and eventually stop altogether. This can be remedied by placing it in a sunny window or moving it closer to the light source.

After watering snow queen pothos, give them a fresh layer of soil. This will help with the growth and health of your plant. You can also fertilize every once in awhile to make sure that it’s getting everything it needs for healthy flowers, which is especially important if you want to grow snow princess roses instead of snow queen roses.

Pinch back snow queen pothos every spring to encourage new growth and also allow them to grow fuller, more beautiful plants that are a lot easier for you to care for when they get too big for your home or office space.

Cut snow queen pothos before the leaves become brown or yellow in colour.

How much light does a Snow Queen pothos need?

Snow Queen pothos are very easy to care for, they don’t require much light at all. If you have a snow queen pothos and it starts growing leaves in the fall or winter months, that probably means your snow queen needs more sunlight.

During summer months snow queens should be rotated every few days so they get adequate sunlight. During winter snow queen pothos should be rotated every few days or so that they get the right amount of light.

Does Snow Queen do the pothos trail?

Yes snow queen pothos is a trailing plant that likes to cling on and grow down. It will trail from the pot if it’s not supported by another object (we recommend using a fishing line or something similar).

If you want snow queen pothos to stay in place, we recommend clipping some of the stems near the base of the plant to create a sturdy structure. This will help snow queen pothos stay in place for longer periods of time and not need frequent repotting like some trailing plants do!

How fast do Snow Queen pothos grow?

Snow Queen pothos grow very quickly and are ready to be moved from a small pot into a larger one in just six months. Snow Queen Pothos grow at a rate of about one foot per year. They have a height limit of around eight feet tall in total before they will branch out and produce more leaves on their vines. –

Why is my Snow Queen pothos turning yellow?

If you notice that your plant has yellowing leaves, this is likely due to dehydration and lack of watering. It should be watered every day, but not more than once per week at most; over-watering snow queen pothos can cause the roots to rot and kill your plant.


Despite snow queen pothos being an easy plant to grow, it is still necessary to provide them with proper care. This includes keeping the soil moist but not wet and providing enough light. Snow queen pothos can be propagated by separating offsets from the parent plant or their runners. Be sure that any cutting material you use has been sterilized and is free from disease.

See our other indoor favourite: Neon Pothos

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