What and Types of Variegated Monstera - Absolute Gardener

Everything you need to know about Variegated Monstera: What is it and Types of Variegated Monsteras

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Variegated Monstera is a trendy indoor plant and is continuously growing in popularity amongst plant and garden lovers. Variegated Monstera’s popularity comes from the idea that Variegated Monsteras are easy to care for plants. Variegated Monster is also a hardy plant and will not wilt easily, making it perfect as an office or dorm room plant where there may be less light than in other rooms of your house.

What is Variegation?

Variegation happens naturally in some plants such as Variegated Monstera. Variegation is a type of mutation that changes the colour or patterning on an organism’s skin, feathers, hair, scales and other surfaces. Varieties caused by this process are called variegate Varieties which can be either structural (produced by differences in pigment) or non-structural Variegate Varieties (produced by differences in texture). Variegation can also be caused by exposure to certain substances.

Variegated Monstera has a variegated leaf pattern with green and yellow leaves that grow out of the center, producing an ornamental effect for your garden. Varigated Monstrea Varieties are often called rainbow plants because of their colours. Variegated Monstera Varieties can grow to be up to 12-feet tall with an approximate width of five feet and prefers a temperate climate that is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher while maintaining moist soil conditions

Causes of Variegation

Variegation can be caused by exposure to certain substances like chemicals or dyes, Variegate Varieties (produced by differences in texture) which are either structural (produced by differences in pigment) or non-structural Variegate Varieties.

Non-Structural Variegation: this occurs when an organism has two different colors of tissue, Variegated Monstera Varieties are often called rainbow plants because of their colours. Variegate Varieties (produced by differences in texture) which can be either structural or non-structural

Structural Variegation: this occurs when an organism has cells with two different types or numbers of pigment. One type may be more common than the other, Variegated Monstera Varieties are often called rainbow plants because of their colours. Variegate Varieties (produced by differences in texture) which can be either structural or non-structural

Variegation is a type of mutation that changes the colour or patterning on an organism’s skin, feathers, hair, scales and other surfaces. Varieties caused by this process are called Variegated Varieties which can be either structural (produced by differences in pigment) or non-structural Variegate Varieties (produced by differences in texture), Variegation can also be caused by exposure to certain substances like chemicals or dyes.

What is a Variegated Monstera?

Monstera Variegata is a low-maintenance plant that can range in size from small plants that grow to be only six inches tall, or much larger plants. Variegated Monsters are also called “Split Leaf Philodendron” because of their ability to split into two different colours on each side of the Variegated Monstera.

Variegated Monsters have two colours because they are considered a hybrid plant made from crossing two other plants, the Philodendron scandens and the Antilles Vine. Variegated Monsteras can be found in all sorts of sizes – six inches to three feet tall! This makes Variegated Monstera plants a good option for both large and small spaces.

Variegated Monsteras also come in all sorts of different shapes, from round to heart-shaped leaves! Variegated Monstera plants are perennials that typically grow back every year without significant help or care when they have gotten enough water. Variegated Monsters can be used as an indoor plant, an outdoor plant, or as a hanging Variegated Monstera for decoration.

Variegated Monsters are often used in offices and lobbies because of their low light requirements. Variegations come from the way Variegated Monster plants grow – they will be one colour on the top half of its leaves and another colour on the bottom half of its leaves. Variegated Monsterea plants are available in a variety of colours but Variegated Monsteras typically have green on the top and red or purple underneath, making them a popular choice for people looking to brighten up their space.

Origins of Variegated Monstera

Variegated Monstera is commonly found in the jungles of Central and South America. Variegated  Monsteras are suited for humid environments, but can also tolerate dry conditions with a little extra care. Variegated Monstera is also known as Variegated Philodendron.

Varied  Monsteras come with a variety of leaf shapes and colours, including light green, dark green and purple. Varigated Monsteras can grow up to 12 feet tall in the humid jungle habitat. Varigated Monstera has long vines which it uses to climb up trees and other surfaces to get more light. Varigated Monstera can also be grown indoors with a little extra care, such as bright fluorescent lights that mimic the sun’s rays.

Variegated  Monsteras are known for their thick leaves which contain chlorophyll making them green in colour. Variegated Monstera has a flowering scent that is often used in perfumes and soaps. Varigated Monstera can be found as a houseplant, but it also has many other uses such as for the scientific study of plant genetics or to add colour to an outdoor garden area.

Variegated Monsteras are commonly grown by nurseries with the intention that they will be used as a houseplant. Variegated Monsteras are grown in containers with loose potting soil and bright light, such as from fluorescent lights or the sun’s rays. Variegated Monstera is also available for purchase at nurseries or garden centers.

Varied  Monsteras can be propagated by dividing them into smaller pieces to grow new Variegated Monsteras. Varied  Monstera can also be propagated by taking cuttings and rooting them in water.

Variegated  Monsteras are characterized by their thick green leaves that contain chlorophyll, making them appear as a bright green colour. Varigated Monstera flowers produce a sweet, fruity scent which is often used in perfumes and soaps. Variegated Monstera can grow up to 12 feet tall with a thick, woody trunk that it uses to climb trees or other surfaces for more light. Varigated Monsteras also have long vines that help the plant absorb water from the ground.

Types of Variegation in Monstera

There are many Variegation types in Monstera walls, all of which have a unique appearance. Variegated plants with green leaves will often turn yellow as the plant matures. Variegations can also be caused by genetic mutations or from particular growing conditions like being grown too close to another plant that blocks out light for example. Types of Variegation in Monstera include:

  • Variegated Leaves (leaves with white spots on them)
  • Varigated leaves that are striped or mottled with different colours.
  • Variegated Foliage Plants (plants with large spotted, stripey, speckly leaves). These plants can have a green, yellow or white background with several different colours on the leaves. Variegated Foliage Plants can be found in warmer climates as they require a lot of sunlight to thrive.
  • Variegated Monstera Leaves (leaves that have green and white spots). These plants are very common and it’s easy to find them for sale. Variegated Monstera leaves are known for having white spots on the underside of the leaf.
  • Variegated Red Varigated Leaves (red-toned colours with green and yellow or white)

Varied Variegations can also be found in other plants such as fruit trees, shrubs, flowers and houseplants.

Types of Variegated Monsteras

Variegated Monsteras are plants that belong to the Araceae family and Variegata is a sub-species of this plant. Variegates have leaves with green, yellow or white stripes on them, which can add an interesting visual effect when planted as they sway in the wind. There are several types of Variegated Monsteras such as:

Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana Variegata (aka Monstera Albo Variegata)

Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana Variegata also known as Monstera Albo is a Variegated Monstera with green stripes on the leaves. It can grow up to 15 feet tall, but will only reach about half of that height in most climates. Variegated Monstera Albo is also a good choice for people who are looking to grow Variegata near windows because it does not produce very many flowers and the leaves have an “airy” texture.

Variegated Monstera Albo can be grown in zones nine through twelve, but do best when there are cooler temperatures that range from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Albo monstera prefers full sun and can be grown in moist soil, however Variegated Monstera Albo is not tolerant of drought conditions.

Monstera Deliciosa Variegata (aka Variegated Arum)

Variegated monstera deliciosa or Variegated arum has a wide range of uses and as such is considered a “jack-of-all-trades”. Variegated arums may be used as an ornamental in the home garden, or grown for their edible fruit. Variegates can also provide a screen and privacy when planted near walkways and fences. Variegated arums are often grown in greenhouses. Variegated arums are also used for commercial orchid production, where they make excellent “mother” plants. Variegates can be propagated by division of the rootstock and seed.

Monstera Thai Constellation Variegata

Monstera Thai Constellation Variegata is a Variegated Monstera that is very popular in Thai culture. It has green leaves with white and yellow stripes on them but its leaves are not as variegated as other Variegated Monsteras. The Monstera Thai Constellation Variegata is used as a house plant in Thailand because of its tolerance to lower light levels. Variegated Monstera’s are usually grown outdoors but they can be grown indoors too if you have enough natural or artificial lighting, so Variegata is great for people who live in apartments or condos and don’t want to worry about having the right kind of lighting.

Variegated MonsteraAurea Variegata (aka Golden Variegated Monstera)

Aurea Variegata is a variation of Variegated Monstera, and its leaves are lighter green with cream-coloured veins. It has dark purple flowers that bloom from March to April. Aurea Variegata is one of Variegated Monstera’s most popular variations. Golden Variegated Monstera is a favourite of Variegated Monstera enthusiasts.

This Variegated Monstera can grow to be an impressive 25 feet tall and 15 feet wide in the right conditions, but most often it grows to around 12 – 18 inches high with leaves that are between two and four feet long. Aurea Variegata is a popular Variegated Monstera variety and is often found in gardens around the world. It prefers sun, but does well with partial shade as long as it’s not too hot out.

Monstera Mint

mint monstera is a Variegated Monstera that has light-green leaves with white veins. The leaf is longer and more narrow than the Aurea Variegata, so it tends to grow taller in order to reach sunlight.

This Variegated Monstera likes partial shade but can also be happy if left out during the heat of the day as long as it gets some direct sunlight. It’s popular amongst the Variegated Monstera variety and because of its long, narrow leaves that are between two feet to four feet in length, the Variegated Mint Monsteras can grow up to 20 ft tall with wide leaves measuring about six feet or more. It’s one Variegated Monstera variety that is perfect for large gardens.

Variegated Monstera Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get variegated in Monstera?

Variegated Variegata is a naturally occurring mutation that Varigates the Monstera leaves.

Long Answer: Variegation in Variegated Monsteras occurs when there are spots of white on the green leaf and it can happen anywhere from time to time or all over the plant’s surface leaves. (This may be due to irregular chloroplast development or to genetic factors) Variegated Variegata is a naturally occurring mutation that Varigates the Monstera leaves.

Short Answer: Variegation in Variegated Monsteras occurs when there are spots of white on the green leaf and it can happen anywhere from time to time or all over the plant’s surface leaves.

What makes a monstera variegated?

Variegated Monstera is grown by grafting two different Variegata varieties onto a regular green monstera. Variegation refers to the irregular patterns of colour on leaves, which are caused by pigmented cells in leaf margins or along veins that contain chloroplasts and other plant parts not normally exposed to light.

Varieties with variegation can be quite beautiful and are often used in landscaping. Variegated cultivars come in a wide variety of colours, including pinkish reds and yellows to greens with white stripes. Variegates have the same average life span as green monsteras but they tend to grow more slowly. Variegation can be caused by genetic mutation or chalking.

Why is variegated Monstera so expensive?

Variegated Monstera is difficult to grow, so it’s expensive to produce. Variegates are also more likely than green ones to have a problem with chlorosis or dieback caused by improper light exposure and insufficient humidity.

Variegated plants need more care than the average plant, but if you can keep up with them, Variegated Monstera is worth the price.

How do I know if my Monstera is variegated?

Variegated Monsteras are also known as Variegatum or Variegate. Variegation is caused by a genetic mutation in the plant’s chlorophyll, meaning when it reaches maturity and its leaves turn yellowish-green with white stripes down the middle that grows wider at each end of the leaf.

Variegation can be either present or absent from the leaves.

Variegation is a recessive trait that must be present in both parents’ genes for it to show up in their offspring, so variegated Monsteras will not produce variegated babies with another Variegatum. Variegated plants are most often propagated by grafting onto an unvariegated rootstock.

Variegated Monstera can be identified by its unusual stripes down the middle of each leaf, variegation is typically present on one side while leaves are green and without variegation on the other. Variegate plants will change colours depending on where it’s positioned. If placed in a shady spot, light-coloured stripes will darken and grow brighter while in the sun, darker stripes will lighten. Variegated plants also produce a more intense colour.

Variegated Monstera leaves are either green with white lines or brown with cream coloured lines that run down the center of each leaf.

How much does a variegated Monstera cost?

Variegated Monstera plants are not as common in the nursery trade, but you can find them at speciality nurseries or through online mail-order. Variegated Monsteras are often priced higher than a standard green-leafed monstera plant because of their rarity and beauty.

How do you trigger variegation?

Variegation is a change in colour that can be triggered by the Variegated Monstera’s environment, including sunlight exposure and temperature changes. Variegation will develop over time with proper care but may also appear or disappear depending on seasonality, light levels and plant stress.


Do you think you know plants? Well, this one is different. Variegated Monstera’s leaves are often used in floral arrangements and the plant was originally grown for its fruit. The variegation of these leaves offers a unique touch to any space they occupy. They can be grown indoors or outdoors- but beware, Variegated Monsteras grow fast! Be sure to learn more about how to properly care for your new addition here at our Plant Guides page. If you’re still looking for some inspiration on what type of plant would look great in your own home (or office), check our post on Philodendron Birkin here!

Variegated Monstera isn’t a new plant, Variegated Monsteras have been around for years. Varied Varieties of Variegated Monsteras are beautiful plants that you can get to add some colour and interest to your home or garden space!

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