Keeping Your Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Happy: A Care Guide

Keeping Your Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Happy: A Care Guide

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It’s philodendron bipinnatifidum time! It’s philodendron bipinnatifidum care guide time, too. If you’re looking to purchase philodendron bipinnatifidum and have no idea what it is or how to take care of it, we’re going to help you with that. This article will talk about philodendron bipinnatifidum in general, give a philodendron bipinnatifidum care guide for those who want to buy one, and provide some tips on keeping your new plant happy.

Hailing from South America, the tropical plant philodendron bipinnatifidum’s leaves are a shiny dark green colour with alternating leaf structure. The plant is also known as the split philodendron because of its distinctive leaf shape.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum common name includes thaumatophyllum selloum, thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum or philo bipinnatifidum, they are part of the philodendrons family or philo plants.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum are toxic to cats and dogs. They require moderate light levels, so they should be placed away from windows that will make the plant too hot during summer months.

It likes a good misting, but water should not be left sitting in the pot. Philodendron bipinnatifidum is one of those house plants that’s just hard to kill as long as you don’t overwater it. The philo plant will tell you if it’s thirsty. It likes a good misting, but water should not be left sitting in the pot.

It likes to have its leaves brushed and groomed periodically so that they don’t get too dusty or dirty. The philo plant does not need much fertilizer during summer months but should be fertilized once a year in the winter with an organic liquid house plant fertilizer.

It can be identified by its large, ovate leaves with three to five lobes. It has heart-shaped and wavy long petioles. Fun fact: Philodendron bipinnatifidum, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Money Tree is a popular indoor houseplant. It thrives in indirect light and humid environments with high humidity, so it’s perfect for those dark corners of your home that need some TLC! This plant has an interesting history; its leaves resemble coins due to their pinnate shape – which means they are divided into segments like the fingers on one’s hand – hence the name “Money Tree.” Sister of this plant is known as philodendron bipinnatifidum tortum.

Origins of Philodendron Bipinnatifidum

Philodendron bipinnatifidum is a tropical plant that originates in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, Colombia and Peru. It was originally discovered by botanist George Nicholson. The philodendron genus originated from South America and Northern Central America. Origins of Philodendron bipinnatifidum from the family araceae.

Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Plant Care

Philodendron bipinnatifidum is a philodendron with pinnate leaves. The plant has two types of leaves that grow out from the stem: linear, strap-shaped foliage near the ground and broad lanceolate or oval shaped leaf blades higher up on the trunk.

It is a low-maintenance plant with few requirements. It likes to be watered frequently, but not too much; it also needs indirect sunlight and no direct sun exposure. There are many philodendron bipinnatifidum care mistakes that can cause the philodendron bipinnatifidum to have brown tips on the leaves and droopiness.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum is a climbing philodendron that has wide, coarsely cut leaves with pinnate leaf segments. The philodendrons will climb up supports and the stems reach lengths of 30 feet or more.


The Philodendron bippinatifidum has special soil requirements. It needs well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. If the philodendron bipinnatifidum has yellow or brown tips, it’s probably because of a lack of nutrients and/or improper watering habits.

The philodendron bipinnatifidums needs a moist soil, but the soil should not be soggy or wet. The philodendron bipinnatifida also needs to have its soil replaced at least once a year. Soil for philodendron bipinnatifidums should have a pH of about neutral.


Lighting for thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum varies depending on location, season, and age of plant. In general philodendron bipinnatifidum does best in indirect lightg conditions that are indirect or filtered sunlight from a south facing window. Philodendron bipinnatifidum can also grow well in a north-facing window with filtered sunlight, but might need more water during the summer months.

Philo bipinnatifidum is not too picky when it comes to watering and lighting conditions as long as you don’t neglect them for too long. philodendron bipinnatifidum lighting should be between 12-16 hours of sunlight per day.

When philo bipinnatifidum is not getting enough light philodendron bipinnatifidum philo philo philodendron, the leaves will be more green and healthy looking. If you notice yellowing of philo bipinnatifidum philodendrons philipidephilos or brown tips on younger leaves this is a sign that the plant needs more light.


Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum is a low-maintenance plant, but it still needs to be cared for properly in order to have healthy leaves. Water your Philodendron bipinnatifidum when the soil feels dry to touch and be sure not to water too often.

This plant should be watered when the soil feels dry to touch and never water too often. Be careful of over watering as this can lead to root rot.

philodendron bipinnatifidum should have water as often as needed, but philodendron bipinnatifidum can also survive on less watering if you need to go away for a few days or are going through an extremely dry spell.


Philodendron bipinnatifidum temperature is best in the average room temperature. It is not a plant that enjoys being chilled, so make sure it’s never below 65 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 degrees Celsius.

If philodendron bipinnatifidum temperature is too low, it may start to show signs of damage on its leaves: leaf edges will turn brown and the middle part of the plant’s leaves will be yellow. Be sure that this plant never experiences cold temperatures.


The philodendron bipinnatifidum plant is a type of philodendra that has large, pinnate leaves and grows well in humid environments like those found near the rainforest.  Philodendrons do not need much water to stay healthy because they grow best when there are high levels of humidity.

Since philodendrons like humidity so be sure to keep the environment it is being kept in humid and with good air circulation. Philodendrons need at least two hours of direct sunlight each day but not more than 12 hours. Be careful about philodendron bipinnatifidum going into shock if you keep it in conditions that are too dry because philodendrons can go into shock easily and then the leaves will droop or curl up and turn brown.

If you live in a dry area, consider taking philo bipinnatifidum philodendron outside for the warmer months so that it can experience more humidity and water.


Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidumshould also not be fertilized with high-nitrogen fertilizer because philodendrons are sensitive to too much nitrogen.

The philodendrons should be fertilized with a water-soluble fertilizer that contains low levels of nitrogen and high levels of phosphorous. They also need this type of fertilizer because the philodendra is a heavy feeder, meaning it produces new leaves quickly when given proper care and nutrition.

Philodendrons are also heavy feeders and should be fertilized once every two weeks during the growing season, usually from March to October in North America. This can easily be done by adding a slow-release fertilizer into philodendron bipinnatifidum soil and watering philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves at the same time.

Propagation and Growth

Philodendron bipinnatifidum propagation is not difficult and can be done with either stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. To do this, fill a pot of water halfway with water to prevent root rot if using philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves for propagation.

Take philodendron bipinnatifidum leaf cutting by the base where it attaches to the philodendron bipinnatifidum stem and hold it close to its center. Slice a thin piece of philodendron bipinnatifidum leaf from the cutting with an angled cut, making sure not to take too much off so that you don’t damage any part of philodendron bipinnatifidum stem.

Tie philodendron bipinnatifidum leaf cutting in a loose knot then cover with soil and mist leaves lightly until they are damp to the touch. The philodendron bipinnatifidum will root if it is watered regularly, but philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves should never be allowed to sit in water as philodendron bipinnatifidum roots will rot.

If you’re propagating philodendron bipinnatifidum with philodendron bipinnatifidum stem cuttings, fill a pot halfway with moist soil and set it aside for the cutting to root. Stick philodendron bipinnatifidum stem cutting into the soil and cover it with a little more dirt, then mist lightly to keep philodendron bipinnatifidum moist until philodendron bipinnatifidum roots grow out from philodendron bipinnatifidum stems.


The philodendron bipinnatifidum does not like to be transplanted, so it’s a good idea to buy the philodendron bipinnatifida in a large pot.

Philodendron bipinnatifidums need to be repotted every one or two years, because philodendrons are considered slow-growing plants and will eventually get too large for their pot. When doing so the philodendron bipinnatifidum should have its leaves removed from the soil and roots trimmed. The philodendron bipinnatifidum should then be replanted into a pot that is at least two inches larger than the philodendron’s current size.

A mix of sand and soil can also work for repotting philodendrons, but the final mixture should never include any fertilizer or plant food products.

Common Problems with Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Plant

A common problem with philodendron bipinnatifidum is that the philodendron bipinnatifidum leaf tips turn brown from over watering. You should water philodendron bipinnatifidum only when the soil is dry, which may be once every two weeks or more depending on how much light it gets and if you live in a very hot area.

Besides that, it can also get white fungus on philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves. This is caused from too much water, not enough light, or a problem with the philodendron bipinnatifidum soil pH levels which should be around neutral to slightly acidic.

Next is that philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves will droop and curl up. This is can be caused by too little light.

Tips for Keeping Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Happy

If you want philodendron bipinnatifidum plants that grow high philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves, then philodendron bipinnatifidum plants should be fertilized with a diluted balanced fertilizer every two weeks. If you want philodendron bipinnatifidum plants that grow philodendron bipinnatifidum flowers, then you need to feed philodendron bipinnatifidum plants with a foliar fertilizer or flowering philodendrons every month.

It is important to remember that philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves are sensitive, so avoid touching philodendron bipinnatifidum plant leaves too much and keep them away from drafty areas. Added tip, since philodendron bipinnatifidum needs sunlight make sure it is in a place that receives enough light (but not direct sun).

Philodendrons are also sensitive to fluoride, chlorine, iron, copper and manganese so philodendron bipinnatifida should not be planted near fountains or swimming pools that could leach these minerals into philodendron bipinnatifidum soil.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum care is easy to manage and philodendrons are not picky about soil. The philodendron should be watered regularly but never over-watered, as philods hate it when their roots sit in water for long periods of time; the philodendron also needs to be kept away from drafts and windy areas.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum leaves should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth or philodendrons will get brown spots on the surface of their leaves. Browning is also indicative that philodendrons need to be repotted, as it means they have been sitting in their own philodendron bipinnatifidum soil too long.

Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Frequently Asked Questions

How do I care for my philodendron Bipinnatifidum?

  • Philodendron bipinnatifidum is sensitive to drafty areas and chlorine, fluoride, iron or copper.
  • They need sunlight so make sure they are in a place with enough light but not direct sun.
  • Philodends should be watered regularly but never overwatered as philodendron bipinnatifida hates when their philodendron roots are sitting in water for long periods of time.
  • It should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth and kept away from chlorine, fluoride, iron or copper.

How do you grow a philodendron Bipinnatifidum?

It should be fertilized with a diluted balanced fertilizer every two weeks and given philodendron bipinnatifidum flowers.

You need to feed philodendrons with foliar fertilizer or flowering philodendrons once monthly, which also needs to be watered regularly but never overwatered as philodan drons hate when their philodendron roots are sitting in water for long periods of time.

It need to be repotted when brown spots start showing up on philodendron leaves, which is a sign that they have been sitting in their philodendron bipinnatifidum soil too long. Philos also needs enough light but not direct sun.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum care is easy to manage and philodendrons are not picky about philodendron soil as long as philudonds don’t get too much light or drafty areas.


That’s it! We hope this post has been enlightening and that you’ve discovered some new plants to get for your home. If none of these seem like the right fit, or if you want more information on any other indoor plant care guides, tips or issues then check our another indoor favourite: the Variegated Monstera. 

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