Introducing Chinese Perfume Plants! A Mild, Subtle Way to Brighten Up Your Work - Absolute Gardener

Introducing Chinese Perfume Plants! A Mild, Subtle Way to Brighten Up Your Work

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Chinese Perfume Plant

You may not have known this, but chinese perfume plants (also called chamomile) are a great way to add some subtle fragrance to your office space. Not only is chamomile an all-natural plant that doesn’t emit harmful chemicals, it’s also a very pleasant smell with a light and floral scent. If you’re looking for something new in the office that will brighten up the air and create positive vibes while you work, chinese perfume plants are just what you need!

What is Chinese Perfume Plant?

Chinese perfume plant (aka aglaia odorata lour) is a type of chrysanthemum with delicate, fragrant blooms. All chinese perfume plants have three types of leaves- serrated, unlobed or lobed with teeth on one side only. They produce beautiful flowers with little white, yellow or red petals.

Chinese perfume plants are epiphytes- this means chinese perfume plant gets its nutrients from the air and rain rather than rooting into the ground as a typical houseplant would. This is what makes chinese perfumes so difficult to care for in places like outdoor gardens or large offices.

The chinese perfume plant is a great choice for any indoor environment, as it grows well in most light conditions and needs less care than other popular houseplants like the spider plant. They are also more resistant to pests and disease which makes them much easier to maintain!

In fact, they can actually help chinese perfume plants to thrive in a dry indoor environment.

The chinese perfume plant’s true beauty, however, is its scent. These plants release a subtle and delicate fragrance that can fill up an entire room with just one chinese perfume plant!

Many people in China use chinese perfumes as part of their daily routine to keep the air smelling fresh. But you don’t have to be in China to enjoy the benefits of this amazing plant!

Origins of Chinese Perfume Plant

Aglaia odorata chinese perfume plant, or chinese jasmine, are native to the humid jungles of Southeast Asia and were originally known as “thousand-leaf china”. The plant is a member of the olive family. The chinese perfume plant is a member of the olive family and its fragrant yellow flowers have given it common names such as “jasminum” and “thousand-leaf china”. The chinese jasmine’s thin bark peels away in large sheets, giving chinese perfume plants their unique appearance. The word “jasminum” comes from Persian za’faron, meaning yellow flower. This aptly describes chinese jasmine’s fragrant yellow flowers.

The chinese perfume tree is also known as “thousand-leaf china” because of the delicate, lacy leaves that are thought to have up to 1000 individual leaflets on each leaf stem (although this figure may be exaggerated). The very thin and papery bark peels away in large sheets, giving chinese perfume plants their unique appearance.

Chinese chrysanthemums are not related to chinese jasmine flowers! The of the chrysanthemum plant come from a different family and they have only about six leaves each; moreover, china does not refer to any type of flower at all.

Chinese Perfume Plant Care Guide

When chinese perfume plant is in the right environment, chinese perfume plant will flourish and grow. Fresh air and a lot of sunlight can help chinese perfume plants stay healthy. Here are some chinese perfume plants care guides.


Before planting chinese perfume plants, you’ll need to find a good potting mix and some soil.

  • Potting Mix: The aglaia odorata plant prefers light, porous soils that are rich in organic matter. That can be as simple as combining one part peat moss with two parts sand or perlite . You can also use your chinese perfume plant’s potting mix.
  • Soil: You can choose from a variety of chinese perfume soil mixes, like using equal parts peat moss, vermiculite and perlite . Mix in some slow release fertilizer to provide your chinese perfume plants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth.


In chinese perfume plant, the most important thing is lighting. The light should be bright but not too intense. A chinese perfume plant needs to stay away from direct sunlight or any other types of strong artificial lights that may burn its leaves and flowers. When it comes to illuminating your chinese perfume plants, try looking for an east-facing window with regular light exposure.

Chinese Perfume Plant
Image: Ever Green Seeds


The chinese perfume plant likes to have a lot of water. Water it well and then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. When you first get your chinese perfume plant, start with just one drink per day for two weeks, so that the plant can adjust to its new environment. After this period, you can water chinese perfume plant as often as necessary to keep the soil moist. If the soil is dry to the touch, it needs water. When watering your plant use one of these methods: a) Place pot in sink or b) Pour hose directly onto topsoil.


Chinese perfume plants need warm temperatures. The chinese perfume plant will thrive in a temperature of 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 16 Celsius). Temperatures that are too hot or cold can cause the chinese perfumed plant’s leaves and stems to turn brown, wilting significantly. If possible for you, try placing your chinese perfumed plant outside during the day to enjoy some natural sunlight and then bring it inside for the night. This will help maintain a stable chinese perfumed plant temperature.


Chinese perfume plants thrive in humid environments, with humidity levels around 75%, so try misting your chinese perfumed plant every few days to keep its leaves hydrated. Additionally, you can place the pot on a tray of pebbles that you keep moistened. If the chinese perfumed plant is wilted, make sure to mist it with water and increase humidity by keeping the pot on a wet surface or near standing water. This will help china perfume plants recover from low levels of moisture in their environment.


Ditch the all-purpose chinese perfume plant food, too; chinese chrysanthemum chamomile and lavender chinese perfume plants have specific needs. Chinese chrysanthemum chamomile and lavender chinese perfume plants have specific needs when it comes to food. They need a balanced diet of minerals, vitamins, sugars and nitrogen. These nutrients are found in fertilizer solutions made from compost or manure. A feeding schedule should be developed based on the plant’s stage in life.


In 1965, chinese perfume plant was classified as a highly toxic weed. There are many different species of chinese perfume plants with varying levels of toxicity and although the majority of chinese perfume plants in cultivation today have been bred to be less toxic than those found growing naturally, they can still cause some skin irritation if touched or ingested.

The chinese perfume plant is poisonous to cats, dogs and horses. The chinese perfume plant can also cause a number of other problems such as low blood sugar in rabbits, respiratory distress if the smoke from burning chinese perfume plants enters lungs or nasal passages.


Pruning chinese perfume plants is a very important step to maintaining their health and vigor. Pruning chinese perfume plants will limit the plant’s size, shape its form, and increase flowering. The best time for chinese perfume plant pruning in early summer before they go into full bloom.

It is best to prune chinese perfume plants when they are in a dormant state, which is typically January until March. If chinese perfume plant is overgrown or you want to make it taller, prune the top of chinese perfume plant. Make a cut about an inch below where new branches emerge and remove old leaves with your hands.


Chinese perfume plants are one of the easiest flowering plants in existence. They require little to no maintenance and can easily be propagated by taking a cutting from an existing chinese perfume plant. If you’re looking for something a bit more permanent, chinese perfume plant seeds also exist!

If you plan on starting with seedlings, chinese perfume plants need to be grown in a pot. They are not the type of chinese perfume plant that can grow with just dirt; chinese perfume plants require great drainage and rich soil.

Once chinese perfume plants have taken root, they will quickly form beautiful flowers at even the slightest hint of sunlight! However, if you are experiencing chinese perfume plant problems, you may need to change the type of soil chinese perfume plants are growing in.

Tree and shrub chinese perfume plants can be propagated by simply digging up a small section of root with some attached dirt for planting or transplanting. Leave as many leaves intact on the stem when possible because they will provide chinese perfume plants with nutrients and act as a natural mulch.


Chinese perfume plants can be in their pots for a long time. When repotting, choose the appropriate size pot and fill it with chinese perfume plant’s favorite soil mix (such as an equal mixture of bark mulch and perlite). Fill chinese perfume plants to about one inch below the rim – but don’t pack it too tightly.

When chinese perfume plant starts to outgrow its pot, the roots will start circling in search of more soil and air circulation (and it may stop blooming). When chinese perfume plants need to be re-potted, choose a pot just one size larger than the chinese perfume plant’s current container. Before chinese perfume plant is removed from the pot, loosen the root ball by running your fingers around it.

Plant Disease

Chinese perfume plants are susceptible to some of the same diseases that afflict other houseplants. One chinese perfume plant disease is called damping-off, which results from a fungus attacking seedlings and young roots. Several different types of fungi can cause this ailment, but it’s most common when watering frequency is uneven or inadequate. Check your chinese perfume plant regularly for damping-off, and make sure you provide plenty of air circulation.

Chinese perfumier plants may also be susceptible to brown patch disease, which results from a fungus attacking the leaves. Brown patches will appear on chinese perfumier leaves that have become too wet or whose environment has been too humid. To protect chinese perfumier plants from brown patch, make sure to water them less often and allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions.

Plant rust disease can also affect chinese perfumier plants that have been grown in a wet environment. The fungus will cause brownish and orange spots to appear on the leaves of chinese perfumier plants; it’s recommended for chinese perfumier plant owners to reduce humidity levels so the chinese perfumier plant can dry out, in addition to treating chinese perfumier plants with fungicide.

Chinese Perfume Plant Variegated

The chinese perfume plant, has a few varieties that can be used to suit your individual needs and preference. For example, there are chinese plants with variegated leaves and those without; both are relatively low-maintenance plants that require only a little love and attention to thrive.

One of the chinese perfume plant’s many varieties, or cultivars, is called ‘Variegated’. Variegated chinese perfume plants have leaves with green streaks on one side and white veins on the other. They can be grown as a houseplant or in a garden, and they are typically grown for their ornamental value.

Variegated chinese plants require the same care as regular chinese perfume plant varieties–that is to say very little! They need around six hours of direct sunlight per day (although chinese plants can usually tolerate less), an indirect light source, and a temperature range of 65-95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Common Issues with Chinese Perfume Plant

  • Problem: chinese perfume plants can be sensitive to changes in temperature ranging from freezing cold winter temperatures down into the 20s °F (minus six degrees Celsius) or colder.

Solution: chinese perfume plants need to be protected from frost and cold.

  • Problem: chinese perfume plant is sensitive to the type of soil that it’s planted in, including being very sensitive to some herbicides, especially those containing Dicamba or Trifluralin.

Solution: most chinese perfume plants prefer well-drained soil.

  • Problem: chinese perfume plants can be very invasive in some areas, spreading by rooting or runners.

Solution: chinese perfume plants need a lot of water to survive and thrive so it’s important that the roots are never allowed to dry up for any extended period of time- even in dry climates chinese perfume plant needs a lot of water.

  • Problem: chinese perfume plants are sensitive to wind, which may result in broken branches or plant uprooting

Solution: chinese perfume plants need shelter from prevailing winds- this can be done by planting chinese perfume plants with other tall flowers and shrubs close together so that the chinese perfume plant is sheltered by taller plants.

  • Problem: chinese perfume plant may be subject to insect invasion, including chinese perfume plant leafcutter bees or chinese music moth caterpillars

Solution: chinese perfume plants need to have a lot of space so that insects do not invade chinese perfume plants and destroy them- giving the chinese perfume plant plenty of room to grow and flourish.

  • Problem: chinese perfume plants may be susceptible to disease, including bacterial leaf spot

Solution: chinese perfume plants need a lot of water so it’s important that they are independently watered- however chinese perfume plants also need to have their leaves dry between watering because excess moisture can lead to chinese perfume plant diseases.

Chinese Perfume Plant
Image: Ever Green Seeds

Tips for Keeping Chinese Perfume Plant Happy

The following tips will help chinese perfume plant stay healthy:

  • Water chinese perfume plant regularly and provide enough light to keep them happy.
  • As these plants grow, rotate the position of the plants so all sides can catch the sun for optimum growth.
  • Feed with a balanced fertilizer once every two weeks during spring and summer chinese perfume plant care.
  • Pinch the plants off at the top to create a bushier houseplant or spindle shape by bending over branches for desired effect.
  • Remove the leaves when they yellow, wilt or die as this reduces chances of disease spreading among chinese perfume houseplants.
  • Prune chinese perfume plants as needed to keep chinese perfume houseplants healthy and attractive.

Dispose of the leaves in the garbage, not in the aglaia plant pot or garden bed where they can lead to disease problems.

  • Clean the soil occasionally with a diluted bleach mixture and plant pot with soap to help control diseases.

Chinese Perfume Plant Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take care of a Chinese perfume plant?

Chinese perfume plant likes to be kept moist and in a room with good air circulation. They should not be allowed to dry out, so it is best if you can mist them every day or two (or for many Chinese perfume plants more often than that). To make your Chinese perfume plant happy, keep it away from drafts of cold air, provide it with plenty of light and water.

What does a Chinese perfume plant smell like?

The chinese perfume plant was also known as the “soul fragrance” because it emits a calming, soothing aroma that can help bring peace of mind, relieve stress or anxiety, and create an environment conducive for mediation, prayer, or study.

Is Chinese perfume plant poisonous?

Chinese perfume plant is not poisonous. However, it does produce chrysanthemum which contains chemicals that can damage the liver if ingested in large doses. This is why you should let your Chinese perfume plants grow outside of homes and offices where people might come into contact with them

What is Sinamomo plant?

The Chinese perfume plant, also known as sinamomo, is a great addition to any office environment. This small and delicate-looking houseplant comes in many different colors of green with white polka dots on the leaves.

Which tree is famous for its fragrance?

The Chinese perfume plant!

This beautiful tree produces a scent that is quite different from the other trees in your backyard. It doesn’t just smell like chamomile or lavender but has its own unique fragrance. You may be wondering what it smells like? The Chinese perfume plant’s aroma can best be described as a sweet, fruity scent.

How do you take care of Aglaia Duperreana?

Aglaia Duperreana is a chinese perfume plant and it’s relatively easy to take care of. This article will give you some tips on how to do so! First, make sure your Aglaia Duperreana receives good light exposure for at least six hours each day. The plant should also be watered twice a week. The plant should be given a shower once every two weeks to remove dust and other particles that accumulate on its leaves when it’s being watered, but this is optional.

Place your aglaia plant in an area where the temperature doesn’t get too high or low (about 50 degrees Fahrenheit). Make sure the plant is not crowded or over-watered, Chinese perfume plants need a lot of space. Feed Chinese perfume plant with the correct fertilizer and in the right amounts


The Chinese perfume plant is a great way to freshen up your office. With these hints, you can be sure that it will last for years! The Chinese perfume plant smells good and looks beautiful- what more could anyone want? Give this little guy some love today with the tips in this article! Find the Chinese perfume plant for sale here. 

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