The Elatior Begonia Plant's Magical Charm - Absolute Gardener

The Elatior Begonia Plant’s Magical Charm

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Elatior Begonia

If you are looking for a plant that is easy to care for, elatior begonia may be a perfect choice! Elatior begonia plants have been around since 1894 and they continue to grow in popularity. They are known for their beautiful bright colors and their unique leaf shape. However, elatior begonia plants need some attention in order to keep them healthy and happy. In this article we will discuss elatior begonia’s needs as well as tips on how to make sure your elatior begonia thrives!

What is Elatior Begonia Plant?

Elatior begonia is a type of flowering plant that belongs to the family Begoniaceae. The elatior begonia has many varieties, such as elatior Begonia ‘Mixed Colors’, elatior Begonia Variegated and elatior Begonia Green Leaf.

The Elatioir (Begonia elatior) is a perennial that grows in zones from USDA Hardiness Zones 11 to 12. Elatioir begonia plant prefers moist soil and sunny locations, but will tolerate light shade with some moisture. This type of begonia can grow up to three feet tall as well as wide, making them rather large plants for the home gardener.

The elatior begonia plant’s leaves are dark green and have a wavy or ruffled edge that is prized among gardeners for its beauty. The elatior species comes in many colors, including shades of reds, yellows, oranges, blues and purples. Elatioir Begonia has over 300 varieties that all have different colors and shapes, making elatioir begonia plant a popular choice among gardeners.

The elatior begonia plants are a great addition to any garden. They have some unique characteristics that make them stand out from other begonias. Generally, elatior begonia plant is smaller than the more common tuberous begonias which makes it an easier fit for your garden and they also prefer light shade rather than sun. Elatior begonia plants come in many colors which is unusual for a begonia plant and it also spreads through rhizomes, as opposed to bulbs that need to be divided every few years.

The elatior begonias are great at attracting hummingbirds with their nectar-rich blooms because they have tubular shaped flowers that are bright, vibrant colors. Hummingbirds seem to be drawn to elatior begonias because they’re shaped like tubes and the nectar is easily accessible as opposed to other types of blooms where it can be harder for hummingbirds to find.

Elatior Begonia

Origins of Elatior Begonia Plant

The elatior begonia plant was originally found in the rainforests of South America near the borders with Ecuador and Colombia. This flowering species has a very unusual shape, earning it its name elatior, which means “taller than usual.” The elatior begonia also goes by another common moniker: wax begonias. The elatior begonia is actually the only species of wax begonias. The genus Begonia, on the other hand, has over a hundred different types of plants in it!

The elatior begonia’s botanical name, “Begonis elatio,” translates to elatior, which means “tall;” and begonia meaning a flowering plant with showy flowers. The elatior begonia was first introduced in Europe by the end of 18th century as an ornamental garden subject for its decorative foliage. The begonia elatior plant is noted for being easy to grow and tolerant of a wide range of temperatures as well as many different soil types.

Elatior Begonia Plant Care Guide

Elatior begonias are a simple plant to care for, but there’s more that goes into begonia elatior care than just watering it. If you’re looking after elatior begonias long-term it pays off to know how and what they like. Here are elatior begonia plant care guides!


Alpine elatior begonia plants love loose, porous soil. The best soil for elatior begonias is a blend of potting mix and perlite or coarse sand to keep the roots healthy. Dig about six inches deep into your garden bed before adding the new planting material. This will help ensure that water drains well and doesn’t pool around the elatior begonia.

If you have clay soil, add organic matter to it before planting elatior begonias so that water can drain properly. One way is by adding peat moss or compost into your garden bed an inch deep. Another option is mixing in a light layer of sand over the top of your garden bed.

If you have sandy soil, elatior begonias will do well in it as long as they are watered regularly and fertilized monthly with a houseplant fertilizer or elatior begonia feed-every-three-weeks.


Elatior begonia plant thrives in a partial shade or indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn elatior begonia leaves and cause them to fade prematurely. So, it’s important to make sure elatior begonia plants do not receive too much direct sun early in the morning or late afternoon when most of the sun is gone.


Water elatior begonias when the top inch of potting mix is dry to the touch. This can be as often as every other day in hot weather, and once a week during cooler months. Be sure not to overwater elatior begonias – the water should drain freely out of their container when they’re done being watered.

The elatior begonia plant has an interesting way of caring for itself in times when it doesn’t receive enough nutrients or water: It stores the extra liquid starch from its leaves as fat cells within its stem!


Elatior BegoniaElatior begonia plants are from the Elaeagnus family, which prefers a cool environment with temperatures ranging from 45 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If your elatior plant is outside and exposed to extremely cold weather (-20°F), it will need protection such as being brought inside or under cover for several days until warmer weather returns.

It is important to keep elatior begonia plants in their preferred temperature range as the warmer and cooler temperatures will affect how much moisture they need. For example, elaeaagnus plants prefer a dry environment when it’s hot out but not so dry that it can cause them to get sunburned or suffer from dehydration. To keep elatior begonia plants comfortable and happy, pay attention to their moisture levels.

Elaeagnus plant care becomes a balancing act during the winter months when it’s too cold outside for elaeaagnus plants but not enough snow or ice is present to protect them from frostbite. In this case, elatior begonia plant care is taken indoors. You can keep elaeagnus plants inside in a cool room like the basement for instance, where it’s dry and dark but not too cold.

If elatior begonia plants are kept outside during winter without proper protection (like snow or ice), they will need to be brought indoors until warmer weather returns.


Elatior begonia like humid environments and in the wild, elatisor plants grow near water sources. When elatior begonias are grown indoors, humidity levels should be maintained around 50-60%. Use elatior begonia plant potting soil, pebbles or small stones in the bottom of elatior begonia plant pot to raise humidity. Place elatior begonias near a humidifier and change water frequently for best results.


Fertiliser is an elatior begonia plant’s best friend. If the elatior begonia plant’s soil becomes too dry, use a water bottle to wet it down again and then sprinkle some general fertiliser on top of that layer. Fertilisers should be applied sparingly at least once every six weeks or so.


The elatior begonia is a toxic plant. The leaves and stems can cause irritation in people who come into contact with them, especially on the skin or mouth. If ingested, elatior plants produce symptoms including: stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms appear very shortly after ingestion of elatior plants.

The elatior plant can cause contact dermatitis and other skin rashes in some people who come into contact with the elatior leaves, sap or stems. If these parts of elatior are handled carelessly they may be transferred to areas like a finger which then touches sensitive skin (the inside of an eye).

Elatior plants are poisonous if ingested. The elatior plant is toxic as it contains alkaloids which can induce vomiting and diarrhea in humans, thus making the elatior plant very harmful to livestock.


Elatior begonia plant pruning should be done in the late winter or early spring when elatior begonia is beginning to bloom. The amount of elatior begonias you cut off will depend on how big elatior begonia is and whether it’s healthy.

Cut elatior begonia back to the stem, removing all brown leaves as elatior begonia is a shade-loving plant.The elatior begonias will grow back quickly and should be cut in late winter or early spring with pruning shears.

Propagation and Growth

One of the elatior begonia’s most prominent characteristics is its ability to be propagated by cuttings. Cut off a branch from the elatior begonia plant and remove all but one leaf at the top of it before planting in potting soil or cutting into peat moss with no sand. Place this elatior begonia plant cutting in a cool place with high humidity.

It is important to keep elatior begonia cuttings moist and out of direct sunlight while they are establishing roots so use gel crystals or water from the hose to make sure it stays hydrated. Elatior begonia plants can be propagated by division as well


Every elatior begonia plant needs to be repotted periodically. It’s never a bad idea to look at the elatior begonia roots and see if they are growing out of their current container or getting crowded by other elatior plants in the pot. If so, it might need transplanting. elatior begonia plants need to be repotted every year or two.

If the elatior plant pot is getting crowded, it’s best to divide and replant them into new pots so they can grow in their own space instead of competing with each other for nutrients. Repotting elatior begonias may seem like a daunting task, but it’s doable and repotting elatior begonias is not that difficult.

Plant Disease

Elatior begonias are susceptible to a few common diseases, especially during the hot summer months when humidity is high and foliage can’t dry quickly enough. Fungal leaf spot appears as yellow spots on elatior leaves that turn brown with age; elatior begonias with elatior leaf spot need to be isolated from healthy plants and promptly sprayed with a fungicide. Leafspots, caused by elatior aphids or elatior scale insects, will first appear as yellow spots on elatior leaves that turn brown when the infestation is severe.

Elatior Begonia

Elatior Begonia Plant Variegated

Elatior begonia plant variegated is a popular addition to any garden. It has large leaves and flowers, that are bright red with patterns of white stripes on the petal. This plant can be found in humid climates such as Florida or Louisiana. Flowers bloom from winter till early summer; they will start to change colors when they are blooming.

Common Issues with Elatior Begonia Plant

Elatior begonia plants are lovely and full of charm. There is a lot to love about elatiors, but they also come with some issues that can be difficult to resolve. The following list will highlight the most common problems associated with elatior begonia plant care:

  • Overwatering
  • Underwatering
  • One elatior begonia plant in a pot suffering from stunted growth
  • Lack of sunlight can lead to elatior begonia plants with weak, spindly foliage or yellow leaves.

Tips for Keeping Elatior Begonia Happy

The following tips will help elatior begonia plant care:

  • Provide ample sunlight for elatior begonia plants
  • Be careful not to overwater elatior begonia plants
  • Avoid over fertilizing elatior begonias, which can result in stunted growth.

If you are looking for elatariors that do well indoors without sunlight, try elitists or the dwarf variety of elatisor. Remember, elatior begonia plants are not winter hardy in most climates and should be brought indoors during the colder months.

Elatior Begonia Plant Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for Begonia Elatior?

Elatior BegoniaThe care of begonia elatior plant is relatively low maintenance. With proper care, elatior begonia plants can last for many years in the home. The following are guidelines to caring for elatior begonia:

  • Watering frequency: they should be watered when soil becomes dry and not wet.
  • Light: elatior begonia plant can grow in medium to low light conditions. Avoid direct sunlight as this will cause the elatior begonia leaves to burn and turn brown quickly. If elatior begonia is grown near a window with indirect sunlight, they should be watered more heavily because of increased water loss from plants. elatior begonia should not be placed in light conditions that are too dark.
  • Soil: they do best when they have a potting soil mixture of 60% peat moss, 40% sand or perlite and some organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion or compost.
  • Temperature: elatior begonia can grow in higher temperatures, elatior begonia will die if the temperature drops below 50 degrees.

Are Elatior Begonia annual or perennial?

Elatior begonia is an perennial.

Do begonias come back every year?

Begonias are perennial plants, which means they will come back every year. They can be kept alive through the winter by planting them in a pot that you overwinter indoors or keep outside where it doesn’t get too cold (below freezing).

Are Elatior begonias tuberous?

The elatior begonias are not tuberous. They do however have tubers, but they’re very small and reduced to just a few on the main stem.

Can you leave begonias in pots over winter?

Elatior begonia plants can be left in pots for winter. If you live in a warmer climate, elatior begonias grown outdoors may survive the cold weather without problems or protection. Make sure to water them often and keep an eye on their condition during this time of year.

How long do begonias live for?

Begonias are easy to care for and will live a lifetime or more if cared for properly. However, elatior begonias only have about four years of life before they go dormant because they need warmer temperatures than what ours offer during the winter months.


Elatior begonia plants are easy to care for and rewarding in their beauty. If you want a elatior begonia plant, be sure to check out the elatior begonia plant store. If you are still on the fence about getting one of these plants, hopefully, we were able to change your mind!

Happy Planting!

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