Philodendron Gloriosum: A Guide on Keeping Care - Absolute Gardener

Philodendron Gloriosum: A Guide on Keeping Care

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Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron Gloriosum is a Philodendron species that belongs to the Philodendron genus. Philodendra are most commonly found in countries with tropical climates, but they can be grown as indoor plants anywhere. They’re often used for decoration due to their large leaves and bold colours. In this article we will cover Philodendron Gloriosum care guide, common problems, tips on keeping Philodonadrum happy.

Other common names of this beauty includes philodendron glorious, Philodendra gloriosa and Philodendron Triphyllum. Philodendron Gloriosum has large leaves that reach lengths of up to two feet. Philodendron Gloriosum also has a leaf colouration that ranges from green with silver flecks, dark purple and even reds and yellows. Philodonadrum has beautifully scented flowers which are often used in flower arrangements or bouquets.

Philodendron Gloriosum

Origins of Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron Gloriosum is a beautiful flowering plant that has been grown since the 1800s. Philodendrons are native to Brazil and other parts of South America. The Philodendron genus includes more than 900 species but Philodendron Gloriosum is the most popular in the United States. Philodendrons are epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants or trees and Philodendron Gloriosum is no exception.

It originates from the tropical rainforest and Philodendron Gloriosum is also known as “The Glory of the Rain Forest” because it thrives best when planted near an open window or on a patio where there is lots of sun. A fun fact about Philodendron Gloriosum is that it is the national flower of Haiti.

Philodendron Gloriosum origins are unknown but it is theorized that Philodendron Gloriosum may have been introduced by Christopher Columbus in the early 1500s.

Philodendron Gloriosum Plant Care Guide

Philodendron Gloriosum has a lot of different needs and preferences. Philodendron Gloriosum can typically last up to ten years with proper care, so it is important for them to be happy and healthy. Philodendron Gloriosum can be found in a variety of colors, but Philodendron is most commonly found as green or green with yellow stripes. Read on to see what this beauty needs.


Philodendron Gloriosum also needs to have moist soil, but not waterlogged because Philodendron is sensitive to rot and root failure. THE soil should be well-drained and Philodendron Gloriosum should never stand in water. Philodendron Gloriosum soil should be moist to the touch, not dry or wet. It likes soil that is rich in nutrients and has plenty of organic matter like peat moss, composted leaves or other greens such as coffee grounds. The soil should be watered with room temperature to lukewarm water to keep Philodendron Gloriosum roots from being harmed.


Philodendron Gloriosum needs a lot of light in order to thrive, but does not want direct sunlight because it will burn Philodendron Gloriosum leaves quickly.

This plant is considered a high-light plant, which means the leaves will turn brown if it does not receive enough sunlight. If Philodendrons are placed in an area that doesn’t have direct light or with artificial lighting, Philodendron Gloriosum will require a more humid environment with higher humidity levels.

Philodendron glorious should be placed in an area that has an east, west or north-facing window. Philodendrons prefer cool areas because Philodendron Gloriosums are not tolerant to heat as well as Philodendron Epactinopetalum. Philodendron Gloriosum that has a lot of light will usually have some leaves tinged with red or purple, but Philodendrons exposed to too much sunlight will turn brown and die because Philodendron Gloriosums don’t tolerate direct sun well.


Philodendron Gloriosum needs water should be watered regularly but Philodendrons will need to have their soil barely moist, not wet. Water your Philodendron Gloriosum when the soil is dry to the touch. Philodendron Gloriosum can tolerate drought conditions for a short period of time, but Philodendrons prefer moist environments and should not be overwatered or left sitting in standing water.


Philodendron are also sensitive to temperature changes, so they should not be placed in extremely cold or hot areas. Temperature for Philodendron Gloriosum should be between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.


Philodendron Gloriosum likes humid, cool environments with indirect light so Philodendrons should not be placed in areas that are too hot or cold. Philodendron Gloriosum humid environments should be between 60 and 90 percent humidity. Philodendron Gloriosum prefers humid environments because Philodendrons are sensitive to heat. Philodendron Gloriosum should never be placed in a humid area with direct sunlight. Philodendrons prefer indirect light and do not like being exposed to high humidity for prolonged periods of time.


Philodendrons can also benefit from some fertilisation with an all-purpose type fertiliser. Philodendra Gloriosa should be fertilized at the beginning of their growth cycle in spring. Philodendrons can also benefit from a slow-release fertiliser, which is applied once and lasts for about six weeks before needing to apply it again.

Propagation and Growth

Philodendra Gloriosa can be propagated by cutting Philodendrons from the stem, or they can be grown from seed. Philodendron seeds should soak overnight in water before being planted and then covered with a thin layer of soil.

If Philodendra Gloriosus are cut off at ground level, Philodendra Gloriosa will grow and Philodendrons can also be divided if the Philodenda is too large. Philodendron gloriosum seeds should not be transplanted until they have been in their pots for at least a year, but Philodendra Gloriosus root systems transplant well once they are established.

Philodendra Gloriosa will grow better if Philodendrons are grown in a pot with good drainage and that drains freely. Philodendra Gloriosus should be placed at the back of their pots so they don’t have too much moisture from watering or condensation on them.

Philodenda Gloriosas can also be propagated using Philodenda Gloriosa cuttings. Philodendrons should be propagated by cutting Philodendra Gloriosus off at ground level, from the stem and then rooting them in a pot with good drainage that drains freely before being planted so they don’t have too much moisture from watering or condensation on it.

Philodendron GloriosumRepotting

Philodendra Gloriosa should be repotted every two to three years so Philodendrons can have plenty of space for their roots. Philodenda Gloriosus plants will need more room as they grow, and Philodendra Gloriosas are often grown in large clay pots or planted on a balcony with other Philodendra Gloriosa plants. Philodenda Gloriosas should be repotted when their roots become cramped and the Philodendron is in a container that has less than six inches of soil.

A Philodendra Gloriosum pot can be considered a little like an ice cream cone. The top has to taper down into the bottom for drainage and weight balance. You should never have more than three inches of soil in your Philodendron Gloriosum pot. It will overflow its container, which creates not only an unsightly mess, but it can also stunt its growth. Philodendra Gloriosa potting soil

Each Philodendron Gloriosum plant will have its own individual requirements, so Philodendra Gloriosum repotting should be done every year.

To make a Philodendra Gloriosa pot easy to move, you can either use jute or plastic plant ties which will prevent the Philodendron from getting caught on carpeting and other objects in your home.

If Philodendra Gloriosum gets too big, it is time for repotting. Philodendron Gloriosum has been known to live up to thirty-five years if well cared for.

Common Issues with Philodendron Gloriosum

Philadenda should not be placed in cold or hot areas and Philahdendra Gloriosa suffer from overwatering when they droop too much and pests attack them. This can also lead to root rot and displacement. Philodendra Gloriosus can also suffer from under watering, which causes Philodendron Gloriosum to droop, and Philadenda Gloriosa are sensitive plants that prefer humid environments with indirect light that can be harmed by temperature changes or direct sunlight.

When Philodendrons are given the right amount of sunlight, they will thrive. They can also live indoors when provided with enough artificial light and a humid environment to keep them from wilting. Philodendron Gloriosum leaves might turn brown if there is not sufficient moisture in the air or soil that it sits on for too long. Philodendron Gloriosum is a hardy plant, but it can’t handle too much cold and will wilt and die if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Farenheit for an extended period of time.

Some Philodendron Gloriosum have the potential to develop spider mites. These tiny pests are not uncommon and can be found on many different kinds of plants, including Philodendron Gloriosums. If your Philodendron is becoming droopy or has brown spots that look like dust from a distance, it could be a sign of spider mites. Philodendron Gloriosums that are infested with these pests will need to be sprayed thoroughly with an insecticide, and may require up-to-date pest control measures if the problem persists.

Spider mite prevention: These pesky insects can easily hitchhike on other plants or Philodendron Gloriosums, so it is important to be mindful of Philodendron Gloriosum plantings. If pests are found on a Philodendron Gloriosum, the infested leaves will need to be removed and destroyed as well as any nearby plants in order for them not to spread.

Tips for Keeping a Philodendron Gloriosum Happy

  • Philodendron Gloriosum is a plant that does well in the shade but can also grow in indirect sun. It thrives when it has plenty of water and humidity, so make sure to place it near other plants or an artificial humidifier for best results! Philodendron Gloriosum prefers moist soil with plenty of organic material and humus.
  • Philodendron Gloriosum may die back after flowering depending on light levels but often will return from rhizomes to produce new shoots that grow over winter. Philodendron Gloriosums will eventually form new plants by themselves this way, so you may want to try dividing the rhizomes every few years if desired.
  • Philodendrons can be attacked with fungus diseases such as Pythium and Fusarium, which can kill your plant in just a matter of days!
  • The Philodendron Gloriosum is not a common plant but it will provide an interesting addition to your garden if given the proper care and attention.
  • Philodendron Gloriosum thrives when placed near other plants or a humidifier for best results!
  • It needs to be brought inside during the fall and winter months, but they also must be kept warm all year round. Philodendron plants can grow as tall as 20 ft!

Philodendron Gloriosum Frequently Asked Questions

Why are philodendron Gloriosum so expensive?

Philodendron Gloriosum is expensive because they require a lot of care as they can be difficult to grow.

How do you care for a philodendron Gloriosum?

It is important to water Philodendron Gloriosum regularly, especially when they are actively growing and it also requires good lighting and humidity levels.

Philodendron Gloriosum can also be carefully repotted in the spring or summer every two-three years.

Does philodendron Gloriosum grow fast?

No Philodendron Gloriosum does not grow quickly.

How do you look after Gloriosum?

Gloriosum Philodendrons are a type of Philodendron that needs plenty of light to grow and become healthy.

Maintain the Philodends plant’s soil by checking for moisture levels regularly and keeping them moist but not wet. Be careful not to over water Philodendron Gloriosum, as they can die from overwatering.

Philodends are best cared for by keeping them in a warm and humid environment with plenty of light. Philodendrons should be watered every other day during the summer months but only once a week to fortnight during winter.

How do you propagate philodendron Gloriosum?

Philodendron Gloriosum can be propagated by division. Philodends should be watered regularly and potted in rich soil with plenty of drainage holes to promote new growth.

Is Philodendron Gloriosum toxic?

Philodendron Gloriosum is not toxic. Philodendrons are in the Araceae family, which includes members like Philodiniums and Elephant Ears that have a similar shape to Philodendrons but unlike Philodenron Gloriosums they contain calcium oxalate crystals which can cause skin irritation or swelling. Philodendron Gloriosum do not contain calcium oxalate crystals and are safe to touch without any skin irritation or swelling.

Can I use a grow light for my Philodendron gloriosum?

Philodendrons thrive in indirect light and don’t require any additional artificial lighting. Philodendron Gloriosum should be moved to a bright location near an east-facing window or filtered north-facing sun for the best results.


Just like any other plant, P. Gloriosum needs some TLC to maintain its beauty and health. In order to keep it happy and healthy, you’ll first need to identify the type of soil that will work best for your specific variety. There are a few options but most people find that regular potting soil is an easy choice because it can be found anywhere and doesn’t cost too much money. You should also make sure there is enough water in the pot at all times – overwatering is very common with this type of plant so don’t forget! The last step we want to mention is pruning – they have long vines that grow outwards from the top of their pots. If you like this post, you might like another info garden favourite – Philodendron Bipinnatifidum and Variegated Monstera.

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