Purple Flower Weed Plant Care: Tips from a Purple Gardener - Absolute Gardener

Purple Flower Weed Plant Care: Tips from a Purple Gardener

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purple flower weed

It’s purple! It’s weed! It’s purple weed! Some people call it purple flower weed plant, but I’ll just stick with purple flower weed. This is a great plant to have around the house because it can survive in dark, moist areas and doesn’t need much sunlight. You’re probably wondering how you should care for this lovely purple plant. Well, don’t worry, we are here to help you out!

What is Purple Flower Weed Plant?

Purple Flower Weed Plant, also known as purple foxglove or purple bee balm is a flowering perennial plant native to Eastern North America. It can be grown and thrive best in the sun with moist soil. This purple flower weed plant has many different colors of purple flowers on it that bloom from June through September making this an attractive addition to any garden. It’s often mistaken for the purple thistle plant.

The purple flower weed plant has the scientific name of Digitalis Purpurea and can grow up to two feet tall when in bloom, but it is not uncommon for purple foxglove plants to reach four feet tall during their life span. Purple flowers are usually pink or purple with a white center, although they sometimes have a purple and yellow center.

This beauty thrives in hot climates like Texas where they typically grow year-round as long as it’s not too cold for them during their winter months. The purple flower weed reproduces by sending out roots from the purple flowers.

The purple flower weed plant is an easy to grow perennial that thrives in the sun and has many beautiful flowers on it making this purple flower weed plant worth growing for any gardener.

Origins of Purple Flower Weed Plant

The purple flower weed plant is a native of India and the southern United States. It’s purple flowers are attractive, and it can grow to be as tall as six feet if not trimmed back often enough. This perennial has been used by humans for centuries as an ornamental flowering shrub or ground cover in gardens. Purple flower weed plants also have a long history of being used in alternative medicine, including the treatment for heartburn and stomach bloating.

Purple flowers are often purple because they have anthocyanin pigments that give them their dark purple color. They also contain healthful flavonoids such as kaempferol glycosides- this is found to help prevent colon cancer.

Purple flower weed plants are quite hardy in the wild, and can survive on sunlight alone, but purple gardeners often supplement their purple flower weeds with fertilizer to encourage fast growth. Purple flowers also do well indoors because they have a reputation for not requiring a lot of care- which is why many purple gardeners choose them for their purple flower weed plant care tips.

purple flower weed

Purple Flower Weed Plant Care Guide

The purple flower weed plant does not need a lot of purple flower weed care to thrive, so it makes for an excellent choice if you are looking for purple flowers that grow without much trouble at all. Here are some purple flower weed plant care guides.


The purple flower weed plant prefers a soil that’s rich in organic matter and well-draining. Add compost or other high quality, nutrient rich material to the top layer of the potting mix before planting purple flowers in it if possible. This will help ensure your pet purple flowering weeds are always happy!

If you’re using store bought potting mix, be sure that the purple flower weed plant’s tag specifies “good for purple flowering plants.


Purple weed plant prefers bright sunlight. If purple flower weed is given too much light, it will grow taller and have elongated leaves. Do not give purple flowers purple weeds more than 16 hours of direct sun per day to prevent burning when exposed to the hot summer rays in the Southern region of America or any other area with a high-temperature climate. Say purple flowers purple weeds are grown outside, they would need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.


Purple flowers can be finicky when it comes to watering. Too much water and purple plants wilt, but too little will cause wilting as well. Purple flowers need a consistent moisture supply in order to thrive; the soil should always feel moist because these plants are prone to root rot if they don’t get enough water.

Purple flower weed plant care is not hard at all, just follow this simple list of dos and don’ts:

  • Once every week or two, water purple flower weed plant thoroughly.
  • Never let purple flowers sit in water for more than a few minutes.
  • Never use cold or hot tap water when watering purple flowers; this can shock their system and cause serious damage to the roots that cannot be reversed.
  • Purple flowers should be watered with purified or rain water; even though it’s not required, you can do this by placing a few pebbles into the pot before adding soil and then including purple flowers. When the pebbles are completely wet, pour purified or rain water into the pot until it reaches just above the level of soil in your purple flower weed plant container
  • They should be watered with a soft sprayer to avoid damaging their delicate leaves and stems


Temperature is one of the most important factors when it comes to purple flower weed plant care. Remember, purple flowers are tropical plants and need warmer temperatures than other flowering plants. They thrive on warm air, bright sunlight, and fertile soil with lots of water throughout the year.

The purple flower weed plant will not do well in temperatures below 50° Fahrenheit, so make sure it is planted somewhere with plenty of shade and protection from the wind.


Purple flower weed plants thrive in humid climates. The humidity level should be between 40% to 60%. If the purple flower weed plant is too dry, it will drop its leaves and stop producing flowers. To increase the humidity levels of a purple flower weed plant, place a large container full of rocks or gravel on top of soil with a purple flower weed plant in it.


It’s a good idea to fertilise purple flower weed as they’re flowering plants. This will help the plant grow, produce more flowers and keep them purple for longer! But when you do this be careful not to over-feed or under-feed. Too much fertilizer can cause an algae bloom in your water which will kill off all of the purple flowers. Too little fertilizer and the purple flower weed will grow slow, produce small or no purple blooms, have poor coloration of newly-produced leaves and its roots will be underdeveloped.

There are also fertilizers that use a controlled release system (CR). CR ensures your plant is getting nutrients on an ongoing basis instead of all at once. Purple flower weed plants that are planted in the ground should be fertilized with a controlled release fertilizer and purple flower weed plants grown in containers need to have water soluble fertilizers applied every two weeks, or they will likely die from lack of nutrients if not watered for an extended period.


Purple flower weed is not toxic to humans or animals but it may cause stomach upset if ingested. Pets should always be supervised when in the presence of purple flowers.It’s important to keep purple plants out of reach from children and pets as they are poisonous and can make people sick, especially if eaten

Pruning purple flower weed

purple flower weedWhen purple flower weed plants are planted from a seed, pruning purple flowers weeds is not necessary because they develop in the ground. With purple stemless purple flower weed plant varieties that grow upright, thinning out the long stems will help them to stay stronger and produce more blooms. The process of trimming back should only be done when purple flowers weed plants are young, so that the plant can grow strong. For purple flower weed varieties with a rosette of leaves in the center (referred to as purple flowering weed), pruning purple flowers weeds is necessary because these have no stems and must be supported by other means.

Propagation and Growth

Propagation is one of the purple flower weed plant care tips that home gardeners should know. The purple flower weed can be propagated in a variety of ways, including by cuttings from established plants and seeds. Cuttings are most useful for propagation because they take less time to grow roots before being transplanted into potting soil. Cuttings should be taken in spring or summer, when purple flower weed plants are actively growing.

Home gardeners can also propagate purple flower weed by planting purple flower weed seeds outside once the soil is above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 C) and it has been moistened thoroughly for at least 24 hours before being planted.


To repot purple flower weed plants, begin by selecting a pot that is at least one size larger than the current container. Remove purple flowering weeds from their original containers and place them in the new pots with fresh soil. The purple flowering weed plant will need to be watered thoroughly before it’s set back in its location.

Many purple flowering weed plants are sold in small starter containers. Purple Flower Weed Plant Care will include the purple flower weed plant outgrowing this container and needing repotting to larger pot size.

Plant Disease

Some purple flower weed plant diseases are easier to identify than others, but all of them negatively impact the health of your purple flower weed plants. In order to keep purple flower weeds in good condition you will need to watch for these common purple flowers problems:

Root rot is often caused by overwatering or an inability to drain.

Bud rot is caused by fungi that are generally found in soil or mulch material.

Sometimes purple flower weeds will produce purple flowers as a defense mechanism when they sense bud rot nearby, but the problem only worsens if purple plants continue to be exposed to infected materials.

An important step for preventing these problems is inspecting purple flower weed plants regularly. Purple flowers problems can often be controlled with purple oil spray and fungicide treatments, but prevention is always the best course of action for purple plant care.

Purple Flower Weed Plant Variegated

The purple flower weed variegated is one of the most commonly grown purple plants in gardens. They are easy to grow and they come in a variety of colors such as purple, pink or white purple flowers; hence their name “purple flower weed.” They are a flowering annual with lobed leaves that can reach up to two feet tall on strong stems.

Common Issues with Purple Flower Weed Plant

  • Problem: purple flower weed is wilting.

Solution: There are a number of reasons why purple flower weed plants might be wilting, including dry soil or being in too warm an environment. If the purple flower weed plant was recently watered but still seems to wilt quickly, try moving it into a cooler location with more shade and less direct sunlight. If purple flower weed plants are wilting due to dry soil, add water until it reaches the top of the pot and watch for signs that purple flower weed has recovered before watering again (such as fresh leaves opening).

  • Problem: purple flower weed plant has brown tips or appears burnt.

Solution: The purple flower weed plant is probably in a location with too much direct sunlight. Move purple flower weeds to an area that has more shade or less sun during the day, and make sure they are watered thoroughly so the soil stays moist for at least 24 hours before watering again.

  • Problem: purple flower weed leaves have holes chewed out of them by insects.

Solution: purple flower weed plant is being eaten by insects. Insects are most active during the daytime and purple flowers weeds should be moved to an area with less direct sunlight, or sprayed with a pesticide containing pyrethrins as needed. If these do not work, consult your local garden center for more insect control options.

  • Problem: purple flower weed is wilting and turns yellow when it rains.

Solution: purple flower weeds are in too wet an environment, move them to a drier location or change pots so they’re at least two inches taller than the soil level. If purple flowers plants are being watered more often that once per day, reduce watering frequency so they do not overwater. Purple flower weed leaves are turning yellow because purple plant needs more nitrogen in the soil than is available. Add a slow release fertilizer with nitrogen to potting soil and mix it well before potting purple flowers plants into new pots so they have adequate nutrients for healthy growth.

Tips for Keeping Purple Flower Weed Happy

purple flower weedA purple flower weed plant is a beautiful addition to any garden. These lovely purple flowers are great for adding a pop of bright color in the spring and summer months. Read on if you want tips on how to care for this colorful plant!

Purple flower weed plants grow best in a sunny location with rich, moist soil. If you live somewhere shady or foggy your purple flower weeds may not thrive as well. Make sure to plant them where they will get plenty of sun!

Purple flower weed plants also need lots of water and fertilizer. Without the right care these flowers will droop and wilt. Feed purple flower weed plants with a high nitrogen fertilizer twice a month, fertilize in the spring when new growth begins to bud out of purple flower weeds. Purple flowers need some type of support such as stakes or trellises to climb up so they don’t fall over while waiting for their next blooming season.

They should be watered every day to ensure they get enough water. Purple flower weeds are drought tolerant so they don’t need as much watering during the winter or rainy season. Make sure not to overwater your purple flowers, though!

Purple Flower Weed Plant Frequently Asked Questions

What are the purple flower weeds called?

The purple flower weed is also known as purple milkweed. This weed is purple in color with a white stem and yellow flowers. There are many different species of purple milkweed, but they all have similar properties.

Is there a weed with a purple flower?

There is purple flower weed plant. These weeds green leaves with purple flowers are a great way to add color to your yard or garden, whether it’s for decoration purposes or because you want the purple flowers as an ingredient in culinary creations like salads or soups.

What is purple flower weeds in grass?

Purple flowers in grass are flowers that belong to the species of plants called purple flower. They grow from a long stem, and have purple-colored petals with yellow tips on them.

How do you kill purple flower weeds?

purple flower weedPurple flower weeds can be difficult to kill and sometimes they come back in a year or two. The purple flowers weed plant produces dense mats of purple-colored foliage that crowd out native plants around it. You can try to dig up purple flowers weeds, but purple flower weed roots are very tough and may break off into pieces that root themselves in other spots.

Can you eat purple dead nettle?

Yes, purple dead nettles can be eaten. The leaves and stem are both edible though it is best to avoid the flower buds because they have a fairly bitter taste. You can also harvest purple dead nettle as an ingredient in salads or soups if you want something with more flavor than plain lettuce.

Is henbit toxic to dogs?

Purple Henbit Plant is not a dangerous plant to dogs, and they can enjoy purple henbit fresh out of the garden. Some signs that purple henbit may be toxic to your dog are vomiting, diarrhea, or seizures. If you notice these symptoms in your pet then it would be best to take them to the vet as soon as possible.


As you can see purple flower weed plants are a hardy plant that is easy to care for. They will provide with great interest and enjoyment if given the proper care needed. The purple flowers are a great addition to any garden, they bring in butterflies and can be used as borders or screens! If you have never had the opportunity of seeing one for yourself go out this weekend and find some purple flowers! So if you have always wondered what the small purple flowers in the grass were all about, we hope we have clarified it for you.

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